Missing Snail?


New Member
Nov 23, 2007
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So I've got one male betta in a 2 gallon tank with an apple snail, some shells, and some plants.

The snail is just...gone. I pulled all the plants and decorations out, sifted my hands through the gravel, pulled the airstone out of the filter, everything.

There is a small hole at the top of the lid, but I don't think it's anywhere near big enough for him to have gotten through. I pulled both decorative shells out and stuck a finger in and shone a light through, and it doesn't seem like he could be in there, although if he's in so far I couldn't feel him it seems he'd surely be stuck.

If he did get out of the tank, would he be able to get far not being under water? I've looked all over the floors and no sign of him.

My husband thinks I might have tossed him when I was doing a water change last night, but there is no way I would do that, and I'm certain I saw him today, but now I am of course second guessing myself.

Any ideas welcome. It's like he just evaporated.
Don't underestimate their escape abilities - they can travel quite a distance out of water. I would check your floors again, look under the furniture with a torch etc. How big was he? Do you have pets in the house that might have picked him up off the floor?
Good luck finding him!
So I've got one male betta in a 2 gallon tank with an apple snail, some shells, and some plants.

The snail is just...gone. I pulled all the plants and decorations out, sifted my hands through the gravel, pulled the airstone out of the filter, everything.

There is a small hole at the top of the lid, but I don't think it's anywhere near big enough for him to have gotten through. I pulled both decorative shells out and stuck a finger in and shone a light through, and it doesn't seem like he could be in there, although if he's in so far I couldn't feel him it seems he'd surely be stuck.

If he did get out of the tank, would he be able to get far not being under water? I've looked all over the floors and no sign of him.

My husband thinks I might have tossed him when I was doing a water change last night, but there is no way I would do that, and I'm certain I saw him today, but now I am of course second guessing myself.

Any ideas welcome. It's like he just evaporated.

take the filter out and check the of the system and filter it self.
Yep, well I can say they travel long distances out of water. My one snail went all the way along my desk, all the way down it, and half way across my bedroom carpet before he stopped, dired out and died. They climb out of the tanks, so dont be too sure that he didn't get out. Also if you have a cat that might have dodged for it? (or dog etc..) Or a pet could have eaten him off the floor after he dried out. Also your male might have eaten him depending on his size. And of course, sometimes they just dissapear! I had quite a few snails dissapear and re-appear after a few days. They find the randomest places to hide. So maybe wait and see :D
And of course, check your filter. Everywhere in your filter lol :D
i have a golden apple snail and it was once out of my tank for about 2 weeks, it was across my bedroom and underneath my other tank. my tank has a lid on it, with flaps that lift up for feeding, it had lifted them up as it escaped. so its now called houdini.

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