How Many Fish


Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
ive got a 90 us gall
planning on keeping corals, ive already got inverts and ive gto 3 green chromis

with the 3 green chromis im looking at around 10 fish i like but i just wanted to know how many fish would be good for my tank i dont want it to br overstocked otherwise it leads to trouble i knows its hard to say -but i need some rough figure so i can play around with my stock list
i have a stock list in mind so if it would help posting it just say
Leecara - Its hard to say, becasue it all depends on what kind of fish your interested in. If you like larger fish like Tangs and or Angels then you won't be able to have as many fish than say you go with smaller fish like Clowns, Chromis, Gobies, Damsels ect. What are your thoughts that way?
well i like a mixture so i was thinking this as my stock list
my 3 green chromis plus
2 percla clown
1 flame angel
1 bicolour dottyback
1 yellow eye bristle tooth tang
1 sixline wrasse
1 neon gobie

thats 10 fish so whats your thought on this?
also i have reaserched these fish
Leecara - I see no problems, so I would start adding fish slowly, keep an eye out, and you should be good.
well i have had the green chromis about 10 days and today im going to buy a neon goby today im going nice and slow as when my mum had the trocpical it was a diaster so ive reasearched alot and then i just wanted to find out from u guys
also the tank has been running with live rock and c.u.c in it for about 2 months
cheers lee
Sounds like a decent stock list to me, nice and safe. Just make sure to add the dottyback last
yea i know as there the most teritoral
also i added 2 clowns today they are tank bred there so small and cool my sis namd them binky and blinky lol
also i got a couple of other things c.u.c wise
well now ive got

3 green chromis and 2 percula clown
and ive got to go
biclour dotyback
flame angel
yellow eyed bristle tooth tang
neon goby
six line wrasse

im thingking of adding 2 fish friday but what shall i add last i know its most terroital last but i cant decide what to put in next
i would say add it as neon goby next, sixline, flame angel, tang and then the dottyback. i think the sixline, falme angel and the tang are mst difficult to put in order so possibly could / should be added in different order. see the problm is with my advice im not that knowledgable on tangs and angels, however from my own expierience (and ignorance) i found that dottybacks can be malliscous little things lol

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