Is My Betta Dying?

I'm not saying you don't care about him. That was just worded wrong, sorry. And I know what you're going through. I'm only 14 myself. I haven't got a job, I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with my mom, sister, 3 cats, 12 fish and 2 frogs. I know what it's like to be short on money. I also know what it's like to recieve surprise live b-day presents. I've gotten plenty of them (people just LOVE giving me more animals to stuff into my room).

And really, I think it was just the smiley you used ( :angry: ) that got to me. I realize that you're just a 'normal person with a fish' and that your fish keeping isn't a 'hobby'. It's just a pet that has recently needed way more work that you intended on giving. I know what that's like too. I'm currently nursing a female betta with a swim-bladder problem back to health, and because of what she's needed to stay healthy, I've got a whole $3 to my name. So, I understand where you're coming from and I do know you care for your fish.

Sorry it seemed like I meant you DIDN'T care for your fish. I didn't mean it in that way. Just that there are a lot of people in your situation, or worse, that are going through what you are with their fish, and that's just life. Fish are our pets just like our cats and dogs. Dogs don't like to be kept in closets, just like fish don't like to be kept in tiny bowls. That's just how things work out. And, believe me, I know that sometimes when money is low (especially for a teen) it's hard to get by, and even harder when you have pets to look after and parents who expect you to take care of them with your money and time.

So, again, sorry it seemed like I meant you didn't care. You obviously do or you wouldn't have even made this post. I'm just WAY bad with words.
Thank you for your apoligy...I'm also bad with words, and seem to sometimes get angry at people who are just trying to help like yourself. I apoligize for everything that's happened today. ;)

I honestly think that this is the longest thread ever created on this message board? That's just a guess...

Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do about this "poop-cleaning" problem. It's been just a little over the week since I first made the transfer to his tank, and I'm very anxious to do a water change, and I'm looking for the cheapest and most simple way to get that poop out of there. That DIY suggestion looks interesting but very complicated, and my parents won't let my buy ANYTHING else for my for food.

I don't know what I'm going to do.
Really, all I do it take the fish out, dump the water, rinse the gravel in a collender with REALLY hot water, put everything back into the tank, and fill it back up. The gravel will get pretty hot from the water, so that should help with getting the temp back to it's normal range too.
(Just a side note, there are siphons for $2.24 at Petsmart. Yea, it's the mini size, but it works fine for me. Just takes a littttle longer to transfer the water.)

Yea, just wanted to add that I too was daunted to see $100+ bleeding out of my bank account. Of course, I chose to keep fish and it's become my hobby and I <3 taking care of them, especially since I don't have school stress... YET (I go off to college this upcoming Saturday).

Anyways, to alleviate the bleeding bank, I picked up another hobby: ebaying off all items in my room I don't need. I used to be quite a bit of a pack rack.

Tonight I will be doing the water change.

My dad is going to buy me a mini siphon from Petsmart on his way home today, so I can clean the gravel.

I use tap water for the tank, so I add that stuff that you're supposed to add to make the tap water usuable for fish, and I add aqua salt.

A question though:
When pouring in the "stuff that you're supposed to add to make the tap water usuable for fish", should I only pour what's required for 2.5 gallons since I'm only replacing half of the water? (My tank is 5 gallons.)
Same question for Aqua salt...?

I'm noticing a brown colour on the base of Spuddy's fins by his head (the white ones). Is this what you would call "Fin Rot"?

bump...I kind of need to know as I'm going to be doing the water change within the next hour!
You really didn't need to buy anything. You could've just dumped the water and washed the gravel...but anyway, since you went and bought the stuff. Just add de-chlor for 3 gallons if you're going to take out 2.5G. better to add more than less.
Ah, I almost forgot to say.
You said you got your dad to get the siphon for you. If he paid $3.99 for it, like it's usually marked up in Petsmart brick-and-mortar stores, just go online to, print out the $2.24 price of the mini siphon, and go to Petsmart and ask them to pricematch it.

And yea, you could have just as well dumped out all the water, and washed everything but that is a lot of water wasted.
Well, I bought a tank gravel cleaner, and all it really did was...well...nothing. I'm not sure how it's supposed to get rid of the poop if it the same size as the gravel...waste of 10 bucks...

Anyway, I changed the water without taking out the poop on the bottom of the tank. I'll buy a turkey baster for next time.
yes only half. What i do is just add a couple drops into this bowl when its being filled up. then pour the water in. works for me. I heard from a really good fish keeper that everyother water change you should do less water and no dechlore so the fish will build up an immunity and become stronger. dont noe if its true though.

ooh yeah Kame-San the way that you clean your tank isnt all that great. by cleaning the gravel out your washing away most of the good bacteria in the tank . (except the stuff in the filter and on deco) you should really just remove the betta and siphon out good, then pour water in quickly and all the floating stuff can be siphoned agian let the rest be sucked up by the tank add some more water but this time pour in slower and once all of the floaters are gone put the betta back in.
Siphoning did not help me at was working (water was coming out the other end of the tube), but it didn't pick up any of the poop from the bottom of the tank...
You have to kind of move the siphon up and down to create a suction effect and acctually get down into the gravel with it. Move it in and out of the gravel basically (am I explaining this right? that's how I do it anyways...) the poop won't just jump into the hose, you have to get a suction going and work it out. Hope that helps.
Yes, yes, I did that...I could see the gravel start to rise and then fall down again...but it wasn't picking up anything.
ooh yeah Kame-San the way that you clean your tank isnt all that great. by cleaning the gravel out your washing away most of the good bacteria in the tank . (except the stuff in the filter and on deco) you should really just remove the betta and siphon out good, then pour water in quickly and all the floating stuff can be siphoned agian let the rest be sucked up by the tank add some more water but this time pour in slower and once all of the floaters are gone put the betta back in.

I've been doing my water changes like this for over a year. I've had no problems at all. No two people do their water changes the same way. I think my way of changing the water is just fine.

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