Great White


New Member
Nov 30, 2008
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Hey, I was was looking for some info on a fish I saw at a LFS. The owner said it was a great white. Its about 4 inches long in a fresh water tank and looks just like a mini great white. I thought great white's babies come out quite large so i'm not quite sure what to think about this. He feed it today and it was awesome to watch, it swallowed a feeder whole within 20 seconds. Any info, links, or ideas about this fish would be greatly appreciated

it wont be a grat white, its proably a bala shark. google it.
Great white LOL!

don't think its a bala shark, they don't feed on live fish do they?

what did it look like, i.e. shape, colours?
definately not a great white!!!

a new born GWS is about 4 foot long and grows about 10 inches a year! not suitable for the home aquaria hahaha :rolleyes:

can you upload a photo?? :good:
well I googled both the iridescent shark and also the bala, and they both are a miss. The one I saw had a flattend snout similar to a bull shark, it was a greyish colour , its fins werent thick and you could see through them from what I can remember. I am a novice so my ability to describe it effectivly is limited, but I will try to get a pic asap. If you have any question that might help to figue this out ill be more than happy to answer.

thanks for your posts so far
well I googled both the iridescent shark and also the bala, and they both are a miss. The one I saw had a flattend snout similar to a bull shark, it was a greyish colour , its fins werent thick and you could see through them from what I can remember. I am a novice so my ability to describe it effectivly is limited, but I will try to get a pic asap. If you have any question that might help to figue this out ill be more than happy to answer.

thanks for your posts so far

google columbian shark catfish
Cetopsis coecutiens! thats the one
Thanks B.D.S and everyone else
bizarre looking fish!!. I wish you could buya little great white costhey are an ace looking fish
I last saw any of these about 4 years ago, we had a dozen of these mysteriously turn up in an import shipment (they where sent by mistake)

DO NOT keep these with anything that's not really big and armoured as they are bitey buggers. whilst i was finding out what the hell they were and before i found that planet catfish article we put them in a tank with some pims and the next morning came in to find the pims all had chunks missing from their sides!
i believe the common name for Cetopsis coecutiens is blue whale or blue whale catfish

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