Diesesed Feeders...

Bichirs man

New Member
Jul 7, 2006
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we have fed a few feeders in the past to the bichir, but the feeders were unhealthy, ill, and it wasn't good for the bichir. she is currently being fed frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, and dried shrimp pellets. what could I get that is not alive? AKA: frozen.
Your bichir will readily eat frozen foods, live foods are not necessary. Frozen lancefish or silversides are a much better option over feeders as they are much more nutritious and 100% disease free. Please refer to Neale's Feeder Fish thread for an overview of live fish. To supplement it's current diet basic frozen foods such as tubifex, krill, mussel, brine shrimp, and prepared carnivore foods would be some foods to think about. Note that these are not the only foods you can feed, but just a guide.
Your bichir will readily eat frozen foods, live foods are not necessary. Frozen lancefish or silversides are a much better option over feeders as they are much more nutritious and 100% disease free. Please refer to Neale's Feeder Fish thread for an overview of live fish. To supplement it's current diet basic frozen foods such as tubifex, krill, mussel, brine shrimp, and prepared carnivore foods would be some foods to think about. Note that these are not the only foods you can feed, but just a guide.

thanks, I'll look for those. I fed lots of dried before, and frozen 2 times weekly. I have decided to give him more frozen. about 4 times weekly now.
I'm going to go ahead and get the frozen silversides. See, when I put the frozen blood worms or brine shrimp in, the rainbow cichlids eat alot of it. The cichlids will not eat the silversides so the bichir has a good variety.

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