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    Angelfish Red Gills?!

    I laso checked your water parameters and the temp is abit low for angel do far better at temps of-78-82 and have better immune response
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    Angelfish Red Gills?!

    It is true I own several angelfish blushers. Otherwise it could be an outbreak of septicemia- an internal blood infection that needs to be treated immediately with antibiotic like oxytetracycline or maracyn two. Are they eating? if they are eating it is not too late too treat. this disease...
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    How To Get Nitrate Level Up?

    You want the nitrate level down not up. Usually the presence of nitrate means your tank has undergone the nitrogen cycle. Nitrate needs to be low not high, and that is taken care of with weekly water changes. Now I am worried about the ammonia, and nitrite as it is very high- keep on doing water...
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    Maturing A Tank

    I am starting up a new tank, and I already have one that is established with a load of fish and they are doing well, and the water is crystal clear. Now how much gravel do I need to use from that tank to seed my new tank with the good bacteria. Will just a handful work? Becaue I have plants that...
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    Fish Scared And Unhappy, Need Advice.....

    If all else fails, and you have to completely restock- angels wouls love that tall tank and would be very happy in there. They are not a shy fish, and will warm up right away to you. I would do 3 large angels, and maybe a few small fish. Also give your fish time. It is normal for them to be a...
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    Pics of my discus and updates of the tank =)

    :good: I like what you did by changing the tanks to different stand- Mighty sophistcated looking 55 g set-up- Looks musch better than on the white stand!
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    My Amazonian Set Up

    That's way too many fish for a 30 gallon tank. I would pair down to maybe 2 of each fish you suggested, given the chosen fish specimens aren't too large when you buy them. Either way plan to upgrade to a bigger tank when the fish get bigger like a 55 g
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    Dreadful Tank For Sale At Tesco

    Any tank under ten gallons isn't worth it in my opinion!
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    Can I Get An Angelfish?

    I carefully read the list and decided whether any of these would be fin nippers and they aren't. You just want to avoid anything that would nip the fins of your angels like barbs, or anything too small that angels would eat, but then i noticed the size of your tank and maybe by adding an...
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    Filter For A 55 Gal Mbuna

    If you are on a tight budget. Maybe you can try a conventional power filter, the marineland Emperor 400 would be very efficient on a 55 gallon.
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    Out Of Your Fish What One Are You Most Attached To?

    My little zebra angelfish. I had it since it was a juvie and now it's heading towards adult size. I swear it recognizes me, and stares at me!!!
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    Angel Compatibility

    Yup, parrots could even eat small angels, and no I don't think a 25 gallon is too small for angels if all you have is like 3 small ones by themselves. Angels do better by themselves as many fish even non- aggressive fish will nip their fins and stress them andmake them miserable. I had to remove...
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    A Quick Question On Angels In A Tank

    I am an avid fan of angelfish and in many angelfish forums I have learned is atleaset 10 US gallons per adult angelfish is the general rule. A pair male and female may be able to be put in a smaller tank, say 15 gallons becaue there are no territorial issues. I would suggest a taller versus...