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    Skinny Senegal

    bichirs get bumpy sometimes after eating. the best thing to do is get the pics posted. so I don't know what is wrong with him yet.
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    30 Gallons Is Enough, Right?

    for a little while. But upgrade to something like a 55. bichirs like those!
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    30 Gallons Is Enough, Right?

    nice! the tank is exactly 3 ft long, and 12 inches wide.
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    30 Gallons Is Enough, Right?

    that's not my bichir, that pic was from google.
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    I'm A Kayaker!

    Hey, I kayak. I have a red wilderness systems pamlico 140 kayak. It is 14 feet long, 28 inches wide, made of polethylene, and sells for 630 dollars.
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    Diesesed Feeders...

    I'm going to go ahead and get the frozen silversides. See, when I put the frozen blood worms or brine shrimp in, the rainbow cichlids eat alot of it. The cichlids will not eat the silversides so the bichir has a good variety.
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    Diesesed Feeders...

    thanks, I'll look for those. I fed lots of dried before, and frozen 2 times weekly. I have decided to give him more frozen. about 4 times weekly now.
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    Severum Wierd

    That seems to be a fungus infection. the white fuzz was probaly fungas attacking the fish. I don't know about treating the open wound, but get fungus tablets to kill the fungus so it won't come back.
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    Diesesed Feeders...

    we have fed a few feeders in the past to the bichir, but the feeders were unhealthy, ill, and it wasn't good for the bichir. she is currently being fed frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, and dried shrimp pellets. what could I get that is not alive? AKA: frozen.
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    Walmart Fish?

    petco and petsmart know alot about fish. wal mart does not know anything. The fish at our wal-mart, are utra-slim, dead, dyeing, and have lots of dieseses. the people don't know what kind of diesese they have, so they just let them die. lots of them have ich and the workers think: uh, the fish...
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    30 Gallons Is Enough, Right?

    CFC said that senegal bichirs should have 30+ gallons to live in. We have a senegal bichir in a 30 gal tank. will She (I think) be fine? or will she ( I think it's a she) outgrow it?
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    Senegalus Eating Pattern

    add some shrimp pellets to there diet. they love shrimp pellets. they scavenge on the ground, and when they come to one, they bite at them. if you see the senagal with it's mouth opened and the jaw jerking, it's trying to break down the pellet. smaller bichirs have a harder time eating them. My...
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    Marble Died

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT COOOOOOOOOOL !!!!! so SAD!!! was he skinny and bloated?
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    Skinny Senegal

    okay, since I am like obbsesed with bichirs, I know what to do. this is a well known bichir cure. anyways, you want to first do a water change. after the water has been replaced, buy Metronidazoil tablets. follow the derections, and you should be good. Also, put in some Ich medicene. Try to...
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    Peacock Eel

    He's sweet! that eel is gourgeus. I love spiny eels, and your's is in show condition.
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    New Here And New Fish Owner

    welcome! remember- have dechlor in that tank. It protects the fish from harmfull chemicals in our tap water.
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    Ammonia To High ( Help)

    you have declore in there right?
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    I got a 29 gal, and a 30 gal. he's in a 30 gal, and most sites say 30 gallons or more for a senegal bichir. so the tank is big enough for him.
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    Potential Fish To Avoid For Newcomers

    wow, It must be hard giving away such a great fish. but try to find a store that specializes in aquatics. Like, in my town, there is a big fish store called "denezins of the deep", and we gave a 8 inch texas cichlid to them. And he was taken care of by them and when we went to see if he was...
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    hey, I'm new to the forums. I have lots of fish, but my favorite is our 5 inch curvier's bichir.