I Think Im In A Bad Spot.


Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
the frozen north of michigan
i just got some berghia nudis to help wipe out the aptasia problem i aquired in the last two months. also in this time i have had an exponetial nitrate raise, an algea bloom because of the nitrates. so in the last week i have been watching at night time with a flashlight to see the berghia do there work. and i have noticed a very large increase in bristol worms (orange heads/black tails) not only in the substrate but also in the green hair algea. last night in an attemp to see the berghia i found the most unsettleing thing of all. although some strive for somthing like this (Ski) it bothered me to find not only one but three mantis shrimp babys. i could see them only where the substrate does a kind of an ant farm thing against the glass on the side of the tank.they were down toward the bottom of the tank. if i could see three how many did i not see? and more importantly if there are babys wouldnt there have to be a mommy AND a daddy. i am stressiing out. what to do? any suggestions? :hyper:
Are you sure they are mantis? How big are they? What do they look like?

I thought I had rad in a few places that you usually won't have more than one mantis is a aquarium?
they are about 3/4 the size in length as the number one on your keyboard. they look just like a mantis but they are clear (i assume its because they are so young/small) same tail, same caricteristic praying mantis style arms, same walk.
Hm...can you get a pic of them?

I have some amphipods in my tank that sound similar to what you are describing. I've seen them burrow under the substrate.

Well, if they are mantis, it gives you an excuse to set up a whole new tank just for them. ;) :)
Sounds to me like they might be just amphipods as i once found these when looking through my LR after loads of clicking... turned out there wasent one. But anyways here is a link about them and shows u how the mantis arm has the same look as an amphipod.
well its been a long day. its nice that i have been given a little hope you guys. so i thought i would put on my new coralife superskimmer, only to find out that my tank is too close to the wall by 3". so that was uplifting. to take my mind off of that i grabbed a couple guinness, a few venison pepper sticks, a camera and a chair to stake out the mystery animals. my dog came over to keep me company i think because of the pepper sticks. two hours later with a gassy dog and a blurry shot of my berghia eating i have given up the quest for the evening. ill try again tomarrow night.
well i deffinatly see a simularity between the critter i have seen and the amphipods. the diagram of the merochelate arm was very simular the the critter in question. the hind quarters looked much like a mantis, with the legs and tail. and it carried its head very high, to accomidate the arms i would guess. ithank you for your help N1z. and i will continue my quest for the picture.
Nws and good luck. Put it this way if u seem them again soon bigger and they are mantis get the trap in ASAP.

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