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  1. 1

    Odd Clown Host

    apparently clowns dont like you with in three feet of there home of choice. today when cleaning my tank i was trying to remove a unused peice of tubing from the tank when i thought i felt a low grade electrical shock. i jerked my hand of very fast to say the least. only so see the clown swiming...
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    Reef Spiders

    would the wrasse be a natural predator of the spiders?
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    Sump Design Help

    i guess i am a little lost on the bulk heads concept. would that require drilling the ends of the tank? or would there be somthing like PVC tubes from one to the other in a over the top of one to over the top of the other. making a PVC "U" tube. please feel free to call me simple at any time you...
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    Odd Clown Host

    clowns are silly...........
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    Sump Design Help

    yeah the canister would be put to good use on my chiclid tank. your probably getting ready to pull your hair out but, if i did do the sump and fuge idea would one pump be enough to work the whole system? if so would do you think it would be best to place it after both filter tanks and just draw...
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    Odd Clown Host

    i have heared of clowns hosting in coral, but it seems more times than not the coral shares a simularity with the shape of an anemone (tentacles of some sort) my clowns ,two ocelaris, which i have owned for a year plus, have ignored my nem (nine months in my tank) and have decided that my open...
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    Sump Design Help

    any ideas on a pump? does the combo sump on one side fuge on the other sound self defeating?
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    Sump Design Help

    yes it is kinda wide. the tank is a wallmart 55 gal by allglass. the wallmart stands were hidious, so built my own stand. i dont have any idea as to the best kind of pump. any sugg. will help. are there any less costly alternitives to the cpr overflow. everywhere i look they are in the $70.00...
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    Sump Design Help

    length 23",width15", height 30" per side. there is a dividing wall in the middle giving me two compartments of the formentioned demensions. the overall external length of the base is 48.25"
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    Sump Design Help

    by overflow are you refering to, off the main tank? if so i'd more than likely use a C.P.R. overflow or somthing simular, that is unless anyone has any better options, i always hate doing things twice when it can be done once correctly.i have never heared of the internal durso or the external...
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    Sump Design Help

    i am having a difficult time keeping filtration working well and looking good too. i have a 55 gal and homemade stand. the stand is supported in the middle by a wall. i currently am using a ehim 2215 can filter, and a 125 gal super needdle wheel skimmer. what i am thinking about doing is buying...
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    Baby Shrooms

    is there any way to slow down shrooms. mine are running amock. i had them on two rocks in the center of my tank to start with. now they are sneaking around and popping up everywhere like aptasias.
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    Whats This?

    berghia nudibranch also work great, but slowly. ski has said they are hard if not impossible to get anywhere but the U.S.
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    well it covers all the rock work there. about a third of my overall tank space. but yes only on the side that the skimmer is on.
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    is there a reason why i have green hair algea predominantly growing where my skimmer output is? i have a super skimmer for a 125 gal. it is a hang on tank set up.
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    Sickly Copperbanded Butterfly

    i piked up a copperbanded last week at my lfs. he seemed alright after i got him home. my yellow tang gave him a bit of run-around the first few days. he would eat some mysis shrimp for the first few days, so i wasnt too worried, also the lfs worker said that they had the fish in for almost a...
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    Sunrise Dottyback!

    my own personal experience with a neon dottyback is this. add any more docile fish of a similar shape or coloration first and dottybacks last. my dottyback stressed my jawfish to the point of sucide.
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    Nasty Blue/green Algea

    i did the lights out/50% water change method and it worked out not to bad. my zebras do have some sort of an infection from bacteria though. dosing them with some API melafix. and that seams to be fixing things with the fish. fish infection came a week after gettin rid of the blue/green. here is...
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    Fieh Feeding

    i was wondering how much the average person feeds thier salt water fish. is it an multi timed schedual? a once daily amount? how much do you feed at a time for your quanity of fish? do you vary the diet you feed?
  20. 1

    Nasty Blue/green Algea

    i have a nasty, resiliant blueish/green algea that simply wont be gotten rid of. i tried a algea killer for planted tanks so as not to kill my plants. but it didnt touch it. i have vacumed it all up and about a week later it is right back. i even tried a vacum with a 30% water change. im baffled.
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    Pistol And Yellowhead Jawfish

    pet solutions says to watch jaws with others of there own kind and ornimental shrimp. says they may form a relationship(as in all gobies). check it out real good first. i had a pearly that my dottyback hated. pearly was awesome but the dottyback eventally made him commit sucide...
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    New Skimmer Wont Fit

    well i couldnt just buy a stand that they sell at WALL-MART, so i made mine......out of plained and jointed 2X6(couldnt make weak inferior furniture) making the stand a project to move empty. then to add the weight of roughly 400lbs of water, tank, weight rock add on filters. i dont think i...
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    New Skimmer Wont Fit

    ive been doing tanks for 7 years, 1 year of which is saltwater. so im kinda ashamed to ask this because i should know better. could you siphon of water and place in clean 5gal buckets then use it to refill the tank. or at least for a portion of the water? i just did a 30% water change the end of...
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    What Is Your Favorite Reef Safe Fish?

    pearly or blue spot jawfish. just add them before any psuedochromis.
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    New Skimmer Wont Fit

    an All Glass, big box store, 55 gal
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    New Skimmer Wont Fit

    i originally set my tank up for a seaclone 100. my tank sat exactly the distance away the wall that i needed for the seaclone to fit. but being that seaclones are A#1 garbage i got a super skimmer for 125 gal. heres the dilema i need my tank away from the wall about 2.5 inches to fit the new...
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    Sand sifting starfish

    forward flow as well?
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    I Think Im In A Bad Spot.

    well i deffinatly see a simularity between the critter i have seen and the amphipods. the diagram of the merochelate arm was very simular the the critter in question. the hind quarters looked much like a mantis, with the legs and tail. and it carried its head very high, to accomidate the arms i...
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    Sand sifting starfish

    Navarre, or anyone else who knows. after reading what you have written i wonder what a reverse flow UGF would do to a DSB?
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    I Think Im In A Bad Spot.

    well its been a long day. its nice that i have been given a little hope you guys. so i thought i would put on my new coralife superskimmer, only to find out that my tank is too close to the wall by 3". so that was uplifting. to take my mind off of that i grabbed a couple guinness, a few venison...
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    I Think Im In A Bad Spot.

    stay tuned ill see if i can sneek up on them tonight.
  32. 1

    I Think Im In A Bad Spot.

    they are about 3/4 the size in length as the number one on your keyboard. they look just like a mantis but they are clear (i assume its because they are so young/small) same tail, same caricteristic praying mantis style arms, same walk.
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    I Think Im In A Bad Spot.

    i just got some berghia nudis to help wipe out the aptasia problem i aquired in the last two months. also in this time i have had an exponetial nitrate raise, an algea bloom because of the nitrates. so in the last week i have been watching at night time with a flashlight to see the berghia do...
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    ok here is a question for you ski, or anyone who might know. if you left a bottle of marinesnow out for a week, would it not be ok to use? would it harm inverts?
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    i have heard, not nessisarily from a reliable source that clams are great for filtering water and improving overall water quality. other that food that the clam maybe eating what else are they good at filtering out? do they do anything for the nitrates?
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    in a period of two months i went from no aptasia to every bit of rock covered with them, of course i think keeping a desireable nem in the right water conditions also helped the aptasias. after that it cost me dearly to rid the tank of them.
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    Whoooo Hoooooo

    just got my new berghia. now my aptasias will tremble with fear.(insert diabolical laughter here). i had to through in the snack for them they looked hungry.
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    Sea Cucumbers

    i am having deep sand bed issues. so ive been looking in to different methods of keeping the bed stirred. besides sand siffting stars i have seen sea cucumbers spoken of as good bed stirrers. but i have heard that they can have there downsides too. everyone with an opinion please reply. and any...
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    Coral Id

    its pretty.
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    Peppermint Shrimp Turned Out To Be A Camel

    after thats done , pelt them with the rocks. :devil: