Should I Euthanise Or Not?

meh.. I'd still just crush it's head... I know it's not easy.. but it's the best thing for the fish..

when I worked at a fish store it started with that.. then turned into putting a mouse into a bag, and smashing it off the wall.. again, something that was reaaally hard to do... but once you do it, you'll feel better that your fish went the most painless way as possible.
If the fish were mine I would euthanise him, at the beginning I did flush fish down the loo :/ but after much reading on many different opinions I have a bottle of clove oil to hand. I couldn't cut the head of personally and would never be able to do this, I also considered the bowl of water adding the fish and ice cubes. So if any of my fish need to be dealt with I will use a tiny bowl and add clove oil :sad:
There are lots of opinions on this and *touch wood* I have never had to do this but if I felt I had to, after reading lots of posts on this subject, I think the clove oil sounds the easiest to do (for both fish and owner).

I also couldn't bash it's head in or cut it off - I don't even like touching them so that would just be too much!

I believe you can get clove oil from your local chemist and it works like an anasthetic I think. From reading this post, it sounds like you want to euthanise the fish and just want the easiest way so I would go with the clove oil, and cover it up so you can't see it. Doesn't sound like the fishey is going to make it so perhaps it is best to put it out of it's misery?

Good Luck and I hope it goes ok. Sometimes it is simply the best thing to do, so don't feel too bad about it :)
Hi there, firstly it sounds like u really really need euthinise your poor fish, just remember that if u where severly ill u would want it as quick as poss the thing is we cant garentee that the fish u r trying to help isnt in severe pain...i should imagin he is...right from experience i had to help my tetra on monday that was the first 1 i have ever had to do and readeing up and advise i received on here i used the ice water fish went really quiclky...personally i have not heard of clove oil, but if thats the easiest method use that...

i take it u have been using meds on it,,,and u dont have carbon in your filter do u as im sure i read that carbon in a filter stops the meds from working efficently...PLEASE COULD BE WRONG SO IF U HAVE CARBON JUST DOUBLE CHECK THIS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
anyways rambles over.. it seems as thought the fish would be more benifical in fishy heaven.
i know it is hard but just tyhink of it as u r doing the right thing for the fish therefore not such a hard decision
take care
If you want to euthenise then clove oil is the better option. In a zip lock bag or tight fitting container with lid put in enough water from the tank that he can be comfortable in and add 19 drops of clove oil. Shake the container really well to mix and i think it goes a milky colour. Place the fish in the container and hopefully it will be quick and painless.
I must add ive never had to euthenise this way.
I euthanised using the temperature shock method last night

I had a tub with frozen water with a sheet of ice on the top cracked that netted the fish and placed him in it he made one flop and sunk to the bottom of the tub it worked perfectly and I recommend the method if you really cannot do other methods
thats really brave of you! i think it takes more guts to realise that theres nothing you can do and help them along. i dont think that anyone should be reccomending squashing their heads cos you have no idea whether or not you have squashed the right bits....
and to be fair, the comment about working in a pet store and banging mice against a wall in a bag was a tad disturbing. i work in a store that has had a bad rep in the past and i know that it would never ever happen there. there is such a thing as a vet for that.
I really don't think it's a great thing to do.. Personally I wouldn't do it.. but if there is no other way..

You think cutting its head of or smashing it to death is better???!!! Jeez. :crazy: :-( :blink:

Personally I wouldnt euthanise. Just keep on hoping and treating. He may get better you never know. Just give it a try you probably wont regret it. You never will know if it would have lived or not if you just euthanise. Good luck! Hope he feels better! :)

Oh well, never mind. Sorry about that. I didnt read ahead. I am sorry you had to do that! :sad:
I have heard that if you put a fish in a container with its own water in the freezer when you bring it out frozen the fish is still midwater and upright suggesting no suffering.I have had to use the bang its head in a bag method its extremely quick and even though the thought repulses me it was right for the fish at the time. If you watch it suffer I feel that that is a cruel death for your fish. :-(
no dont kill it
there is hope for the fish
i had the same thing with my friends fish
the only hope you have is giving it anti bactiria Mardel Freshwater Maracyn-Two
and Mardel Tetracycline Tablets
it helped my friends fish
its all healthy now
''i dont think that anyone should be reccomending squashing their heads cos you have no idea whether or not you have squashed the right bits....
and to be fair, the comment about working in a pet store and banging mice against a wall in a bag was a tad disturbing. i work in a store that has had a bad rep in the past and i know that it would never ever happen there. there is such a thing as a vet for that.''

Knowing they've already used the temp shock method I'd just like to clear up a couple things..

The squishing head thing.. their brain is definitely smaller then your index and thumb stuck together.. if that makes sense.. that or cutting off the head is what I do with small fish.

About the mice part.. believe me, it was disturbing. When people wanted frozen mice.. instead of actually buying frozen mice from a supplier, the store would smack em off the wall to kill them, then freeze them. That was definitely one of the major things that contributed to me quitting. I'm against feeding feeder fish to oscars because I think it's cruel. I really don't like knowing that I'm ending something's life.. I'm not really into playing god.


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