Female Guppie Attacking My Gourami


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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is this normal she is tiny in comparision but she is pinning the gouramis to the floor they r trying to go onto their side to escape her and at this opeertunity she pind them on the gravel...only just started today and its only my 2 gouramis she is after they have been together for 3 wks now so why is she doing this??
cheers emmzer
is she due to have her fry soon? they will get grumpy at this time,
have the gourami got places to hide? what type are they? Donna :)
is she due to have her fry soon? they will get grumpy at this time,
have the gourami got places to hide? what type are they? Donna :)

dwarf gourami....nope 2 fry she had her last fry 1 and a half wks ago...and where ever they go she goes so they cant really hide from her
maybe they need time to settle down,
if shes still at them in a weeks time she maywell be a bully guppy :sly: .
all the best Donna :)
has she got a hubby?
how long have the gourami been in with her?
[/quotbeen together for about 2 wks and yes she got herself a playm8 lol

hi donna...seems weird that she wants to pick on something so much bigger :huh: ...i have had her 4 2 months now and showed no signs of being a bully till i added them :sly:
Wow, are you serious? I've never heard of a female guppy attacking a gourami! O_O Gouramis are much bigger than them! I wouldn't worry unless the gourami starts getting physically hurt. If that happens, you may need to seperate or get rid of one

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