Dreadful Tank For Sale At Tesco

Could you imagine the phone call to the RSPCA though! "Hello their selling a little fish tank in Tesco! :lol:
This tank only holds 0.98gals US (0.82gals UK). Is is only big enough for use as a fry tank, hospital tank for small fish etc.

Is should not be sold in shops where you can pick one up with the cornflakes etc. unless there is someone there who can give full advise on it's use. It done this way so kids will say 'Ma, can I have one' (after the 20th time Ma gives in and says yes), so what if all the fish die, they made a profit selling it & that's all they are interested in.

If they said you will need a filter, heater, lid, water treatment etc.etc. adding another £40-£50 on the price & could only keep 1 or 2 small fish how many sales would they make?

Tesco and others will sell anything they can make a profit on, today it's a small fish tank, tomorrow it will be something else just as unsuitable.
Any tank under ten gallons isn't worth it in my opinion!

dont say that im getting my free pfk 5.5 gallon tank soon!

there are some small fish that are happy enough in smallish tanks, and these small tanks have the advantage of being very easy to keep and can still be beautiful.

the tesco tank however is not nice and without filter and other stuff would be a deathtrap for fish (particually with ppl who dont know the basics of fish keeping buying them)
Is Tesco like wal-mart? -_-

Like Walmart in that it is a supermarket that sells a wide range of products. It's a rival of Asda (Britians branch of Walmart). Staff are supermarket staff without additional training needed for selling specialised products (no disrespect intended towards the staff, it's managements fault as they see greater profits selling boxes (with fish tanks in) than selling fish tanks (no training req'd to sell a box but some needed to sell a fish tank correctly if you know what I mean).
Heh, you lot got me started again on my pico tank... I'm just looking for a nice tank that sort of gallonage, in glass... Stick a HOB on it, keep it in a warm place, Bob's your nuncle.
Could you imagine the phone call to the RSPCA though! "Hello their selling a little fish tank in Tesco! :lol:

Someone on my other fish forum have already contacted RSPCA and they took it perfectly seriously. As did Practical Fishkeeping Magazine.

Several other forums are working on this, too. This is the only place I have seen where the whole subject seems to get swamped under wise-cracking and smart-alecky remarks. To me, that sort of thing is a lot less interesting than issues concerning the fish.

I think Arfie did well to bring this to people's attention- :good:- I agree there is a very specific problem that needs to be addressed, and it has nothing at all to do with experienced fishkeepers setting up nano tanks- so could those people who want to discuss their 5 gallon tanks or shrimp tanks or whatever please start another thread.
Could you imagine the phone call to the RSPCA though! "Hello their selling a little fish tank in Tesco! :lol:

Someone on my other fish forum have already contacted RSPCA and they took it perfectly seriously. As did Practical Fishkeeping Magazine.

Several other forums are working on this, too. This is the only place I have seen where the whole subject seems to get swamped under wise-cracking and smart-alecky remarks. To me, that sort of thing is a lot less interesting than issues concerning the fish.

I think Arfie did well to bring this to people's attention- :good:- I agree there is a very specific problem that needs to be addressed, and it has nothing at all to do with experienced fishkeepers setting up nano tanks- so could those people who want to discuss their 5 gallon tanks or shrimp tanks or whatever please start another thread.

I can well believe that people have been phoning the RSPCA, the same people who will probably be headlined in the Daily Sport, Have the RSPCA really taken this seriously then and gone in to a local Tesco demanding the fish tanks be removed on the basis of what is being said on the Internet? Tesco also sell Jam Jars maybe these should all be removed too just in case someone somewhere puts a fish in that because you can put money on it that someone somewhere has.

Its not about wise-cracking and smart-Aleck remarks, and I have already said that good on Arfie for getting a response and feedback from this. I am simply saying this has been blown right out of proportion, yes I know some people on here love their fish so much that they would rather stay in on a Friday night than go out to the Pub but come on a simple letter to either the head of Tesco or the Manufacturers would be enough but what is it the RSPCA are actually going to do?

The Sun/Mirror Headlines tomorrow: RSPCA Storm Tesco and remove cruel fish tanks

Whats the link to these other forums/sites? Its not Sainsbury's by any chance is it?
Tesco also sell Jam Jars maybe these should all be removed too just in case someone somewhere puts a fish in that because you can put money on it that someone somewhere has.
Well If they start advertising jam jars as suitable for fish with no heater/filter or water conditioner, I may write ;)

but come on a simple letter to either the head of Tesco or the Manufacturers would be enough but what is it the RSPCA are actually going to do?
Thats all I asked for :rolleyes: , but it became a "discussion" on the merits of nano and pico tanks as used by experienced aquarists on here and the suitability of 5 gallon tanks for certain types of fish, when in reality we are looking at a 4 LITRE tank being marketed at beginners with VERY bad advice about keeping specific fish in, and thats the issue :nod:

Whats the link to these other forums/sites? Its not Sainsbury's by any chance is it?
:lol: No it's not Sainsbury's, I could give you links to a couple of other fish forums where this along with the Dyed fish campaign were supported fully, with No ar**holes causing arguments or making it as serious. Sadly though, there is no life outside TFF and even if I post the link it gets cut out by the swear filter and all you'll see is #######. There are less pedantic places out there :)

It's not the problem of Tesco's selling the tank, it's the suggestions of what to keep in it that's the problem. An experienced fishkeeper would only put in that tank what was suitable to be kept in such a small environment. Yes, some breeders of betta's keep their fish in 1 gal jars, but they do water changes every or every other day and understand what their doing.

The average person buying a fish tank from a supermarket is going to believe what their told on the packaging and put a couple of comets in that tiny tank. That's what's cruel. They'll probably release them into a local river too when the fish outgrows the tank or their sick of cleaning it every 5 minutes!
Theres an artical about it on the PFK website, hopefully they wont put it on sale, but i think the "temopry withdrawal" theyve made wont last long, especially if theyve order a couple of thousand of them :/
Its so small, less than 1g, i think its terrable to sell it to people who wont know what their doing....Ive set-up a 1g, with heater (and soon filter) but im having no fish in it, just plants and possably a shrimp.

Quite terrable really.


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