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  1. L

    Red Flame Goruami? Still No Conclusion......(one More Pic)

    Ahhh was this the original fish for this discussion ? I thought it was the picture in the 4th post as that is the Royal Rad Gourami.. If its not the 4th in question, then ignore my previous reply lol Maybe if the actual fish in question's picture was to be posted again would stop confusion...
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    Red Flame Goruami? Still No Conclusion......(one More Pic)

    I have two of these Gouramis. One male and one female. They are Royal Red Gouramis
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    Sexing My Gouramies

    Hiya There are 3 ways to tell the sex of Gouramis. 1, The male is a little bigger than the female. 2, The male has more colouring than the female... they look 'prettier' 3, The easiest way... The males top fin goes into a point, the females is rounded. Sounds very much like you have one male...
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    Blue Dwarf Gouramis

    The males are usually a lot more colorful than the females, and a little bigger. Also the top fins... males are pointy where the females are rounded... slightly harder to tell if they are younger
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    A Dwarf Gourami Mini F A Q

    I'd like to comment on a couple of things... "Secondly, quarantine your fish rigourously. Dwarf gouramis should be quarantined before being added to the community tank, and any new gouramis (of any species) should be quarantined before being added to a tank with dwarf gouramis in it." I...
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    Gourami Acting Strange

    I personally dissagree with syliva. I'v had Gouramis now for 6 years, and never had a problem with any of them. I have never known them to nip. I always get my gouramis in groups of two, pref one male and one female - 1 Pearl - female 2 blue - both male 2 indian - 1 male 1 female 2 royal red...
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    Help Needed With My Hoplo Catfish Please

    I'm not sure if it will be saddle back, though i could be wrong... but it just seems to be on his left side, not on his back or right side... i keep checking him every couple of minutes now as this has come on pretty quick... Could the bullying be an option ? I know his gill looks...
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    Help Needed With My Hoplo Catfish Please

    I'v just managed to get a pic of him... its not very good quality, but its the best i can do at the minute... This could be a stupid idea, but due to the other problems i'v been having it might be worth considering... Could bullying cause this ? As in one of my other problems, i lost my...
  9. Img_0001a.jpg


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    Help Needed With My Hoplo Catfish Please

    I'm gonna transfer him into another tank now... Wilder, what do you suggest i do.... your help is great.
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    Help Needed With My Hoplo Catfish Please

    My Hoplo catfish has a strip about 1cm wide on his left side from top to bottom of his body that seems to look ermm.. 'furry' white, and on his left gill seems to be a growth of some sort (?) This has only come on in the past couple of hours or so. I will try and get a picture of him if he...
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    Hoplo catfish

    I thought they would cost more than that. I would most gladly get more of these, but i think i would have to get around the hubby for another tank first lol. After having him, i cant understand how anyone could just kill him like that :no: i'm just glad i took the chance on keeping him
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    If you are ok with more than one, you are welcome to mine tj lol *looking innocent*
  14. L

    Advice Needed Asap Please

    Thank you both for you kind words and all the advice and help given to me. I broke the news to my daughter, shes upset but wants another one. I'll give it some time first, i think she is a little too young to have it in her room if we do get another... I'v been watching my fish, i personally...
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    Advice Needed Asap Please

    Thank you Wilder, and all else who helped me out. I come with bad news :-( 'Purple' (my 6 year old daughter named him) has now gone on to fish heaven. Even though we only had him for a couple of days we miss him already. Now we are gonna keep an extra close eye on our tank to see if any...
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    Advice Needed Asap Please

    Thank you all for your help so far, i'm really greatful for it. I will get some melafix first thing tomorrow, that is if he is still with us... At the moment he is at the bottom of the tank again, bottom lip touching bottom of tank, very still, still with us though. His face was creamy/white...
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    Advice Needed Asap Please

    Almost all of his tail has gone, and his other fins :-( At the moment, he is either settled at the top of the tank, about 15 mins ago he was at the bottom. He is very still but still alive, and when he swims its slow
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    Advice Needed Asap Please

    Thank you for the info. As i said in my first post, i have put him in a 2 gal tank on his own. Will he survive? Will his tail grow back? He is swimming around, but slowly. Please help... dont wanna loose him just yet, only got him monday :-(
  19. L

    Advice Needed Asap Please

    I need help/advice ASAP please regarding my Siamese Fighting Fish. He is still only a baby. We bought him on monday. He has been fine up until today, well about an hour or so ago. I have just noticed his tail fins have almost been bitten off and he is swimming really slowly. All the other fish...
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    Gourami Help

    From the pic's they both look like females... but i could be wrong as the quality isnt that good. The blue is a blue gourami, the other looks like a honey gourami. I love gouramis, i have 13 1 pearl, female 2 blue, both male 2 royal red, 1 male 1 female 2 indian, 1 male 1 female 4 gold, all...
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    Hoplo catfish

    I have this catfish. Only just found out its breed thanks to this post. Below is a picture of mine (not very good pic cos my camera is poor quality) When i went to pick up my 4 foot tank i picked my catfish up too.... unknown to us on buying the tank, the owner was gonna 'flush' him. I took a...
  22. CatFish.gif


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    Newbie Saying Hi

    Hi to all from a newbie. My name is Lesley, i'm in the UK. I'v had tropical fish now for nearly 6 years, but i would class myself as a newbie because i'v only ever had the same Gourami, Red Tail Black Shark and Platy's.... not much of a variaty. That is until recently. I now have a 4 foot tank...