My 3 Footer's Getting An Upgrade


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
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So this is my baby!





I'll be starting down the E.I route Sunday, which if I'm honest scares me a little, But the pinned thread kinda makes sense.

The lid is also going to be removed and the lighting will be replaced with a bargain ebay luminaire (2x39w 14000k bulbs 100cm £26.50 from Germany)

Once everything settles in and calms down the only real change will be to remove and replace some of the stem plants but i haven't decided what with yet, and the only real hardscape will be some very light and thin pieces of wood that i'm somehow going to suction cup to the back of the tank, which will point forwards through the plants.

Any helpful advice and criticism is welcome, just be gentle!

P.s can i add laterite to this tank or is it too late?
Wow you know that's actually a pretty good looking tank dude. I'm all for scaping them out and it seems that your doing well so far, if i really wanted to pick it apart i could try but i like it. You seem to distinguish foreground and background plants not too bad. You have the V design done pretty well, i'd probably add a bigger background plant where the spiral vals are mid left... But it's not bad the way it is. Sand wouldn't be my first choice but again i like the look of it.

I noticed that you have your diffuser on the right side of tank.. is that a power jet right above it?? good knowledge if you meant to do that. The point of the co2 is that you want to give all plants equal saturation, i just started using my diffuser right in the middle of the tank into my inlet for my canister and then it comes out of the spray bar.. works amazingly so far for me. IF you havnt invested in a co2 drop checker definitely get one so work the money, it'll tell you what your co2 level is at. If you use the cross ref guide with the ph and kh it's not the most accurate reading.

As far as you lighting levels go i would go with something less in the K range i would try a 6700 rating instead of your 14000 i believe most guys using that high on the spectrum of light are marine guys, read the pinned article and it will give ya a bit better understanding.

Great job on the EI dosing, i been using it for a while and it makes such a huge difference, just keep at it and do your weekly water changes. Love the lotus too, it's bueatifull.

Good job
Thanks Nicklfire glad you like it.

The Vallis will be moved forwards eventually and have something bigger put behind it so i'm liking your thinking! (any ideas on the replacement guys?)

the sand was a cost thing really (argos play sand), can i replace it with a plant substrate at this point?

yes the power head is only there for movement of the Co2 as the spraybar from my external above it points at a 45% angle against the side glass to push the bubbles down, then the power head moves them all around the tank.

i will also be changing the bulbs in the luminaire as i think you're right, 14000k might be a little bright! but the whole thing was only £26.50 with postage so two new bulbs won't break the bank, as long as the luminaire isn't a stupid size! (it's a silver sun twin light 100, if anyone has had any experience with these let me know how you got on)

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