Help Needed With My Hoplo Catfish Please


New Member
Aug 3, 2006
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My Hoplo catfish has a strip about 1cm wide on his left side from top to bottom of his body that seems to look ermm.. 'furry' white, and on his left gill seems to be a growth of some sort (?) This has only come on in the past couple of hours or so.

I will try and get a picture of him if he comes to front of tank.

I'v just put in some Anti Internal Bacteria meds in as my sister-in-law thinks it may be gillrot or external parasite.

Please help.
Sadly if it's fluffy it sounds like saddle back columnaris and it can effect the gills, the anti internal bacteria might not be enough on it's own if its a bad strain of columnaris you could add some primafix with it, good luck.
Saddle back columaris goes along the back coming down the sides of the fish to form a saddle shape.
I'm gonna transfer him into another tank now... Wilder, what do you suggest i do.... your help is great.
I'v just managed to get a pic of him... its not very good quality, but its the best i can do at the minute...


This could be a stupid idea, but due to the other problems i'v been having it might be worth considering... Could bullying cause this ?

As in one of my other problems, i lost my siamese fighting fish due to getting badly nipped could this bully now of started having a go at my hoplo ?

At the moment, he seems to be swimming around as his normal happy self in my 'hospital' tank
Sadly if it's fluffy it sounds like saddle back columnaris and it can effect the gills, the anti internal bacteria might not be enough on it's own if its a bad strain of columnaris you could add some primafix with it, good luck.
Saddle back columaris goes along the back coming down the sides of the fish to form a saddle shape.

This a new version of columnatis fluffy?? ;)

I would run a dose of protozin if I was you, but if you have crustations or clown loaches etc, I would use Myxazin, I personally think melafix and pimafix are a waste of money, you can get the ingredients for them and make them at home
I'm not sure if it will be saddle back, though i could be wrong... but it just seems to be on his left side, not on his back or right side... i keep checking him every couple of minutes now as this has come on pretty quick...

Could the bullying be an option ? I know his gill looks pinkish/fleshy... still whitish too

I'm describing his probs as best i can, i hope i'm helping you to help see whats wrong with him :S


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