Is My Betta Dying?

Usually about a couple minutes...sometimes he'll swim around for a while before falling to the bottom again, or sometimes he'll land on one of the fake plants at the top so he doesn't have to go up and down. :rolleyes:

Any time he's not moving, he's resting on something, on his side.
Hmm...maybe he just likes to make you worry. Really, I have no idea. I don't know much about fish diseases. So, sorry I can't help you there. He might just be lazy.
He never used to do that though, until I almost killed him by accidentally leaving him in a room that got fairly cold overnight. I hate myself for that. :sad:

I'm hoping that he'll stop doing that over time.
I'm not sure...probably just under or around 70 he was right beside the breeze from a window, plus his bowl was only like half a gallon big, so the water temperature must have decreased quickly.
A huge swing in temperature can make bettas ill and in the video it just looks like his tail is too heavy.

How is he now
I am not a fan of keeping bettas in bowls for this reason. I have had similar problems in the past with my bettas. IMO the best way taking care of this of problem for the future is moving your betta to a small tank with some sort of light on it. This with propper water changes should keep your fish healthy.
I'm not sure how cold it got...but I think it's just the fact that the temperature changed so quickly that did it.

This morning, he pretty much looked the same as yesterday...I dropped in 4 pellets, and he didn't eat them right away as he couldn't see them...but as soon as he saw them he ate all four pretty quickly.

When I checked up on him a few minutes ago, he was resting in his usual spot (at the top of the tank on the plant).
Oh boy.

I've just noticed an orangey-black dot over Spudnick's left eye, and an even bigger one over his right. Does anybody know what this could be?

I can't take a picture because the dots are too small.
Cant tell without a pic. Is it smooth, flat to the head or stick out or is it looking uneven?
Now that I look again, it looks more like the two dots are on the right of the left eye, and left of the right eye...maybe it's bettas have nostrils? lol!
As with all fish they have sensors and theres two that you could describe as nostrils on the front head of the fish between the eys and the mouth.

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