Moray Eels?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2007
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New York State
How do I care for Moray Eels? Can I put it with these:?

Blue Chromis
Ocellaris Clown
Blue Tang or Blue Carribean Tang

Budde - First lets start off with the basics. How large is your system? There are many different species of "Moray Eels" some which are smaller and some which are larger. So obviously depending on your tank size, you are limited to different specimens. Depending on the specimen you choose, Damsels will become lunch eventually, and the clowns could become lunch as well if the species is large enough. The tang will work if the tank is large enough for it. Just keep in mind all Eels are great escape artists. You will need to block off all possible holes ect. so the Eel cannot escape. Also you will need alot of liverock and pvc piping for the Eel to hide in. Other than that your off to the races.

I have a 55 Gallon aquarium. I have a Chromis already is there any Eels or anything like it I could have with that?

Josh :rolleyes:
It depends, if you want a reef tank I'd stay away from eels, because they produce a lot of waste. If it's not going to be a reef, maybe you could do a snowflake eel. They hardly ever eat fish; they're teeth are flat. They might eat shrimp or other inverts, though.
Sorry n3ont3tra, but a 55 for most types of eels is not ideal when its a reef tank and as is, a 55 for a SFE for it life span is also not ideal. Most of what one can do within a 55 when a reef tank, the only ideal type of eels at most are the dwarf morays. And even yet more of an idealist in that be that its best for when keeping any dwarf eels long term in larger reef tanks then smaller tanks due mostly to the methods in which you need to feed them.

As for not keeping any eel and only offering others things such as they produce lots of waste and when so many are having success no less. The idea there be is the type of skimmer and system setup one has in which its not simply good to tell one they shouldn't at all when your facts are based on your own opinion.

So again, for the most part of the idea of some eel in a 55, your looking at problems due to the first reason as your tank isn't that large and a 55 reef tank is too small for most eel other then dwarf morays. So I like to make it clear that even if a FO tank this 55, a SFE cannot stay in this tank forever.

Also the Caribbean Tang will become to large for this tank that it needs a tank twice the size>

Even if its the blue tang, it too requires a larger tank then a 55>

If a FO tank, there are many eels that grow 2' and less and you not be able to keep many other fish in this tank.
a 55 would be the minimum size for a snowflake eel, but ur chromis and clown and other small fish will not be safe with the eel, and the tanks to small for any tang
Snowflake morays usually max out at about 2' and feed on crustaceans. They will almost never eat fish, but will definitely eat true crabs (mythrax, red claws, etc.) and non-cleaner shrimps. They could be kept in a 55 gallon for years, but should be placed in a larger tank when grown. As alluded to above, heavy skimming and water changes will be required if the tank is to house stony corals or any other animal that reacts badly to nitrates and phosphates.
Things like this are always the main problem when one tells a 55 isn't ideal for a sfe for its life time and you are telling him its the bare minimum for the eel. If you do all the right things for this eel, it will grow 3'+

For a SFE, one wants 75 or better, better is always a plus>
Agree, but certainly a 12'' moray will be fine in a four foot tank? WHich is why I said that it could be kept in the tank until grown.

By the way a snowflake moray will never reach 3' in captivity. I like the way you're thinking, though.
You see, the way this goes is many people not have the same results as others will have due to water conditions and a healthy variety diet, Right now at another site one has cause his SFE stun growth that he had the eel for three years and about 7-8" and this day he says that the eel is only 14".

There are many who SFE does grow 3' or better and in order to hear it from those, you would need to post this silly stuff there for them to tell you as well. I had been keeping eels all my life, if you did all the very best for that eel, it would grow as I said it would. You want to think not so positive, then you must be one of those who not do all the best for the eel he or she owns.
Thank You everyone for your Help, and Support. Obviously an Eel is not a good choice for my tank at this time.

Thank You Everyone,
Josh :rolleyes:
You could try it. Like I said before, they will not reach 3' in captivity, nor will they 'stunt' in a small tank (this is a myth that has been disproved in the past). I would recommend not overfeeding the eel in order to slow it's growth.

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