Senegalus Eating Pattern


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester

As some of you know I recently bought a female sengalus to go with my male. They are the same length, but the female is a lot plumper. I thought the male was doing fine, until I saw the female eating, see eats everything, she gobbles down wholeprawns and almost whole cubes of frozen bloodworms, where as the male seems to pick at foods?

I'm going to buy some frozen lance fish, when I get paid if I can find some :) and give that ago.

Are male generally thinner than females? and should I be worried that he does want to gorge himself as much as the female does?

thank in advanced
My bichirs are the same, the one picks at food and the other eats most of it, I'm pretty sure the glutton is a female and the other male.
My bichirs are the same, the one picks at food and the other eats most of it, I'm pretty sure the glutton is a female and the other male.

maybe its a sex defined problem, females eat everything while males tend to just pick at food?

On another note I'm not getting any emails any more when people reply to my messages? anyone else having this problem?
Im pretty sure the sengal i have is male, he eats anything and everything. He even fights the RTC for food. We got 3 pretty big 3 spot snakeheads a few weeks ago, all day they were fine then the lights went out. . .

no trace in the monring just a very fat cat and birchir.

Prawn is his Fav tho
Im pretty sure the sengal i have is male, he eats anything and everything. He even fights the RTC for food. We got 3 pretty big 3 spot snakeheads a few weeks ago, all day they were fine then the lights went out. . .

no trace in the monring just a very fat cat and birchir.

Prawn is his Fav tho

I feed blood worms and prawns, I tried cockle and mussle but they didnt eat it.
I am going to give lancefish a try, but that will have to wait till I get paid :D

The male seems very 'square' in the body shape, and is almost the same width as height, where as the female is wider than its height.

they both seem healthy, and since adding the female, the male has become less skitch, but still has a long way to go till it is as brave as the female.

She has now recovered alot since I bought her, her fins have grown back lovely, and one of her nostrils has started to grow back, but the other still has something sticking out of it, I think it may be just a scab, BUT do birchirs has cartiledge in their noses? might it be that stickying out?
You can't really tell if your bichir is a female or a male just from eating patterns. Bichirs are usually some of the hardest fish to distuinguish sexes but lately there have been small studies on the indicating the "fat fin" lol at the tail is usually bigger in males, lmao I can't remember the exact name for it!:

(not my pic, but it's the only one I could find on such a short notice lmao. All the pics I have of my two don't show this fin very much)


Btw, I don't know if this is true but i've heard lancefish is a big waste, just go for shrimp, krill, bloodworms, etc.

Both my senegals are pigs. One of them is an albino, it's pretty shy but when it gets the chance to eat it gets very voracious lol.
:unsure: Erm where did I say you can sex them by the eating habits? I know how to sec the senegalus, I have done a lot of research into :D

Thanks for the not on Lance fish, I'll give it a go, buy one pack cant hurt, and see where it goes from there
Female Polypterids generally tend to be bigger than the males.Sexing them is fairly simple on most species the sex dimorphism is apparent at 7-8 inches the males anal fin is approx.twice the width of the females
During mating the female releases her eggs the male cups his anal fin catching the eggs and releases his milt
fertilizing them he then drops the eggs scattering them about.If the eggs are not removed the parents .Can turn around and eat them-Anne
add some shrimp pellets to there diet. they love shrimp pellets. they scavenge on the ground, and when they come to one, they bite at them. if you see the senagal with it's mouth opened and the jaw jerking, it's trying to break down the pellet. smaller bichirs have a harder time eating them. My 6 inch bichir can eat them, but he has to bite at them good.

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