Most Outgoing Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2006
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hey guys..i have great i know it's alittle far away..but i convinsed my mom to get me my 77gl tank for x-mas..i'am sooooo HAPPY :band: :- :drool: :yahoo: ...haha anyways.. i'am already thining about fish for it..and i want some that will always be out and about..movieg through all the rock.. fun fish! does anyone have any susgestions for my new tank?

:blush: Hands down "HUMA HUMA TRIGGER" (a.k.a) Picasso Trigger! :good: They are so intelligent and are filled to the gills with personality. (pun intended)
All Triggers, all Clownfish, all Tangs, most Angels, ect. are open water fish.

If you are willing to devote an entire tank to one fish, get a beautiful Undulate Trigger. They are very intelligent, but unfortunately they are rediculously aggressive. Watch out for "love bites"; Triggerfish can draw blood from a human easier than fire can burn paper.

Humuhumu Triggers (both rectangulus and aculeatus) make excellent "show" species, as do the other Rhinecanthus species.

Xanthichthys Triggers are very colourful and peaceful, and Melichthys wouldn't hurt a fly; unfortunately, Melichthys grow very large and a 77 gallon tank isn't enough in the long run.

Odonus niger is another beautiful and fairly docile species, but a tank of at least 6' is needed for this giant.

Wrasses are excellent fish, but members of the same genus may fight. :/ The ones that don't fight aren't really open water fish.

Moorish idol....don't know anything about them but they are very very nice!!!
If the looks of a Morish Idol appeal to you, and you have the urge to house one if your aquarium. First make sure its large enough, and secondly do your self and the Morish Idol a favour and dont purchase it! They are extremely hard to keep in captivity due to the fact they are very hard to feed. If you want a "Morish Idol" fish, go out and buy a Banner Fish. They look almost identical and are perfect for home aquariums ( of the right size).
I agree with the Moorish Idol. I have seen ONLY one at a ZOO one time and there was a lot of debate about it being there. I believe it lasted about nine months and starved to death more or less. And that is with Doctors and Biologists, as well as marine experts trying to keep it.

The banner fish, or Poor Man's Moorish Idol looks very similar as well, but according to an article I read recently, they are more expensive than the Moorish Idol themselves.

As far as out going fish is concerned, I know that puffers are known to "Man's best aquatic friend" and are compared to dogs quite a bit for their personality. I had one before and it was always coming to the front of the glass when I walked by. I would also try to get our attention when we were watching TV. The only problem is they can be very hard to judge when keeping smaller fish in the tank with them (mine 'ate' or killed four clown fish and three green chromis, without warning after being raised with them) and IT IS BAD to make them puff up. They are also known to be Ich magnets so it is extra important to quarenteen fish that you plan to add to a tank with them in it.

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