Ocellaris Clownfish Poll

Many people have been debating wiether or not a ten gallon tank is ok for a Ocellaris Clownfish. Is

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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well the poll isnt perculas. i wouldnt put them in anything under at least a 25 gallon. i voted no. i have 2 occelaris in my 50 gallon and they are doing great.i agree with amstar
I probable would have voted yes, however I just added a pair to my 330gallon and I have never seen such happy clowns in my life. They are always swimming around the whole tank, up and down, back and forth, after seeing them in this enviroment I don't think I myself could put them in a 10 gallon. However lots of people do and they live and are happy so I guess its all personal preference.
I've seen them in tiny little nano reef tanks in my LFS. Personally, I wouldn't put them or any fish in something that small. To me its like caging a bird. Ultimately, we keep fish for our enjoyment, because they are a marvel to watch. In return we should provide them with the most pleasant and natural environment possible - I don't think a 14" nano tank is that.

Yes you can keep them, but personally I think its a bit cruel.
I voted yes, simply because I have one in a 12 gallon cube (which is basically a ten gallon) and it appears to be healthy (eats very well)

I don't buy into the argument that simply because a clown swims nonstop over the entire span of the tank means it is happy. It could be that it is terrified and is looking for a secure place to bed down or is wondering where it's food is going to be best obtained from. To me judging the happiness of a fish who cannot definatively communicate with you is a bit ethnocentric.

In my oppinion if you are going to keep a wild animal captive, then your sole duty is to be vigilant concerning it's health, the best way in my experience to both judge and maintain health of an animal is through it's feeding behaviors.

i voted yes...

clowns inn the wild host anemones and never swim more than 6 inches away from it....

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