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    Guppy In Distress?

    hi all, my fav guppy has been huge for about 5 wks now and i mean she is about 3 times her normal size! she really is going to pop its seems that she is that big that she is losing scales, the thing is she seems to like the bottom of the tank at mo she comes up for her food but she lloks that...
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    Swim Bladder

    i got told that cooked peas may help with swim bladder, cook them, shell them then mush between fingers and feed, aparently with swim bladder u need to fluch the fish through and the peas do this dont feed anything else tho..
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    Pool Filter Sand...

    hi ya ...i need to read up on pool sand pmsl, but i use play sand we get it from our local diy store at about £2 a bag, cheap and safe and the grains r small...good luck
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    Help My Plec (photos Included)

    hi just want to put my 2 pence in not that it will help that much lol...i agree with above u never ever turn ya filter of this will cause more distress to ya fish and after a power cut that i didnt notice till the morning i lost 3 please never turn of ya filter as far as meds and a...
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    Filter Pump Problem

    hi there cant help on the gunk...any chances this is something to do with caqrbon if u had it in the filter only thing that does consern me is u have done a 100% water change and a new filter i assume now u need to restart a fishless cycle and u have now overstocked yr other tank... take care
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    Tetra Safe Start

    Hi there i believe u have to cycle so therfore its best u read the links to cycling as suggested...however i did make the same mistake when i first started and rushed out to buy fish all i can say is not so many survived...its best that u dont know buy ANY fish untill yr tank has cycled take care
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    Please Help R The Plants Affecting My Fish?

    hi , right i have sand that has replaced gravel about3 wks ago, i do a 1/3 water change evry wk and it is then when i clean the sand, i also have many trumpet snails in there so not to get gas posckets build up.. thanks alot
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    Please Help R The Plants Affecting My Fish?

    hi i am having some troubles with my fish they really look unheathy the only things i have added r plants and apple snails about 2 wks ago howeve i have just pulled some plants up as i really needed to sort this out and they still have the wadding and lead around them however this is really...
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    Please Please Help

    please please help me i woke up this morning and all and i mean ALL of my fish are flicking on the sand..its been whenever i do a water change but then thats becos i stir up the sand a little trying to clean it, but this morning they have all been doing it...i checked my stats this morning and r...
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    Apple Snails...whats The Thing From It?

    hi cheers really had no idea pmsl..think u could be right its the siphon :blush: lol
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    Black Tape And Lighting

    hi there, only got the 1 light with no reflecter, also becos it is only 4/5 inches from thw floating plants they definatly look scortched cheers
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    Apple Snails...whats The Thing From It?

    i know this may be weird but i have no apple snail has just had a very long penis looking thing appear from under its shell bout an inch long is this what it is?
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    Black Tape And Lighting

    hi i read somewhere that some1 used black tape on the light bulb in their tank... i have just used black tape and can smell a plastic smell will this be ok...i needed to dull the lights as my plants looked scorched
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    Help Me Please! I'm Not Very Good At Fish Keeping =[ there ya go the media donation
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    Help Me Please! I'm Not Very Good At Fish Keeping =[

    hi ya am a newbie but been reading the boards avidly, i dont know wot the bugs are or how to help on that front but in regards to the cycling...which is not helping the fish and probably, well more then likely is stressing them.... anyways some where on this forum is a thread with a list of...
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    Help, Moving Tank To Decorate

    take it from one that ex smashed out tank a few months ago due to being impatient..he couldnt wait for me to empty the tank fully...we had a 2.5 foot, i wanted to catch all the fish but he said leave 1/4 of the water in it as catching moving will stress them, believe me, 4 hrs later...
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    Fish Flicking

    hi all, just a quick one again lol, right i did a water change today and stired up the sand not to bad but just learning as far as sand concerned anyways just after my fish started flicking them selfs on the oncomming prob or is the sand just the cause? cheers emma
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    Should I Euthanise Or Not?

    Hi there, firstly it sounds like u really really need euthinise your poor fish, just remember that if u where severly ill u would want it as quick as poss the thing is we cant garentee that the fish u r trying to help isnt in severe pain...i should imagin he is...right from experience i had to...
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    Neon Walking On Her Tail!

    cheers weilder sorry for being a pain trying to get to the bottom of it all....seems that all i do is ask ask ask on these boards lol...good job that is wot it is for...once again thanks alot... really appreciated
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    Neon Walking On Her Tail!

    hi wielder cheers for such fast answers this is wot i just copied from that link u gave me ...and i am lost lol... The disease cycle begins when parasitic spores enter the fish after it consumes infected material, such as the bodies of dead fish, or live food such as tubifex, which may serve as...
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    Neon Walking On Her Tail!

    dont understand tho from wot i cangather it comes via live fish only have... flake cucumber and peas for a treat the only time they had live was frozen bloodworm but that was ages and ages ago
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    Neon Walking On Her Tail!

    thanks sadly i will have to enthinase the fish...cheers for the help
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    Neon Walking On Her Tail!

    red definatly faded...well nearly gone...have checked with the other neons...all the rest have like a continued flow to their body from mouth to tail this 1 kind of has a bump in that line if this maes jumping like a bunny..
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    Neon Walking On Her Tail!

    hi yes to a neon tetra, blue strip looks almost gone, when normally really vibrant, started couple hrs ago, yes it was trying to keep away from other tetras... and wot bump am i looking for and why? cheers
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    Neon Walking On Her Tail!

    have cooked some peas and peeled not eating them :/
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    Neon Walking On Her Tail!

    hi please help i noticed that my neon was acting weird a couple of hrs ago and popped it into the breding net to get a close up, its a blue neon and normally so bright blue it is unbelieveable but its colour has completly faded and it seems to be seimming on its tail...not really swimming tho...
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    2.5 Wk Old Fry

    hi again lol...i know i will do it next summer i promise, yes tank is under 75g, but as far as eating evrything he dosnt, all he does is argue with the currant of the filter lol, oh nibbles ya finger and will follow my sons finger up and down round and round, he has never gone for another fish...
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    2.5 Wk Old Fry

    hi demonmaqus, biggie is in the tank as he outgrew his other 1.... he suddenly just grew huge lol, i did check with the lfs who said hes fine as long as he is aclimatised properly which he was...hes now that big that it is impossible to get him back into other tank, and a 3rd tank would be a big...
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    Keeping The Water Clear

    hello :D ok have been and got the carbon popped it in and guess wot after an all night stay in my filter, it is still yellow :sad: :angry: i just give up i even tried swapping to my old filter but i have a feeling i last used that on my bigger tank as the amount of bubbles coming from it is...
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    Keeping The Water Clear

    thanks paula
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    2.5 Wk Old Fry

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    Keeping The Water Clear

    i have changed from gravel to sand and wondered wot to do....the bog wood...which has been in a bucket for almost a wk and been topped up with hot water regulery has turned the water yellow...arr again!! also i know that the water needs to settle becos of the sand but it is still yello any ideas...
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    2 Foot Tank...fluval And Sand

    so is this filter ok...will it be ok handling the fasct that i just put sand in....also how long does it tank 4 the water to clear from doing the change...thanks
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    Water Conditioner Question

    hi all 1st of all such passion on this board... i have a small tank and yes i bucket it in... i even have 4 buckets with declorine stuff in left over night..just to make sure... so in theoy according to u guys i can just do this.. TAP...BUCKET...DECLORINISER.....TANK as opposed to...
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    Change From Marine To Fresh Water

    i am new and have just gone to sand in my tank...BUT i think i could be right in saying NO dont use the sand from ya marine has had salt in it and i believe u will never get the salt from the sand...ppl feel free to correct me if wrong :D
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    Play Sand

    fluval2 and is 2 foot tank also about my ramshorns are they ok...what type of snails should be ok...they seem to clog in the sand is the main thing
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    Play Sand
