New Here And New Fish Owner




I'm new at this fish keeping business... For about 4 months my now 4 year old asked for "fishies" for his birthday... repeatedly. So what do I do. I run out and get him a 20 gallon tropical tank and set it up wait a bit and add a few fish. I never counted on it becomeing a obsession for me... LOL. My husband keeps asking "Now who did you buy this tank for?". So after 1 fishie loss due to a fish eating plant and filter conspiracy here I am hopeing to do things right sooooo here are my questions.

I have a standard 20 gallon (US) tall. I curantly have it stocked with

1 fantail Guppy
1 mickeymouse platy
2 dwarf gouramis, a red one and a blue one
and 6 neon tetras

The tatra's all seem happy and healty but a few of them seem a bit mis-shapen through the tummy area.. is this normal. Are they sick? Dunno i'll try to take some pictures and show them if I can figure out how.

My blue gourami spends all it's time hiding in a blue plastic plant and if it comes out the red one chases it back i'm worried about if it's eatting if they can't get along I need to do something.
DO I have room for any more fish I don't want to over run the tank.

I've been taking my water to a local shop to have it tested and he tells me it all looks good.

My tank is a touch cloudy. THe people at petco suggested some tank "declouder" but i'm reluctant to add more chemicals if it's un needed. I did a 25% water change about a week ago. I also added some aquarium salt since everything i've read suggested that the gouami's need it and it wouldn't hurt my other little guys.

Well hope i haven't overwelmed you guys with questions.

Hi there. I just joined 10 minutes ago and this post is the first for me.

I only started this "fish business" a few months ago and am hooked....line and sinker. No pun intended!

I started with a 10 gallon, 20 gallon, 30 gallon and now already thinking of moving these thru-out the house and getting a 55 or 75 to be done with it! LOL

I have to be concerned with your choice of fish. Platies and guppies do not like being alone. They are a community fish and you should have at least 4 of each of their own kind. Fish of their own kind will usually swim together all day. The neon's are a good choice but the gourmai's give me the most concern with these others.

I have several gourmais and I feel they should be considered semi-aggressive altho some sites state differently. I would not keep them with these other fish at all.

My gourmai's are all together (3 types) along with Bala Sharks (the reason to go to a large tank)and 7 Cown Loaches.
the guppy and the play hang out together... and my gourami are dwarf... they are very placid except when they each try to go into the others "plant" the blue one likes a blue plant and the red one likes a green plant.... and I had planned on adding another guppy and maybe another platy.. I kindof like the lyretail mollies too.. which is why I asked if there was room for more fish.

welcome! remember- have dechlor in that tank. It protects the fish from harmfull chemicals in our tap water.

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