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  1. Loko17

    Dp's In Petsmart

    Thanks...he's a Fundulopanchax Gardneri Lafia Killifish and he was my first male. Unfortunately he passed a few weeks ago when I had a strange disease outbreak in some of my killi tanks. Sadly I'm only left with a few killies because of complications with fry and everything so I probably wont...
  2. Loko17

    Finally Got Some Puffer :)

    It's too bad you couldnt rehouse your other fish or your Dwarves because they are quite wonderful fish. I would definately go for puffers again once you get back from Australia. Good luck in the future :good:
  3. Loko17

    I Need Help Deciding!

    Personally I would go with 2 Dwarf Puffers...because 10 gallons is really small and I've got my own 10 gallon Dwarf Puffer tank and they're really a joy to have, very personable.
  4. Loko17

    Dp's In Petsmart

    Every time I've popped into the two local petsmarts in the past few months they've been CRAWLING with Dwarf Puffers. And every time I go in there it seems like a petite woman is buying "that cute widdle fishy" for their 3 year old child and holding a half gallon hex tank under their arm...
  5. Loko17

    Dwarf Puffer Breeding Guide

    Someone gave me the heads up a little while back that there was a well written with much information article on breeding dwarf puffers here on TFF. I neglected to check right when I received this information and now since I've remembered I cant seem to find it. Can anyone help me out?
  6. Loko17


    nice geo, hows your Dwarf coping with the new arrivals? haha
  7. Loko17

    Freshwater Pipfish?

    I'd never heard of them before reading this post to tell you the truth. They look kind of like gar in the fact that they're long so I'd guess they need large tanks.
  8. Loko17

    Aquarium Or Tank?

    Yea I say both. Since I have a bunch of aquariums I usually say like "the 29 gallon" or the "Dwarf Puffer Tank" so really I call each tank a seperate name. Haha notice how I used aquarium and tank in the same sentence...
  9. Loko17

    Very Useful Site

    Haha, nice one Griz. And Resguy we were just pointing out that its really not that great of a site after all, not really bashing. The thing that is a shame to me is that people do think that all the stuff they see online is truthful and great when its really not...Said my bit.
  10. Loko17

    Very Useful Site

    Yea, IMO its not a very good site actually. It's kind of like an opinionated site and it sounds like they've picked up a bunch of wrong info from different places. -_-
  11. Loko17


    I think you might be overstocked. Among other things wrong with that stocking, Painted glass fish are dyed versions of glass fish and glass fish are supposed to be kept in groups of 4 or more due to aggression. For your feeding question, feed them flake food, all of those fish will readily...
  12. Loko17

    I Got New Fish

    Yes golden loaches are the second ones pictured in that link you gave there sic.
  13. Loko17

    Dwarf Puffer Substrate?

    Yep, as already said, sand is best. Also you can use a very fine gravel like I've got in my DP tank. Just a step up from sand and still works.
  14. Loko17

    A New Q About Dwarf Puffer

    I think the easiest way to grow snails is to have them in one of your tanks that has fish that dont eat snails. That way they can live in normal setting, clean your tank, and you can pick them out to feed.
  15. Loko17

    Snails Infestation

    I'm gonna tell you what I tell everyone else. This could be a good thing. What you can do is set up a small tank and get some Dwarf Puffers. Then you can pick out all of the snails and feed them to the Dwarf Puffers. This way the snails will keep your current tank clean without being a bother...
  16. Loko17

    I Got New Fish

    Yea and someone might want to mention they are not albino. Good lookin fish, I've seen them in local petstores and such.
  17. Loko17

    Another Of A "let's See Your..." Topics

    Great Pics Everyone.
  18. Loko17

    Snakker Du Norsk ?

  19. Loko17

    Need Advice Should I Do A 3/4-4/5 Water Change

    that is very odd. Especially the fact that there is high nitrite levels and still no dead fish. Could be a bad test kit?
  20. Loko17

    Snakker Du Norsk ?

    Haha, everyone loves a quitter :P