Severum Wierd


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2006
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one of my friends gold severum out of the six has been really red all over the body. especially on the fins. i told her to put salt in and is has stopped the redding but on the sides of the gills on the bottom is has grown a fluff of white something i dont know and it fell off now you can see the meat on both sides. it looks like a really bad cut someone actually did to the fish. will it heal and if so is there a way of makng it heal quicker.
I think melafix is used for treating open wounds , look into it,

I have never had to deal with such a thing, it sounds bad

Hope the sev gets well soon .
That seems to be a fungus infection. the white fuzz was probaly fungas attacking the fish.

I don't know about treating the open wound, but get fungus tablets to kill the fungus so it won't come back.

The fish has a severe bacterial infection, you will need to issolate fast and get the fish on a antibiotic, i would be prepared for losing the fish.
Red on the body and fins sounds like he's come down witth septicemia on top which is hard to cure once it has progressed.
Can we take a look at your tank in gallons or litres, how many fish and which type, plus water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
He sounds like he has columnaris on top of the septicemia which needs a good antibiotic like tetracycline.

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