Plants For Nano


Live life, don't let it live you!
Feb 21, 2006
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Darlington, England, United Kingdom
I'm unsure of what plants to get for my nano, I know your thinking it's up to my taste. But what has small leaves that are good for nanos? I'm talking about a 5G tank and I want the illusion that the tank is big compared to the leaf size of plants. I've already come up with plants such as;
Rotala sp. ''Nanjenshan''
Rotala wallichii
Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"
Echinodorus Tennellus
Didplis Diandra
All advice and criticism greatly appreciated!

Plants that you have said are good. I intend to use them too in the PFK cube ill be getting.
How about Echinodorus Tennellus and Didplis diandra? For info on both go to Tropica :good:
Rotala rotundifolia var. narrowleaf, anubia petite nana, Christmas moss, willow moss, narrow-leaf java fern, HM, Water sprite, possibly some of the smaller cryptocorynes (parva, lutea, etc). These are some lower light options.

Myriophylum aquaticum and filligree are excellent options for higher-light tanks, as is the narrow-leaf variety of rotala macrandra.

depending on the look you are going for there are loads you can try...i have an aqua 320 ( 6gal ish) that i use for bredding my fighters. I have added a few small bare bogwoods in the middle to build up the tank and 1 small java planted borb bog wood just behind this. the plants i ahev used is ech ten in the fore ground, red ludwigia in the front left hand corner, cabaomba australis in the back left hand corner and a rotall wallachii in the mddle of the bogwood pile. i personally think it looks really nice ( if i knew how to up load pictures would :blush: ) and it has only taken 3-4 plants. sometimes less is more and you can have a really nice little tank.

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