Is My Betta Dying?

Guys, after transferring to his new tank...I can see him much better...but I'm noticing a big white spot under his chin...I have people over, so I can't really type much, but I'll try to take a picture soon.

Does anyone know what this could be?

Need a pic of the spot, could it be rubbing from on the gravel? The current is fine from what I could see.
The new tank looks FANTASTIC! And the current of the water.. seems to be okay, if you want to lower it a little more could help.

White spot..hmm.. take pictures for diagnostic.

iM Glad he is feeling BETTER. :D
Now that I look at him again, I think it just might have been the way the light was on him, but I took a picture anyway. It's exremely hard to take pictures of fish without them getting very blurry with a 2.2 megapixel camera with no "macro" setting. -_-

Anyway, here's the picture:

He's probably fine...but his head seems a little bit grey-ish. I'll post more pictures later.

I'm slowingly increasing the tank's temperature. I should be up to 80 degrees by tonight.
Maybe the color is changing because of all the stuff you've been changing.
Hes probally just going threw a stage, as long as he is still moving and swimming
normally.. he should be okay. You've really helped him.
lol. Im Proud. ;)
It's incredible how he could survive all of this. Spuddy's a very tough fish! :D

A few nights ago, when it was really bad, I honestly didn't think he'd make it through the night, but he surprised me, and he's getting better by every hour!
He's been swimming a LOT more in his tank. He still sinks a bit, but at least he's doing stuff.

He actually kind of got caught in the filter's outstream...he twirled around for like 5 seconds and then managed to get free...kind of humourous...but hopefully not dangerous. :lol:

I'll keep you guys posted on his progress. I have another video of him swimming around a bit, which I'll probably upload sometime tonight.

I cant get the picture to load properly
Here's the first video of Spuddy swimming around a little bit:

And here's another that I just made a few minutes ago after realizing how lazy Spuddy really is...he now just sits on the branch of one of the fake plants to prevent having to go up and down for air!

I'm also a little concerned about little white dots moving around inside the tank...could it just be the Aqua salt I added this morning?
Glad to hear Spud is feeling a bit better.

This greyish head sounds a bit suss though... can't see the pic, is his head fluffy or slimy looking?

The little white dots might be microorganisms in the tank... I can't remember their proper name but they often appear as a result of overfeeding and are not dangerous, but overfeeding can be. How much are you feeding Spud?

Hope he gets better!
His head seems to have turned a lot more black since last night, so I don't think it's anything to be concerned about.
There is a big white spot under his chin though. I don't think it's from his head rubbing on the gravel because usually his head is in the air and his fins are touching the gravel.

I guess I have been overfeeding him...but I was told to keep feeding him a lot, so I have been, but I guess I'll cut back a bit.

How much have you been feeding him? If you're still on 2 pellets twice a day you should actually be feeding a bit more (I feed 4 pellets twice a day). I think he's probably just going through a color change. Maybe he lost some color from stress and you didn't notice and now he's just getting his color back.
Now his metabolism is working again you should feed what the above poster ahs said and a few bloodworm twice a week as well.
I cant comment on the white spot as i couldnt see the picture, but keep testing his water for ammonia to keep a check on the cycle.
Alright, thanks guys! From now on, I'll give him 4 pellets in the morning, and 4 before I go to bed.

I've decided to post a video of Spudnick's odd behaviour. It shows how he always lands on the gravel after going up for oxygen. It looks to me that he's too weak to keep his tail up, and feeding should help that. What do you guys think?

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