Peacock Eel


Mar 19, 2006
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Canada, Ontario
i will be getting a 55 gallon aquarium very soon,

i have become very much in love with this eel, i think that it grows a maximum of 10"

would i be able to have one, or maybe 2

if not could i have 2 zig-zag eels they only get to 7" right?

what other oddballs could i have with the eels?
Before rushing out to buy any spiny eel, be sure and read up on them first. CFC has written a nice index card for them here, though be sure and read my comment at the end about which species is which. Macrognathus siamensis is probably the most widely traded "peacock spiny eel" though there are others.

These fish are intelligent and friendly (once settled in) but they are tragically abused in the hobby. Most die very quickly. There are two rules to follow if you want success, particularly with the smaller species: Firstly, always, ALWAYS, keep them in a tank with sand; NEVER gravel. Gravel is a death-sentence for a small spiny eel. When they try to burrow into it, they scratch themselves, and eventually they contract an incurable bacterial infection that invariably kills the fish.

Secondly, don't keep them with catfish or loaches. Spiny eels forage at night and eat small animals like bloodworms and tubifex. If there are catfish or loaches in the tank, the food will be taken before the spiny eels have a chance. Result: starvation.

Beyond that, some general advice is to use floating plants as much as possible because these fish like the shade. The more shade in the tank, the more they will swim about by day. Also keep the tank covered, because they jump, and make sure they cannot swim into the filter.

As far as tankmates go, some spiny eels do best in groups, while others are highly territorial. Macrognathus siamensis usually does well in small groups, and the more you keep, the more you will see them. One or two specimens tend to be very shy. So, your first thought should be to keep 3-4 of the one species before adding anything else.

I would strongly recommend midwater and upper water oddballs and companions, so as to minimise competition for food. In other words, look to things such as glassfish, butterflyfish, halfbeaks, Asian killifish, and so on. Suitably sized barbs and tetras could be used, too. (Spiny eels will eat tiny fish, so avoid neons, guppies, etc.) The only bottom dwellers worth considering would be similarly slow feeders, such as gobies and flatfish. What I wouldn't keep them with are catfish and loaches, as mentioned above, nor with aggressive or nippy species, such as cichlids or puffers.


thanks for the reply i've had a look at everything and checked some other sites and such, and i fell in love with the eel :)
hiya, I have kept many eels in the past and still do. I agree that gravel with a small eel is a certain death sentence, however I have a 55 gal tank with gravel and I keep a fire eel and a spiney eel in (both about 12cm). Also I keep 5 clown loackes and 3 catfish in the same tank. You are correct that the food will probably be gone but every time I feed bloodworms to my eel I always put the food right in front of their face (I hand feed them).

They both seem very happy. I have had my fire eel for about 1 year. I bought him when he was about 9 cm and he is now bout 15cm. He is so tame that he will let my actually stroke him (so long as I have food), I normally don't though as I may hurt him due to fish being so fragile and as humans we don't know our own strenght often when it come to handling fish. My largest fire eel (kept in a 100 UKgal) is kept with sand but he doesn't even burrow. I was dead annoyed coz I thought it would be cool to watch but he just loves to hide in the log thingy. I bought a 6cm eel when I was just startin ouyt and it died because it could borry nd it got dead stressed.

When it comes to tank mates I have found the tyre track eel to be the most terratorial by far. They grow to rought 22". If you get one make sure that you introduce it at least 1 week AFTER the introduction of another eel (if you get more than 1). Also tyre track eel tend to eat anything that can or will try to eat anything that can't fit into it's mouth. My 10" tyre track tried to eat a 6" BGK.

Fire eels (although they grow the biggest) are probably the most friendly. The grow to just under 3' IME and will pretty much leave everything alone. I keep a birchir with my fire eel and spiney eel. My 55 gal is a standard community tank. I have gourami and plecos and things like that in it. I have no trouble at all. If you do get a fire eel (my favourite kind) then you must ensure that you can rehome it when itoutgrows your 55 gal. Also a fire eels favourite food in general tends to be frozen cubes of bloodworms. It might just be me but I have tried everything and my 2 fire eels won't touch ANYTHING other than bloodworms.

Eels are escape artists so for the first few weeks put something heavy on the lid. When I bought my largest fire eel, about 3 months ago, it escaped on the second night. It was out of the water for about 30-40 mins and it is still alive now. I am pretty sure that it has learned it's lesson now :lol:

They probably wouldn't like to live with puffers but I havn't actually tried that out.

Hope this helps.
He's sweet! that eel is gourgeus. I love spiny eels, and your's is in show condition.
My mate wants a spiney eel, and hes seen on at his LFS, but its just called a spiney eel...
said on the info card thing: "grows up to 28inches" so im presumeing its a fire eel.
how many do people keep in 30gs??? (as in the peacocks..)

He's sweet! that eel is gourgeus. I love spiny eels, and your's is in show condition.

thnx, I love him as well.

In a 30 gal you could probs keep bout 2 SMALL peacocks. BTW fire eels are VERY easy to spot because their colouring is the only type of spiney eel to have red on and the black and red combination makes them easy to spot. when most spiney eels are a brow or yellow type colour with a few black bits. If it says 28" then it probably is a fire eel.
Well from his description, he said nothing about reds...
ill ask him if he can try get a pic of something that it looks like.

It might just be me but I have tried everything and my 2 fire eels won't touch ANYTHING other than bloodworms.

I had trouble feeding mine i found that he will only take earth worm and river shrimp i have a friend who has 2 fire eels which take prawns but mine wont touch them.
Cant feed mine blood worm as he is in my malawi tank but was told this is what he was fed on before i got him.
I once got my fire eel to eat a prawn by covering it in bloodworms. But whenever there are bloodworms in the tank he goes crazy for them. I guess that it is just whatever they are brought up with.

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