Search results

  1. M

    Plant Donations

    Thank you to Tonyb111111 for the Java Moss. Perfect condition and plenty of it!
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    20 Cherry Shrimp £15.25 Posted Next Day

    I'm interested in these if there are still some available?
  3. M

    Full 180l Setup For Sale. Northants

    I am currently selling this setup as it has laid dorment for over a year and i simply dont have the cash to set it all up again! Here is a link to the ebay auction, although if it fails to sell I will take offers on here.|294%3A50 Thanks...
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    Using Excel Normally

    I think it breaks down within 24 hours. Hence the daily/ every other day dosing.
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    Cheap Viable Lighting For A Lidless 20 Gallon.

    Hi all, I am moving to my flat at uni in september, currently at home i have a 50 gallon but dont want to move this. I have seen a nice cheap 20 gallon clearseal tank at my local pets at home that would be perfect, but it has no lighting or hood etc. I want to have it planted and would like...
  6. M

    Dead Leaves In Aquariums ?

    Use some indian almond leaves. They look great and if your after a blackwater tank leak tannins and lower your ph. Cna pick them up off of ebay.
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    Flourish Excel - What Plants Could It Kill?

    It has been said to kill off vallis, which then regrows resistant to it, but i had no problems with mine at all.
  8. M

    Upside Down Catfish

    Today i bought 3 of these, planning to get more to make a group of 5 or 6 in my 55 gallon. However on getting home and searching on the net out of interest(should be done before purchasing i know :rolleyes: ) i am now not 100% certain that mine are actually nigriventris! Really hope they arent...
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    Tiger Barbs

    If they are stressed by something perhaps?
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    Help With Kio

    Sounds like dropsey to me. Not sure on medication, or if there even is any. Maybe somebody else can help with that.
  11. M

    What Fish Do You Think This Is?

    That first fish looks fantastic! Wouldnt mind that in the pond!
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    Surely you would need to filter these tubs to? could be quite expensive! Also, goldfish like weed to spawn in, you might struggle to grow it indoors perhaps? Also what size are these fish going to be, because 3-4 decent sized golfish would be quite a lot for a 40 gal tub, a stressed fish will...
  13. M

    Looking For Otos

    Have you tried the other maidenhead aquatics in northampton, just off the A45 near wooton? They might have some?
  14. M

    Looking For Otos

    They normally have some over there. Normally cheap too. 1.99 a fish i think? I would imagine they would order you some if they didnt have any anyway.
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    Brown Algae Issues..

    Get a few otocinclus and your diatoms will be eaten in no time.
  16. M

    Seachem Excel To Cure Hair Alge

    I had a bit of hair algea in my 10 gallon, so i have been adding excel at the recommended dose, not x2 or x3 or anything. Within two days the algea is red so its dying and the fish are all fine. :good: I use it in my 55 gallon to and there is not a sign of any form of algea anywhere. I love...
  17. M

    Seachem Excel To Cure Hair Alge

    I've been using excel in my tank for the last month having previously had some staghorn algea, now the tank is completely clear of algea, i dont even get green spot in any amounts on the rear glass! Its fantastic! :good: :hyper:
  18. M

    Twigs/branch/roots Natural Look Advise

    I know the feeling i would like some more twiggy bits of wood for my tank. All i can find are more bulky bits of wood. :shout:
  19. M

    Local Water With High Ph

    Have a go at getting some indian almond leaves. These will lower your ph and soften your water, although they do leak alot of tannins into the water.
  20. M

    20 Gal Aquascaped 1/20/07 (updated Pics 2/21/07

    Nice, the second layout will look better than the first after as you say 2-3 months when it has all grown in. The use of the wood etc will make it look more natural than the first.
  21. M

    Adding New Substrate

    Better than my other reply see fillet o'fish's thread on changing his substrate down this page somewhere, will be very useful for you! :good:
  22. M

    Flourish Excel

    I did a search ont he forum you mentioned and it says that although it MAY, not garunteed, melt vals etc they normally grow back stronger. It is believed to be a cellular thing, in that they cannot utilise the excel so they die back and then grow back again in a different cellular form to enable...
  23. M

    Adding New Substrate

    Really the only way is to remove your plants and fish, i put mine into one of them shallow storage tubs when i swapped mine over. With a heater in to keep the water warm. Then take out your water, store it in your bath or buckets while you change the substrate and put as much of the water back...
  24. M

    Mine arrived today, ordered some crypt balansae and wendtii. They were in good condition when they arrived and they had put in a few crypt ponder summat cant spell it for free because they said the balansae were smaller than they usually get in. So im happy. :good:
  25. M

    Silly Lfs...

    Oh well its their loss at the end of the day, maybe when you are looking for a 500 quid tank you will take your business elsewhere! :good:
  26. M

    Nymphaea Lilly Bulbs (red Or Green)

    I'm in the UK and we dont have Walmart here! Or any supermarket that sells tropical fish stuff. Got mine in a random plants pack from online. It was red. Just remember not to bury the bulb in the gravel. They do grow very quickly, you can also 'train' them to not send leaves upto the surface by...
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    Nymphaea Lilly Bulbs (red Or Green)

    If they are like the one i had in my tank until 2 days ago loads! I pulled mine to rescape and the roots from the bulb had stretched across half of the tank (216l!)
  28. M

    Is It Worth The Money

    I have had a cherry barb which lost its whole tail fin to another fish, right down to the 'stump'. Within a few weeks the whole fin had grown back exactly to how it was before.
  29. M

    Microrsbora Galaxy

    Look like tiny brown trout! Would love some but cant justify the price for them really! Hoping they will come down in price.
  30. M

    What Is The Preferred Ph For White Clouds?

    Thats ok then mine are in 6.6 :good: Thanks.
  31. M

    Backyard On Boxing Day

    Wish we had them here rather than fat bloody wood pigeons who eat so much seed they can barely fly lol! Theres at least 20k's worth of bird there haha.
  32. M

    What Is The Preferred Ph For White Clouds?

    Hi, ive looked in a few books ive got and none state what ph white cloud mountain minnows prefer! Does anybody know? :good:
  33. M

    Fertilizers Which Do You Use?

    I use the same but in the larger bottle so it lasts longer lol, 12.99 i think for about 500ml.
  34. M

    Plants alive look ace! :hyper:
  35. M

    That birstall place stocks a good range but the prices seem on the high side to me. Im looking for some crypt parva but at 4.75 each i think il leave it! :rolleyes:
  36. M

    My 40l Aquacube.

    Yeh its been full and stocked for nearly a week now. I cloned the filter from my other tank. :good: Stocked with 7 ember tetras, was 8 but one got stuck between the filter and glass so ive moved it now :crazy: and 6 white clouds with 4 ottos. Last addition will be some amano shrimp, am tempted...
  37. M

    My 40l Aquacube.

    Here are a few more pics... I will try and get a few done of it with water in later! :rolleyes: Perhaps a few of the big tank too.
  38. tank_5.jpg


  39. tank_4.jpg

