Can I Get An Angelfish?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2006
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I currently have a 20g high tank with the following fish in it:

3 red wag platies (1m, 2f)
1 black molly (m)
8 bloodfin tetras
4 albino corys
1 clown plec

Would I be able to add an angelfish to this tank? I love how angelfish look, and I would like to add one to the tank if possible.
I carefully read the list and decided whether any of these would be fin nippers and they aren't. You just want to avoid anything that would nip the fins of your angels like barbs, or anything too small that angels would eat, but then i noticed the size of your tank and maybe by adding an angelfish would exceed the stocking limits, but I think you could add a small one for now, and maybe later you can decide to upgrade to a larger tank. You could just do more water changes to handle the extra bio-load.
I've never had angel fish myself, but i would say they get a bit too big for a 20 gal.

Correct me if i'm wrong though
We are planning on getting a larger tank (55-75g) after Christmas, so I think if it got too big, we could rehome it in the larger tank. Are there any types of angels that stay on the smaller side?
Angels all are pretty much the same size. They need a minimum of 18" high for an aquarium and 30 gallons of water to grow to their potential. Go with adding them to a larger aquarium. They'll definitely do better.
I currently have a 20g high tank with the following fish in it:

3 red wag platies (1m, 2f)
1 black molly (m)
8 bloodfin tetras
4 albino corys
1 clown plec

Would I be able to add an angelfish to this tank? I love how angelfish look, and I would like to add one to the tank if possible.

We are planning on getting a larger tank (55-75g) after Christmas, so I think if it got too big, we could rehome it in the larger tank. Are there any types of angels that stay on the smaller side?
though size will vary they all seem to grow to between 7" & 12", and thats in hight! and need a minimum depth of tank of 2'. angels can be bullies, but both mine are chilled, though they have growen up with most of the residents!

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