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  1. B.D.S


    is it a sock puppet...or a rubber eel (Typhlonectes natans)? :hey:
  2. B.D.S

    One Shot Of A Young Bristlenose

    so i'm guessing he's about a year old now...and he sprouted too!
  3. B.D.S

    Limnopilos Naiyanetri Fresh Water Micro Crabs

    My how they've grown! they look fantastic, Any signs of breeding yet? (btw I'm now overrun with cherries, Thanks :))
  4. B.D.S

    Cherry Shrimp

    Here you go mate And the tank they seem to make hundreds of babies in....saucy buggers!
  5. B.D.S

    Weird Shrimp / White Tiger ?

    Looks like i got one of these in the group i got from you last week Sarah. i spotted it the other night and wondered what the devil it was, looks the same as the one in the pic....thought you'd managed to send me a snowball as well as an easter egg!
  6. B.D.S

    20+ Cherry Shrimp £15 Posted

    The shrimp have just turned up, packaging was great but i thought i'd gotten an Easter egg for a minute there :crazy: Thanks again Sarah.
  7. B.D.S

    20+ Cherry Shrimp £15 Posted

    PM sent
  8. B.D.S

    One Shot Of A Young Bristlenose

    Its about the same size Ally
  9. B.D.S

    One Shot Of A Young Bristlenose

    Thanks guys, This was an lucky shot taken whilst i was TRYING to get a pic of about a dozen khuli's that were in the crypts just to the left.
  10. B.D.S

    One Shot Of A Young Bristlenose

    I like having shots of my fish for the work PC's wallpaper and am really pleased with this one so i thought I'd share. This was taken with my phone so the resolution isn't great so like i said work pc not home, if that makes sense! Enjoy
  11. B.D.S

    Great White

    I last saw any of these about 4 years ago, we had a dozen of these mysteriously turn up in an import shipment (they where sent by mistake) DO NOT keep these with anything that's not really big and armoured as they are bitey buggers. whilst i was finding out what the hell they were and before i...
  12. B.D.S

    Great White

    Was it one of these? Cetopsis coecutiens
  13. B.D.S

    Post A Picture Of Your Betta Tank!

    This is my 21 litre hex. Which is home to Vince, Who is possibly the grumpiest betta I've every had, he's spent most of the evening flaring at pretty much anything that comes near the tank and that includes my many cups of tea! sorry about the crappy quality pics, My camera broke last week...
  14. B.D.S

    Lampeye Killie, Aplocheilichthys Sp.

    Hmmm just spotted some of these at my local LFS and was wondering if i could keep them in a planted 21ltr hex tank?
  15. B.D.S

    Do Fish Recognize Their Owners?

    That's interesting Ludwig, i used to work in a LFS that had a 5 foot display tank with a couple of severums and an Urau, All were full grown and would only respond to people wearing blue (our uniforms were blue), if you wore a blue shirt they were almost tame and happy to be hand fed but no...
  16. B.D.S

    Not Strictly Fish But Bear With Me

    Joke away, I suggested he sets up an ebay account to sell these when i phoned to say thanks. I don't know how he made these though, he's keeping it a closely guarded secret for now but he's coming to visit in a week or so and wants to take more shots to make a full plate and coasters set, I'll...
  17. B.D.S

    Impulse Buy...

    It's not jealousy Donkey it's the little problem of the deadly, deadly bees trying to pollinate the "Hygrophila Polysperma Daffodilos" and they keep stinging my fish! :hey:
  18. B.D.S

    Impulse Buy...

    Oh Donkey, i think we should re-name you Cheeky Monkey!
  19. B.D.S

    Not Strictly Fish But Bear With Me

    Thanks guys I've always said someone should print a t-shirt that says "Hi my names **** and I'm a fishaholic"
  20. B.D.S

    Not Strictly Fish But Bear With Me

    Talking point....hmmm, most of my non- fishkeeping friends will probably raise an eyebrow and mumble "you and your bloody fish, it's an obsession man see a doctor" *wonders how the missus would feel about having fish wallpaper in the living room :hyper:*
  21. B.D.S

    Not Strictly Fish But Bear With Me

    A friend of mine got a new macro lens for his camera recently and came over to take some fish shots and i said at the time if any turn out nice send me some copies....well i got a nice surprise this morning in the post... how cool are my fish tea coasters!
  22. B.D.S

    The View From My Computer Chair

    Thanks for all your kind words guys, I've been keeping fish 20 or so years now and it still makes me proud when people compliment my tanks :blush: Vince the Betta's tank's been running about 18 months with no wiring issues yet but i'll be ready if it does now, thanks Laurafrog Thought i'd...
  23. B.D.S

    The View From My Computer Chair

    but firstly a 21 litre betta low tech planted tank a teaser shot! and the bad boy itself! it's set up as a Tanganyikan community with a pair of J.Transcriptus, 1 A.Calvus, 4 occelatus "gold", 4 congo tetras and finally 2 big #### zebra danios. and before anyone asks it was all transferred from...
  24. B.D.S

    Julidochromis Gombi

    A couple of (poor!) photo's of my 3 1/2 inch male J.Transcriptus "Gombi" whom i've had for about two years, he and his mate who is about half his size breed about once a month but the fry never get to any real size before they get noticed by my black calvus! Behaviour wise they are like snipers...
  25. B.D.S

    Mud Skippers.

    Sorry to bring a thread back from the dead but is there a new link for Richard Mleczko's page as i have a spare 4 ft tank and a lfs that stocks mudskippers!
  26. B.D.S

    I Want To Change My Substrate.

    Is Eco-complete made by Caribsea Underwurlde? 'cos if so you can find it for fairly good prices on the E of bay.
  27. B.D.S

    My 3 Footer's Getting An Upgrade

    Thanks Nicklfire glad you like it. The Vallis will be moved forwards eventually and have something bigger put behind it so i'm liking your thinking! (any ideas on the replacement guys?) the sand was a cost thing really (argos play sand), can i replace it with a plant substrate at this point...
  28. B.D.S

    My 3 Footer's Getting An Upgrade

    So this is my baby! I'll be starting down the E.I route Sunday, which if I'm honest scares me a little, But the pinned thread kinda makes sense. The lid is also going to be removed and the lighting will be replaced with a bargain ebay luminaire (2x39w 14000k bulbs 100cm £26.50 from...
  29. B.D.S

    What A Difference A Day Makes

    Snap! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a slightly overstocked tank! :blush: i find a fasting day once a week (sometimes twice) is so helpful with algae clearing and makes for less muck to siphon of the sand! P.s supercoley, My wifes maiden name is Coley so your name always makes me snicker.
  30. B.D.S

    Pearling Plants

    I noticed this only half an hour ago in my tank, It was coming from the freshly pruned end of a stem. Am i right in thinking this has something to do with aquatic plants working with a capillary action?
  31. B.D.S

    Has Anybody Done This Before I Try?

    It's a case of aesthetics really, the filter runs through a spray bar along the length of the tank and blows the tops of the plants around a little too much for my liking. I'm slightly concerned about the mechanics of running a filter upside down, i'll just have to give it a go and see!
  32. B.D.S

    Has Anybody Done This Before I Try?

    Topic says it all really. I'm toying with the idea of installing my fluval 3+ upside down and with the maximum flow restriction in my 100l tank to create water flow around the roots has anybody tried this with any success at all?... By the way I've already got an fluval 204 running on this...
  33. B.D.S

    Do All L270s Do This?

    Sorry guys you have gotten the wrong end of the stick. i know the sand playing is common(plays merry hell in a planted tank!), what i meant was the snail hunting. Thanks
  34. B.D.S

    Do All L270s Do This?

    I was watching my tank last night and managed to catch my L270 doing what looked like having a sand bath (shimmying around about 1/2 inch under the sand). I'm fairly sure this is a favorite feeding ground (30-40 small trumpet snail shells every 3-4 days) cos my L264 and common whiptail all...
  35. B.D.S

    My Anubis Is Gonna Flower!

    excited!! i'm almost beside myself with glee! I can't take all the credit though, i'm a big time lurker on this forum and it's been a huge help in terms of learning more about aquatic plant keeping... ...that and Tropica plants being sold in the pets at home 5 minutes from my house!
  36. B.D.S

    My Anubis Is Gonna Flower!

    So i'm a little bit chuffed about this... but I've got a question, How long will the flower last?...alright I've got two questions, do i cut it off when it's finished?
  37. B.D.S

    Blue Lobster?

    If you are looking to keep them on sand a word of advice my friend, these guys dig and dig lots and lots and lots! so make sure that any semi-heavy rocks are not on 2 inches of sand!
  38. B.D.S

    Diy Co2 With Airston

    sorry to jump on a thread but i'm using my diy co2 set-up (so far at a cost of £2.49!)with one of these connected to it it seems to be working without any probs providing a fine mist, has anyone used one of these before and run into any problems?
  39. B.D.S

    Rogues Gallery

    YARRRRRRR i'm a beardy pirate ye scurvy landlubbers going for the brokeback mountain look!
  40. B.D.S

    More Strange Behaviour

    Ahhh splish you may be right about a bend in the leaf as it's happened again! Am i wrong in thinking that his saliva should have held it together or is this just a case of youthful inexperiance?. im guessing hes about 5-6 months old as the lfs that i got him from in turn gets thier bettas from...