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    R.i.p. Spudnick

    Yeah. If I would have done more water changes, he probably would still be fine right now. :sad:
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    R.i.p. Spudnick

    I did a water change this morning, and Spudnick was looking a little bit better actually, looked like he got a little bit more of his colour back. I also replaced his filter, which was extremely dirty, guess that was my fault for not changing it regularly. Anyway, went to my room a little while...
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    Time For A Major Tank Clean-out?

    Should I just wash the scenery instead of buying new stuff? Do you think the brown stuff would come off easily? Thanks.
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    Time For A Major Tank Clean-out?

    Hello. Haven't posted here for a while! Recently I've noticed Spudnick's tank is getting quite dirty inside, and the fake plants that I have in the tank are starting to turn brown on the edges. I try to do water changes about once a week, but I'm not gonna lie...I sometimes don't do them as...
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    Remember Spudnick?

    In case you forgot... and Thought I'd give you guys an update on how Spudnick has been doing. Pictures speak louder than words (did I say that right?), so here's a picture...
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    Here We Go Again!

    Hello everybody. I woke up this morning, and noticed that once again, just like last time Spuddy got sick, he was on the bottom..."sitting" on his tail. He doesn't seem too bad right now, but I'm pretty sure this is how it all started last time. He's begun going up and then back down for air...
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    Preparing For Winter

    What do you mean by "topping off the tanks"? The water in my tank evaporates pretty quickly...any ways to avoid it?
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    Update On Spudnick!

    Hey guys, I haven't posted here for a while, but I just thought I'd give you all an update on how Spuddy was doing. If you don't know already, Spuddy was very sick a little while ago and I thought he wasn't going to make it, but thanks to the members of this forum... He is now swimming around...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Guys, I have a story to tell. -_- A couple days ago, I woke up, and noticed Spuddy... Swimming around like a NORMAL FISH!!! :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: It happened so suddenly...One morning he just seemed perfectly fine...swimming around, and NOT falling back on his tail...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Yes, yes, I did that...I could see the gravel start to rise and then fall down again...but it wasn't picking up anything.
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Siphoning did not help me at was working (water was coming out the other end of the tube), but it didn't pick up any of the poop from the bottom of the tank...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Well, I bought a tank gravel cleaner, and all it really did was...well...nothing. I'm not sure how it's supposed to get rid of the poop if it the same size as the gravel...waste of 10 bucks... Anyway, I changed the water without taking out the poop on the bottom of the tank. I'll buy a turkey...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    bump...I kind of need to know as I'm going to be doing the water change within the next hour!
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Bonjour. Tonight I will be doing the water change. My dad is going to buy me a mini siphon from Petsmart on his way home today, so I can clean the gravel. I use tap water for the tank, so I add that stuff that you're supposed to add to make the tap water usuable for fish, and I add aqua salt...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Thank you for your apoligy...I'm also bad with words, and seem to sometimes get angry at people who are just trying to help like yourself. I apoligize for everything that's happened today. ;) I honestly think that this is the longest thread ever created on this message board? That's just a...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Thank you Discus. :) Thank you very much. So you're saying that I don't care about my fish. Yes, I have a dog, and yes, they cost a lot more, people don't usually just receive a dog as a surprise for a birthday and are expected to take care of it and spend lots of money on it. You're not...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    I'm sorry if I came across as being mad at you...I'm not, and I appreciate your help. :good: I just find it very annoying how I received a betta fish for my Birthday...and now I'm spending over 100 bucks in a tank, food, plants, gravel, water treatments, bloodworms, aqua salt, and more, just...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Whoa...thanks for your reply, but why are you replying to a question I asked over a week ago? Right now he's only been sitting in 1 type of water...and when I do waterchanges I'm going to take some of the water out of the tank that he's already in for him to sit in while I clean everything. I...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Hello. Last night when I looked at Spuddy, I couldn't really tell what his head was like because he kept swimming into the fake plants and I couldn't see his face that much, but today, his head doesn't seem really that gray or white anymore...maybe it was just the lighting? I don't know. I'm...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Havent ever really watched him poo...but I just bought him dried bloodworms, so I won't feed him for 3 days. I've also noticed his whole face is turning white. The rest of his body looks fine...I'll post a pic tomorrow. I'll do a 50% waterchange tomorrow also. Thanks.
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    bump... :blink:
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Alrighty. It's been a couple days since I posted here, but I seem to have yet another problem. I think I'm overfeeding my betta. His "chin" is getting very big and fat, and is starting to turn white. I was told to feed my betta 4 tablets in the morning, and 4 at night, and that's what I've...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Now that I look again, it looks more like the two dots are on the right of the left eye, and left of the right eye...maybe it's bettas have nostrils? lol!
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Bump. -_-
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Oh boy. I've just noticed an orangey-black dot over Spudnick's left eye, and an even bigger one over his right. Does anybody know what this could be? I can't take a picture because the dots are too small.
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    I'm not sure how cold it got...but I think it's just the fact that the temperature changed so quickly that did it. This morning, he pretty much looked the same as yesterday...I dropped in 4 pellets, and he didn't eat them right away as he couldn't see them...but as soon as he saw them he ate...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    I'm not sure...probably just under or around 70 he was right beside the breeze from a window, plus his bowl was only like half a gallon big, so the water temperature must have decreased quickly.
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    He never used to do that though, until I almost killed him by accidentally leaving him in a room that got fairly cold overnight. I hate myself for that. :sad: I'm hoping that he'll stop doing that over time.
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    Poor Old Sunny betta is always tilted sideways or standing on his tail as well...but I don't think he has "Popeye".
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Usually about a couple minutes...sometimes he'll swim around for a while before falling to the bottom again, or sometimes he'll land on one of the fake plants at the top so he doesn't have to go up and down. :rolleyes: Any time he's not moving, he's resting on something, on his side.
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Alright, thanks guys! From now on, I'll give him 4 pellets in the morning, and 4 before I go to bed. I've decided to post a video of Spudnick's odd behaviour. It shows how he always lands on the gravel after going up for oxygen. It looks to me that he's too weak to keep his tail up, and feeding...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    His head seems to have turned a lot more black since last night, so I don't think it's anything to be concerned about. There is a big white spot under his chin though. I don't think it's from his head rubbing on the gravel because usually his head is in the air and his fins are touching the...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Here's the first video of Spuddy swimming around a little bit: And here's another that I just made a few minutes ago after realizing how lazy Spuddy really is...he now just sits on the branch of one of the fake plants to prevent having to go up and...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    It's incredible how he could survive all of this. Spuddy's a very tough fish! :D A few nights ago, when it was really bad, I honestly didn't think he'd make it through the night, but he surprised me, and he's getting better by every hour! He's been swimming a LOT more in his tank. He still...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Now that I look at him again, I think it just might have been the way the light was on him, but I took a picture anyway. It's exremely hard to take pictures of fish without them getting very blurry with a 2.2 megapixel camera with no "macro" setting. -_- Anyway, here's the picture...
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Guys, after transferring to his new tank...I can see him much better...but I'm noticing a big white spot under his chin...I have people over, so I can't really type much, but I'll try to take a picture soon. Does anyone know what this could be? Thanks.
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    Is My Betta Dying?

    Thank you for all the help guys, but I'm still a little worried about the current from the filter. I've posted a movie of the current: Do you think the current's too strong for Spuddy, or will it be okay? I've already decreased it a lot with the...
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    Perfect Betta Tank In Argos For £10

    LoL...sorry...inside joke. :blush:
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    Female With Dropsy...

    From Get prayin'. :/
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    How Many Bettas?

    1 very strong betta that's been through a lot these past few days named "Spudnick" (nicknamed "Spuddy") Not at his healthiest right now, but I know he'll be back on his feet (or fins) before we know it! :)