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    Heres a picture I took about a week ago of my newest inhabitant. Enjoy.
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    Well the wait is some what over. Here are a few pictures of my 330gallon grow out system. Only problem is, I just found out I do not have my digital camera :crazy: So the only pictures I have are of the tank itself, no sharks. Hopefully these will tame your cravings for a few days haha
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    Sorry for the wait. I will post some pictures in a bit. I am really busy with the arrival of a Shark next week so I hope you guys understand.
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    Correct, the Smoothhounds need a system around 2,500 gallons. The Leopards need a system around 7,000 gallons. Those ponds are in the planning construction phase, I am only growing the pups right now. Will post pictures when I get back from a camping trip tomorow.
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    No problem, always willing to help. Currently I am focusing on Altantic Smoothhounds and Leopard Sharks.
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    Hey, Well I am not sure how many of the members here do keep Elasmobranches in the home aquaria. However I do, so I will do my best to help you out. My first peice of advice is to purchase the book "Aquarium Sharks & Rays" by Scott Micheal, its a great book for aquarists looking at...
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    Moray Eels?

    Budde - First lets start off with the basics. How large is your system? There are many different species of "Moray Eels" some which are smaller and some which are larger. So obviously depending on your tank size, you are limited to different specimens. Depending on the specimen you choose...
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    Are Black Tipped Reef Sharks Able To....

    As already stated there are a few species of sharks which are not ram-ventilaters and then of course there are species which are ram-ventilaters. Species such as the bethnic sharks Bamboos, Horns, Cats, Eppaulettes, and Smoothhounds do not need to swim to breath. However species such as the...
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    Ocellaris Clownfish Poll

    I probable would have voted yes, however I just added a pair to my 330gallon and I have never seen such happy clowns in my life. They are always swimming around the whole tank, up and down, back and forth, after seeing them in this enviroment I don't think I myself could put them in a 10 gallon...
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    How Many Fish

    Leecara - I see no problems, so I would start adding fish slowly, keep an eye out, and you should be good.
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    How Many Fish

    Leecara - Its hard to say, becasue it all depends on what kind of fish your interested in. If you like larger fish like Tangs and or Angels then you won't be able to have as many fish than say you go with smaller fish like Clowns, Chromis, Gobies, Damsels ect. What are your thoughts that way?
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    Tank Size For Stingray And Coralcatshark

    Ricey - Many sites do offer false information, well its not that the information is false its just its always smaller than the truth. Thats why Shark & Ray Central was created, to ensure the proper information was given out and that people have a place to learn and ask questions with the right...
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    Tank Size For Stingray And Coralcatshark

    Ricey - Not sure where you get your information from, and I highly doubt you have any experience with any of the two species listed above. So please get your facts straight before going ahead and posting information which is false. Stingray12 - Most aquarium friendly sharks require tanks from...
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    Minimun Sized Tank For Marbled Cat Shark And Blue-spotted Stingray

    Stingray12 - I do not mean to drive you away from saltwater. In my oppinion saltwater > freshwater. There are alot of great saltwater rays which would thrive in a 375 for instance Cortez Stingray, Yellowspotted Stingray ect. All which do very well in captivity and the Yellowspotted is known to...
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    Minimun Sized Tank For Marbled Cat Shark And Blue-spotted Stingray

    Marbled Cats (Atelomycterus macleayi) only grow to about (23.4"). This making it one of the smaller sharks available in the aquarium trade. What are the dimensions of your 240? For a Marbled Cat a 240 should be sufficient as long as you do not have to much rock work, leave the rock work in the...
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    Help, Please

    Post a picture before you return it! I remember having one of these (dead) in my old science class room long time ago looked pretty cool.
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    New Forum Dedicated For Sharks & Rays

    Thanks for both your posts. My forum has very credible and knowledgable moderators. Whom of which have worked with sharks and rays for long periods of times, and those who work with these fish for a living. Check it out you mite find something you like. As well on board I have 2 Shark Dealers...
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    New Forum Dedicated For Sharks & Rays

    Moderators & Administrators If this breaks any rules please delete. Hello all, I felt their was a great need for a forum soley dedicated to Sharks and Rays. I havent seen one and I havent heard of any in the building so I decided to take it upon my self to create one. Now it...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    I personally do not use live sand, I havent considered it. I may for my new tank, but I am probable just going to use a very fine aragonite as my sharks need very soft sand for their bellies :good:
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    Live sand isnt a must, some people get it some people dont. Though live rock is a I must I believe helps with the filteration alot. If your going to invest in live sand later, it makes more sense to invest in it now as it will be a pain to change the substrate while the system is running I think...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    Basically what powerheads do are circulate the water, they keep the water moving. I think of it as a type of science experiment, if you mix a solvent with a solute they mix together in most cases to form a transparent mixture, if you let the water sit the two will seperate and create a...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    No problem! I always like to lend a helping hand. Also to answer your last question, it all depends on personally preference really. Some people like to do small water changes every week, some people do larger water changes every 2 weeks. I do every 2 weeks, but 10% every week should get you...
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    No More Clownfish!

    I would have to agree, when I am in my LFS there are always kids with their parents whatching the clownfish and screaming " Look mom its Nemo!". Though I find it cute, becasue at least these children are finding interest in this great hobby. And as long as they can provide a suitable living...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    When you say " current " I think you are refering to Powerheads. Yes you will need powerheads, this is a source of filteration and is a mandatory component for any SW system. You usually want atleast twice the amount of water cycled per hour, but you can always do more. For insant if you set up...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    Well you check your salnity before mixing the two. Test the salnity in your aquarium, and make sure you make the salnity in your bucker or w.e your using to mix the salt in the same. I believe you want your salnity between 1.020 - 1.025 please correct if wrong I am in the middle of the...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    Once your tank is up and cycling, test your water every 3-4 days for about a month. Your Ammonia will eventually spike followed by Nitrites and Nitrates. Once this happens which will probable be about 3 weeks into the cycle, maybe less it all depends, preform a about a 30-40% water change. Again...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    Tyler, If you would like a Porcupine Puffer I would invest in a 125G system. This way you can have your Snowflake, Porcupine, and 2 Valentini puffers I would say for life if not at least 5 years. They should all get along well together, but I would add the eel last to ensure the other...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    The Valatini Puffer from what people have told me is a pretty hardy little fella. The Spiny Box on the other hands tends to be a little more sensative, the Porcupine Puffer is my favourtie of all puffers but requires a fairly large system. As for compatibilaty since the Valatini is pretty small...
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    Stocking Question... Order, Time To Wait?

    It all depends on your filteration ect. Some systems handle large bioloads better then others. With my new 325g system I am going to be adding 2 Blue Hippo Tangs, 2 Yellow Tangs, 4 Clown Fish, 1 Auriga Butterfly all in the same day. Seems like about but after doing research, talking, and...
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    Hey Got Some Questions About A Salt Water Tank I Wanna Start

    I personally think Brackish is harder to maintain then Saltwater. There are lots of Saltwater puffers, all which are great! You said you wanted one which stayed relativly small, Valatini Puffer is pretty small, and the Spiny Box puffer is relativly small as well. Go Saltwater!
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    Dogfish And Hound Sharks

    Jaffajoker - I am not sure of the UK laws when it comes to housing sharks in personal aquariums. The best bet for that would be to contact your local fish stores they would know forsure. As for the 2 types of sharks you mentioned, you mentioned hound shark? By that do you mean Smoothhound sharks...
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    If It Was You Stocking My Tank...

    Well it depends how bad do you want those shrimp and crabs? You could always talk to your LFS and see there oppinion on it. Or you could buy the Valentini first, and gradually over time add the crabs and shrimp and if he begins picking on one of them, then you can simple return it back. Or...
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    If It Was You Stocking My Tank...

    I would agree with your " Misses", a clown fish is a must in any size marine aquarium large enough to house one. I would look into the Valentini Puffer, there great looking fish and dont tend to get very big. You could go with a couple yellow tangs? Possible a blue hippo tang? There are many...
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    Most Outgoing Fish?

    If the looks of a Morish Idol appeal to you, and you have the urge to house one if your aquarium. First make sure its large enough, and secondly do your self and the Morish Idol a favour and dont purchase it! They are extremely hard to keep in captivity due to the fact they are very hard to...
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    If It Was Your Tank What Would You Get

    I am not sure of the exact size of a 10g nano system. But I would imagine you could fit in a couple Clownfish which are very cool fish in any sized tank. I have 4 in my 250 gallon, there very active, bright in colour, and ever since snorkeling around different reefs in the world I have always...
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    Dwarf Fuzzy Lion Fish

    Dwarf Fuzzy Lion Fish are one of the smaller species of Lionfish. I believe they grow to about 7" if I am not mistake. has information on all speices of Lionfish as well as prices. As for what other fish you can keep with it? It really all depends some Lionfish are more...
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    *dream* Aquarium

    I already have a 300 Gallon Acrylic Aquarium on the way to house 2 Brown Banded Bamboo sharks long with other saltwater fish. And my dream was to own sharks so as of right now I have reached that goal. As for my dream tank? I have very big plans for my future so I like to think I will be able to...