I'm new at this fish keeping business... For about 4 months my now 4 year old asked for "fishies" for his birthday... repeatedly. So what do I do. I run out and get him a 20 gallon tropical tank and set it up wait a bit and add a few fish. I never counted on it becomeing a obsession for me... LOL. My husband keeps asking "Now who did you buy this tank for?". So after 1 fishie loss due to a fish eating plant and filter conspiracy here I am hopeing to do things right sooooo here are my questions.
I have a standard 20 gallon (US) tall. I curantly have it stocked with
1 fantail Guppy
1 mickeymouse platy
2 dwarf gouramis, a red one and a blue one
and 6 neon tetras
The tatra's all seem happy and healty but a few of them seem a bit mis-shapen through the tummy area.. is this normal. Are they sick? Dunno i'll try to take some pictures and show them if I can figure out how.
My blue gourami spends all it's time hiding in a blue plastic plant and if it comes out the red one chases it back i'm worried about if it's eatting if they can't get along I need to do something.
DO I have room for any more fish I don't want to over run the tank.
I've been taking my water to a local shop to have it tested and he tells me it all looks good.
My tank is a touch cloudy. THe people at petco suggested some tank "declouder" but i'm reluctant to add more chemicals if it's un needed. I did a 25% water change about a week ago. I also added some aquarium salt since everything i've read suggested that the gouami's need it and it wouldn't hurt my other little guys.
Well hope i haven't overwelmed you guys with questions.
I'm new at this fish keeping business... For about 4 months my now 4 year old asked for "fishies" for his birthday... repeatedly. So what do I do. I run out and get him a 20 gallon tropical tank and set it up wait a bit and add a few fish. I never counted on it becomeing a obsession for me... LOL. My husband keeps asking "Now who did you buy this tank for?". So after 1 fishie loss due to a fish eating plant and filter conspiracy here I am hopeing to do things right sooooo here are my questions.
I have a standard 20 gallon (US) tall. I curantly have it stocked with
1 fantail Guppy
1 mickeymouse platy
2 dwarf gouramis, a red one and a blue one
and 6 neon tetras
The tatra's all seem happy and healty but a few of them seem a bit mis-shapen through the tummy area.. is this normal. Are they sick? Dunno i'll try to take some pictures and show them if I can figure out how.
My blue gourami spends all it's time hiding in a blue plastic plant and if it comes out the red one chases it back i'm worried about if it's eatting if they can't get along I need to do something.
DO I have room for any more fish I don't want to over run the tank.
I've been taking my water to a local shop to have it tested and he tells me it all looks good.
My tank is a touch cloudy. THe people at petco suggested some tank "declouder" but i'm reluctant to add more chemicals if it's un needed. I did a 25% water change about a week ago. I also added some aquarium salt since everything i've read suggested that the gouami's need it and it wouldn't hurt my other little guys.
Well hope i haven't overwelmed you guys with questions.