I Need Help Deciding!


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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My tank has finally finished cycling! :yahoo: It's been a long 3 weeks :S Now it's time to add the fish!!! The only problem I'm having is deciding what to put in it. I thought I had it all planned out, but now...now that the time is actually here I can't decide what I want. I'm hoping maybe some of you can help me decide or at the least-shed some light on my decision making.

I have a 10 gallon tank. At first I wanted Bumblebee Gobies, then I changed my mind to Peacock Gobies. Now I just don't know between the two. I was hoping (if it were possible) to keep a couple of "other" fish in the tank with whatever goby I decide upon. I didn't exactly want a species only tank. However, if it's in the best interest of the gobies then by your guidance I may change my mind (AGAIN :look:). So, maybe you can state your case for the gobies and list a couple of possible tank mates. Whew!! That would be a HUGE help!!

This is an open discussion-just throw whatever you got out there!


10 Galls is pretty small for most fish.

2 Dwarf Puffers (fresh)


4-6 Bumblebee Gobies (brackish) only problem is there isnt much else that small i can think of thatll go in there aswell, so id probably rule thee guys out.


2 Peacock Gobies (fresh), Oto's, Shrimp


2 Apistogramma
No one else has an opinion?? :(

I sure could use your help. :/

10 gals is the bare minimum for 1 figure 8 puffer.brackish fish though but not much harder than freshwater
10 is tight , any chance of upgrading to a 15 or 20 , preferably long ?

Six [ 7 ] peacocks , either 3 male/female pairs , or 2 males 4 females .

Some bumbles [ I've read on this forum ] are freshwater , some are brackish ...............for the life of me , I'd never be able to tell the difference .

Peacocks are a fresh water fish , a goby , but also called a gudgeon .

They also swim through out the tank , and not stop to "rest" like most other gobies/gudgeons do .

They are more active , and IMO more colorful too .

Males look awesome when courting females as well ....................That's my biused opinion :)
Personally I would go with 2 Dwarf Puffers...because 10 gallons is really small and I've got my own 10 gallon Dwarf Puffer tank and they're really a joy to have, very personable.
I have called every reputable fish store around my area and no one carries Peacock Gobies/Gudgeons -_- . Most of the places ask me two or three times "What kind of fish!??! :huh: " because they aren't familiar with them. All the pet stores I have called (which is probably about 10 different places) said to call back Monday and they'll all check their list for them to see if they could order them. I did see a pair on Aquabid but with shipping I would be paying $40+ for them. So, hmmm...maybe I should go with one of the other suggestions. Like you all have said 10 gal is small for any fish, but it was a gift and I can't turn down a free tank.

There are loads of oddballs suitable for around 10g, check the thread "the anti-tankbusters".
I have called every reputable fish store around my area and no one carries Peacock Gobies/Gudgeons -_- . Most of the places ask me two or three times "What kind of fish!??! :huh: " because they aren't familiar with them. All the pet stores I have called (which is probably about 10 different places) said to call back Monday and they'll all check their list for them to see if they could order them. I did see a pair on Aquabid but with shipping I would be paying $40+ for them. So, hmmm...maybe I should go with one of the other suggestions. Like you all have said 10 gal is small for any fish, but it was a gift and I can't turn down a free tank.


that's too bad , wish I'd been able to raise more fry .........you could just paid to ship [ maybe]

they can be extremely hard to find , and costly for such a small fish .......

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