

Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2006
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can anybody please explain to me why my featherfin hides alot he never seems to come out ,he is always under my bogwood or my upsidedown plantpot.when i do see him he backs off and hides even more.i have had him for about 4 weeks now and in that time from what i can see of him he has grew alot.is he just shy or is that just the way they are.my sister-inlaw has one and he is very active.thanks. :thanks:
I've got 2 of these guys which we've had for about 3 months now and they have only just started to come out of hiding. They are about 4" but when we got them they were only about 5 cm and we NEVER saw them. We have moved them into a bigger tank with lots of wood and hiding places and they are getting more adventerous now.

Give them time and perhaps when they grow a little you will see them more. :D
I've got 2 of these guys which we've had for about 3 months now and they have only just started to come out of hiding. They are about 4" but when we got them they were only about 5 cm and we NEVER saw them. We have moved them into a bigger tank with lots of wood and hiding places and they are getting more adventerous now.

Give them time and perhaps when they grow a little you will see them more. :D
thanks for that bex ,
now i know that its not me their scared of lol.do you think that i should get another one to make him feel abit better or can i leave him single.he is only a young his about 4" now but when i got him he was smaller.all i see under the bogwood is his little beedy eyes looking at me.hpoe he does come out soon cos i think he is kinda cute. :thanks:
If you are ok with more than one, you are welcome to mine tj lol *looking innocent*
To be honest t..j I would stick with the one. My 2 never hang out and hide at separate ends of the tank so I don't think they'll be mates at all. We bought them at the same time when they were tiny and thought they might like each other's company but they don't seem to care for each other at all, in fact, they avoid each other! :D

EDIT: They are awesome when they start to get a bit bigger though!
i dont really want her featherfins cos they seem to be alot more aggresive than mine.she has 2 and they seem to fight alot.not sure what the other one is but i know she deffo has a featherfin.mine is starting to come out alot more these days and he seems quite happy just being on his own,and i'm happy with the one.do they change colour by any chance, because the 2 that she has seem to go a very pale colour alot?where as mine just stays the same.i have explained that it could be that they are very territorial towards each other,also that they are differant species.?thanks bex for ur concern and advice :thanks:
Your featherfin hides alot because he is nocturnal :) . Mines the same, but he swims around the tank alot during the day to pester my plec.
Abigger tank and some company and they will be out.I have 3 that I have had for 14 years now along with some ocellifer, angelicus, waterlotti and decorus.They are out all the time - fantastic fish.

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