Illiniguy's 72 Bow Journal

Yes, lead weights should be removed prior to planting. As you probably now realise it worth taking the time to prepare and plant with care as it will save you a lot of work and time in the longer term.

Seachem Flourish can be used in addition to EI as the trace, not exclusively as it doesn't contain sufficient NPK (macronutrients).

You can remove the algae manually or get some otos. It's worth double checking CO2 as well.
Added 12 Oto's last night... they're already on the algae

When you say to check my CO2 do you mean it may not be high enough to get enough plant growth to stop the algae?
New Pic since I cleaned out all the muck!


12 Oto's
4 Rasboras
8 Neon Tetras

Hmm... won't let me upload pic due to "The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the attachments."

But I have 18.72 mb of Global Space Left and the file i'm uploading is only 135 kb....

Stupid computer
instead of doing attached files, get a photo bucket account and do an image instead of attachment.

Had to do a major overhaul trimming, pruning, and aquascaping... tell me what you guys think of the tanks progression!

Wow 12 ottos !

they grow pretty damn big dont they ?

Nice tank and good luck :D


Actually Oto's are one of the smallest plecos available along with parotocinclus.
They make Great algae eating machines.

Have to Congratulate you on the tank. Looks Great.
Just my Opinion but I would suggest having a big piece of driftwood poking out from behind the sword so that there would be a big centrepiece which of course can be nicely planted with anubias and mosses. Would add a little bit more in using up the space in the top.
But even now it's looking great.
Looking much better after the prune, more ordered, which helps pull the whole scape together :) Not overly sure about the big Ech's in the middle, might look better if you swapped these with the moneywort (think that's what it is) on the far right. Just a thought.


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