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  1. S

    Which Puffer?

    ok cool thanks, yer im moving them, getting a bowl for the two female bettas, and putting the rest in one of my dads tanks, unless a mate wants them.
  2. S

    Which Puffer?

    ah right ok, so its better to have only the new filter running rather than both of them, but with the old media in? i'd rather get a new filter because then its more of a project :) i'll have a look at that powerhead then thanks! heres a pic of how the tank looks at the minute, may aswell turn...
  3. S

    Which Puffer?

    yer sure, at the minute i only have the filter that the juwel 96's come with. but i would buy an external filter to go with this way before i get the puffer (im in no rush to get the fish). plants and that im gonna get on saturday, the tank is already full of bogwood thats been in there for 4...
  4. S

    Which Puffer?

    thanks so much, its all coming together in my head now, cant wait to get going with it! ive been looking for a book, gonna order one asap. just gotta get my catfish into other tanks now and im away! p.s thanks for the step by step, it really helps my retarded brain to grasp things :good:
  5. S

    Which Puffer?

    haha ok yer i'll get that lot on saturday!, but the only thing is, ive never checked the levels of my water, like ammonia, nitrate etc. should i get a kit to check that, or just take a sample in to my lfs?
  6. S

    Which Puffer?

    ok, so from what i can see, they need a ph of around 7-7.5 and salt content can vary due to it fluctuating in the wild, but around 1.005 -1.019, adding some marine salt during water changes. so i will need to buy an external filter,which im guessing i can use straight away?,a PH test kit...
  7. S

    Which Puffer?

    hi thanks for the replies, yer the tank has been running for about 6 years, but i lost 2 angel fish to velvet recently so i was going to clean the tank and re-cycle it to rid any disease thats in there. having said that, the remaining fish are ok, so as long as i get the water parameters ready...
  8. S

    Which Puffer?

    ah right, so no matter what, you will eventually have to cut the beak? i dont think im up for that to be honest lol. yer i was thinking of getting an external filter soon-ish before i start to clean the tank out.
  9. S

    Which Puffer?

    ah ok, i thought it best to ask people who have had the experience rather than rely on what i find on the net. i think i am going to go for the figure 8 puffer, and just get the one on its own in the tank. at least then i can hone my attention to one fish, and make sure everything is spot on for...
  10. S

    Which Puffer?

    ok ive done some research guys, im thinking the pygmy so far, as they dont need brackish water. the only thing im not so keen on is a heavily planted tank, and the fact that i may hardly see the puffers due to this. i would go for the figure 8, but dont they have the beak problem? and ive heard...
  11. S

    Which Puffer?

    Thanks for the replies guys, decisions decisions!! i like the idea of both! #29###. 2 pygmy's would be good, i love bbg's too! would i get away with 2 figure 8's?? all im thinking is two pygmy's arent really gonna "fill" the tank (looks wise) although having said that i dont think that would...
  12. S

    Which Puffer?

    hi there, i have kept fish for about 10 years now, ive had a lot of fish, a lot of tanks,and also bred bettas. ive got rid of a lot of tanks, as the fish went on holiday and never came back, and im now down to one tank as i haven't bought fish for a while. In the tank is a talking catfish, a...
  13. S

    Whats Peoples Views?

    ok thanks for the advice, its suprising how little you can actually fit in a tank really, cant get much in a 21 gallon tank that costs £150 without buying the "pretty fish" haha. well ive got a job interview on tuesday so if all goes well a couple of 4ft'rs may be on the cards. thanks for all...
  14. S

    Whats Peoples Views?

    ah right, yer its uk gallons. its the juwel 96, ive got the filter it came with and a fluval 3 running at the mo.
  15. S

    Whats Peoples Views?

    hi, ive got a 21 gallon tank, and in it at the moment is 1 female common Bristlenose, 1 male Marbled Bristlenose, 1 talking catfish,2 young angelfish and i think a random cherry barb and a tetra that have lived for aaaaaages. just wandering what people think as regards to stocking the tank? is...
  16. S

    Angelfish Fins

    ive been checking on the fish, and it seems to have a translucent fluffy-ish fungus on its scales now! hazy white in colour. all other fish in the tank are completely fine, including the other angel.
  17. S

    Angelfish Fins

    hi, i dont know if this is the right section. but i bought an angelfish about 4 days ago. its fins seemed ok at the time. but over the past 4 days its caudal fin has gone a bit scraggy, and bits have fallen off. I had an angel fish a while ago and it did the same. i bought another angel 3 days...
  18. S

    Bristlenose Breeding.

    hi there, having successfully bred betta's about a year ago and loving the challenge of it, i am keen to breed some more fish. i have always like the BN's so i thought i would give those a go. i already have two of them, but the female is a common and around 3.5inches, and the male ive got was...
  19. S

    Hi Im New

    hi there, ive had my account for ages but i havent posted for a while. ive been into tropical fish for about 9 years, ive always had a tank or two, but havent bought any fish for about 2 years now as i got hooked on reptiles and amphibians aswell. ive only got a few fish left but have purchased...
  20. S

    Fish Dying, Help!

    hi, no more fish have died luckily, although the spotted dora didnt make it. im gutted it happened, but glad my royal didnt die! i forgot to mention i did another water change so that must have done the trick. who knows. just one of those things.
  21. S

    Fish Dying, Help!

    hi, i dont have a test kit anymore, but i will get one, all fish seem fine, no symptons other than hanging around the surface, i did another water change and the fish seemed a bit better, they werent hanging around the surface as much. im at uni now, but will check them when i get in. when i...
  22. S

    Fish Dying, Help!

    hi, i have had my one tank running non stop for about 4 years now, i did a partial (35% ish) water change 3 days ago, and added the usual tap water conditioner that ive always used, i did it the same way i have done it for about 7 years. the fish seemed fine, and the tank looked swish. i hadnt...
  23. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    yer i think its cuz they were bred in to small a tank, now i have the 10g they are growing noticeably quicker.
  24. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    i would say 5 gallon is minimum, id say 10 would be much better. their growth can be stunted by poor water conditions, i suppose the water condition would be better the more water there is because the pollutants (from their waste etc) is more diluted. mine are in a 10 gal now and theyre growing...
  25. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    yer its a male, i figured that out about a month after having it, cuz its fins developed a lot more, at my lfs theres still the odd one in with the females, so i get them for £1.50 lol. can anyone let me know what size they have to be before they can be transferred. cheers spilz
  26. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    just an update guys, just after crimbo i bought the fish a bigger tank, i transferred 19 fry all together which i think isnt too bad for a first go, im continuing to feed on newly hatched brine shrimp, do the odd water change, have upgraded my filter. how big do they have to get before they...
  27. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    yer they really do, i cant wait to see what they turn out like, thanks. sam
  28. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    cool anyway, heres my fry now
  29. S

    Judge My Betta

    heres my transexual male PK, was bought as a female, but changed, and may have bred with one of my females, as i had 2 males in the breeding tank when i thought i only had one lol, cant wait to see what the fry turn out like. anyways, here sh.. he is and heres my fry, when i first...
  30. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    i have two tanks, one male in one, and a male and female in the other, luckily, the male and female barely see each other because there are plenty of places to hide, i aim to breed the male pk after christmas.
  31. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    cool, a MALE!!! yay lol. its a really nice fish, ive never really noticed before lol. im much more into my males (fish lol) cheers for comment on fry, my dads been and bought me loadsa little tanks ready to split them up, although i dont think there going to be big enough for a while. ill get...
  32. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    anyone else have any idea??
  33. S

    Missing Snail?

    i have a golden apple snail and it was once out of my tank for about 2 weeks, it was across my bedroom and underneath my other tank. my tank has a lid on it, with flaps that lift up for feeding, it had lifted them up as it escaped. so its now called houdini.
  34. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    yer i would say it has more characteristics of a male than a female. cheers for input guyz
  35. S

    Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

    hey guys!!!just an update, i would say i have about 25-30 fish some bigger than others, but there getting to a fair size. WEIRDEST THING EVER!!! my two females that i have in my community tank: one built a bubble nest, and then they "DID IT" underneath the nest, eggs and all (althought the...
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    probably, i dont like chow mein. cheerz
  37. S

    My Collection, 14 Pics In Total, 56k Go Get A Cuppa

    hi, cheers for comments on dave. and i cant seem to find any info on the indian rock gobies. i was told they may be monk gobies, but who knows lol.
  38. S


    hi, a dozy woman has given me INVERTEBRATE FOOD, instead of baby brine (frozen), i didnt really check in the shop lol, should i take it back, or would it be ok for my fish, there all tropical, cheerz, spilz
  39. S

    My Collection, 14 Pics In Total, 56k Go Get A Cuppa

    lol, hes an l18 golden nugget plec, and hes a beast