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  1. I

    Public Aquariums Around The World

    Everyone, I love this thread! Keep the reviews coming!
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    Public Aquariums Around The World

    All great recommendations! Keep them coming! Mods: Can we get this pinned somewhere or at least put where you think is most appropriate?
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    Public Aquariums Around The World

    Hey everyone! I wanted to start a discussion on various public aquariums around the world. Being from Chicago, IL, home of the Shedd Aquarium, and being an avid aquarium hobbyist for many years, I'd like to know where else I can find an excellent public aquarium. I'll post here about the...
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    Wow, Just WOWW... looks great!
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    George's Latest Aquascape

    Looks great! Wish mine looked like it!
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    My Top Ten Photos

    Awesome pics dude!!!!
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    Want To See Something Cool

    If you like magic tricks at all, I'm a professional magician... check out: Enjoy and let me know what you think!!!!!!
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    New Arc Tank

    Those tanks always looks so nice in the company produced picture... good luck if you get one. They look cool.
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    Is It Just Me Or Does Everyone Have Trouble With...

    keeping god dang neon tetras alive? I swear every other day I have another one dying in there. I don't get it. I'm not putting any more in there. Does anyone have any suggestions? I think I'm going to try cardinal tetras... it's just that they are more expensive and I thought if I could get...
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Had to do a major overhaul trimming, pruning, and aquascaping... tell me what you guys think of the tanks progression! Thanks!
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    New Pic since I cleaned out all the muck! Added: 12 Oto's 4 Rasboras 8 Neon Tetras Hmm... won't let me upload pic due to "The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the...
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Added 12 Oto's last night... they're already on the algae When you say to check my CO2 do you mean it may not be high enough to get enough plant growth to stop the algae?
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Well, I just finished about 2+ hours of straight tank maintenance. As you probably could tell from pics, it was DENSELY packed in there. When I put the plants in originially, I just took them out of the box and put them in the tank, lead weights and all. I think this was probably a mistake...
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Ok starting to get algae... mostly this brown stuff that you can see clearly on the leaf. PLEASE HELP, how do I get rid of this? Thanks
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    Does This Sound Ok To U Guys ?

    No need for fancy equipment... I just run my CO2 in through a ceramic air stone placed directly below my filter intake. So every single one of those tiny bubbles runs all the way through my eheim filter system before having a chance to reach the surface...
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    No EI yet... just trying to get my CO2 levels right for now. My KH and pH both seem kinda high at 11 and 7.4 respectively. That gives me just over 13 ppm CO2. Upped my bubble count to around 4 bubbles per second which has helped some. Is that the answer? Just pumping more CO2 in to try and...
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  19. I

    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    New Pics!
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    Co2 Levels - Just Tested, Need Help

    OK so I just tested my KH and my PH and I need some help My ph is about 7.2 and it took 11 drops to turn the water yellow in the kH test. I've looked at a couple charts but i'm not sure if I'm reading them right. Can someone help? Check that, my pH is closer to 7.7
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Thanks for all the advice. I told my buddy at my LFS to order me a ton cause he was hooking me up at cost so I tried to pack as much of what he gave me as possible. I may end up taking some species out just because of room... my regulator off of ebay is working great! Easy to set up and figure...
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    FINALLY UPDATED! 1. Tons of plants 2. 10lb co2 tank injecting just below filter intake, running whenever lights are on 3. fish! high white fin tetras, electric pink danios, neon tetras, cory cats 4. PICS!!!!!!!!! Moonlights... ahhhhhh
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  31. I

    Bubbles Per Second?

    I just set up my pressurized CO2 but how many bubbles per second do I want for my 72 Bow to get 30ppm CO2? I have about 3.67 watts per gallon light FYI. Thanks!
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    I just purchased this CO2 Regulator on ebay. Besides the CO2 tank, what else do I need to set up my CO2 injection? Also, does anyone know anywhere to find a good price on a CO2 tank in Chicago? Thanks!
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Anyone have any recommendations for good starter plants for dutch style set up?
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Anyone have any recommendations for good starter plants for dutch style set up?
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Added the background and ecocomplete... coming together
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    What's the difference between all natural and dutch setup?
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    Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

    Question: How big of a CO2 Tank do I need and how long will each size last?