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  1. L

    Plant Id

    hi there the roots look quite thick and white, which means it could be a big is the almost looks like a giant crypt nevilli...
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    Id This For Me Please.

    it will not last long at all i am afraid...
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    Can Plants Live In Cold And Warm Water ?

    do you know the names of the plants? all of them will be ok in tropical but not all of them will be ok in the cold...
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    Id This For Me Please.

    hi there this is used as a teranium plant but loads of plant sellers sell this (as well as a few others) as true aquatic plants ( stay away from dracenas, Stardust ivys, violet/purple ivys etc) this plant is chlorophytum bechetii or wheat plant or white ribbon. a good rule is that if it looks...
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    Planted Tank

    hi chris i see you have put the rotala mac and the rotala indica in the back corners, for the macranda especially try and move this to a better lit are in the fore-mid ground area as this plant need intestive light and it will die off in the shaded area you have it at the moment... if you put...
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    An Idiot With A Vision 180

    hi there what type of set up do you have ( fish, ph, temp et) and what look are you going for. it is not to late at all to add the plants so no worry there. if it is a new tank some plant food will help as there will be limited nutrients in the water. good lights are need but other than...
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    Bristle Nose Plec Proof Plants

    i have onion bulbs, java ferns, anubais, wisteria, eldeoa and vallis in my bristlenose tank...soem smaller leaves like hygors and ludwigias shoudl hold up as well. try feeding them a cucumber slice as well..
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    Where To Buy Plants Online?

    hi there we sell all the above plants at if it helps
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    Plants For Nano

    depending on the look you are going for there are loads you can try...i have an aqua 320 ( 6gal ish) that i use for bredding my fighters. I have added a few small bare bogwoods in the middle to build up the tank and 1 small java planted borb bog wood just behind this. the plants i ahev used is...
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    Micro Sword

    we sell pygmy chain swords and ech tens ( mini swords)so it depends on which one you are looking for we sell them loose and in pots ( 1.99)
  11. L

    Plant Id

    hi there it look like a rotala indica, very thin stems bright pink needle leaves...sound about right?
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    Where Can I Get Giant Vallis?

    i had some red this morning but it has gone, i can have any of the three for next week...ginat red, straight and corksrew. :)
  13. L

    Where Can I Get Giant Vallis?

    hi there we do both giant red, giant twisted and giant red vallis... thanks laura hi there have you being sending a few emails? i only have the one you sent today at 2.30pm?? if you have sent others before i am really sorry only had this one today.
  14. L

    Hc 1.99! *drools*

    hi there voo please PM me with your address or the original order number so we can get the new gloss out to you, woudl a pot be ok?
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    Hc 1.99! *drools*

    if it comes loose to you you can plant it with tweezers etc ( they are really small) but they are pretty matted togetehr at the roots so it shoudl be planted in a clump. this plant i have found does much better in smaller or shallow tanks as it needs really good lights to spread well. it sends...
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    Hc 1.99! *drools*

    just check with juiles email and it is bouncing it back so if anyone else has tried to email and has not had a reply it may be the same problem ( some systems maybe reading it as a spam mail) so if you need to contact me at all for any reason about an order and you are not getting an email reply...
  17. L

    Hc 1.99! *drools*

    hi there i am sorry julie i have just check and you are correct the last email i sent to you on the 3rd of october stating they were still on back order was the last one i sent to you, i should have sent another one this week so my sincere applogies for having not re-updated you.
  18. L

    Hc 1.99! *drools*

    hi there julie, the java moss and the malayns that are mssing from the order are still on back order, we have had the java moss come in this week and last but on both occasssion the moss had blackend so i cant send this out to you or the others waiting for this plant. the malayns have been on...
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    Hc 1.99! *drools*

    hi there voo i am really sorry you had trouble with the gloss form our store and i promise 100% that there is no question about you eitehr gettign a refudn or a replacement pack. i promise we have nto seen the photo and form the one i see here it is in bad condition. what we have done is...