Bristle Nose Plec Proof Plants


Fish Herder
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
North Yorkshire (York Area)
I'm in need of a bit of plant boffin help... B)
I have a 95ukg tank planted with mainly Vallis, black sword and a few other bits and bobs. Lots of bogwood.
Ive just added a large bank of amazon sword.. i thought this plant was pretty hardy, but my breeding plecs have sucked all the leaves to skeletons :crazy: I cant believe it :no: They have done it in less than a week little beggers. I have some large Java fern in there and that seems to withstand the sucking!! are ther any other indistructable plants that I can use? I noticed a similar problem with the black sword but just put it down to the plants settling in. Now I know different :angry:

The Evidence!!!
Full Tank
I have the same problem with my bristlenose you can lure them away more with things like corgette but they will still have a nibble no matter what i think. I have other stuff like ferns, vallis twisted vallis anubias and crypts and he doesnt touch any of them.
i have onion bulbs, java ferns, anubais, wisteria, eldeoa and vallis in my bristlenose tank...soem smaller leaves like hygors and ludwigias shoudl hold up as well. try feeding them a cucumber slice as well..
You sure its the plec doing it and not a diffeciency in the plant causing it? My bristlenose sucks the leaves too but hes never got through a leaf as my sword leaves are very tough and thick.
I've never had problems with either of my 3 bristlenose with my amazon sword, and it's just a bit of a baby plant. It's one I got off ChrisP aswell...They are doing really well Chris, thanks for them.

You sure its the plec doing it and not a diffeciency in the plant causing it? My bristlenose sucks the leaves too but hes never got through a leaf as my sword leaves are very tough and thick.
No its deff the bristles. They wont leave it alone, seem to thinks its a new type of cucumber plant I have put in for them to nibble I used to have alot of small leaved plants in there and they never really bothered with them, I just got fed up of the mess, daily having to remove the loose vegitation from the tank. It clogged my filters and was just hard work. So i wanted plants that needed only a little of maintenance. Feeding etc. Its mainly the yougsters, about half grown, they wont leave it alone, ive thrown in cucumber but even that gets pushed to one side in favour of the sword, I think they have an addiction problem!
Ive resigned mysef to replacing it all with a bank of java fern. Its just such a shame as these were stunning healthy plants :sad:

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