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    Swordtail X Platy

    If you ever go to a LFS and see black swordtails, they are hybrids. Black swordtails are usually sick, and their fry don't live (some can't breed at all!) The red swordtails are also a swordtail platy cross. I don't know about the other color variants, but it is plausible that they are.
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    Goldfish Crossbread

    100% possible. The hybrids are sterile. See link for more info Clicky
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    I agree that the gambusia classification is a little sketchy because they are so similar.
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    most of the dalmation gambusia that I've seen are hybrids. There is one species of gambusia from Texas that is now classified. They were protected before because they were unclassified and were only found in 1 ditch, but nowthey must be very abundant because they are being sold. Gambusia...
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    Rare Black Halfbeacks On Aquabid

    United States only. they are not mine. I saw them and thought I'd share
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    Where To Find Fairy Shrimp Eggs?

    I am looking for some fairy shrimp eggs. Preferably someone who would take checks/money orders or a debit mastercard. I am having a lot of trouble finding them here in the USA, but I've seen quite a few sites that have them but don't ship outside of the European union! arrgh! I am not going...
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    Little Red Claw Crabs Story / Question

    Here's a tip. Feed them algae flakes/wafers. The algae based foods have trace amounts of iodine in it. the iodine will help your crustaceans molt. (they won't lose legs or claws as often during molting)
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    Save The Crabs?

    "rescuing" them would not be a good idea. The store would see that people are interested in buying them and would just order more. Making phonecalls or sending letters or protesting won't do any good. Boycotting is the way to go. People around here weren't interested in "freshwater"...
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    Going Eheim

    In my opinion, Eheims are very overpriced (2-3 times higher than other brands at least!) But people do like them because they are very durable. For a durable HOB filter, you can try Hagen Aquaclears. I know some people who have been running the same aquaclear filters for more than 20 years...
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    Ameca Splendens Not Eating Algae

    If you are in the USA, try to get your hands on some florida flag fish. I think they might be availible in the EU too. They will definitely eat hair algae. My Ameca splendens do eat algae, but prefer flakes to the algae. I put some saltwater macroalgae in there and they totally shredded it.
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    I Think I Made A New Discovery!

    I have ameca splendens and I thought that one female had swim bladder disease because she appeared to be headstanding and shimmying. However, overnight, the symptoms disappear. Today, it happened again with a different female. Then it hit me. A fry was born. Both headstanding shimmying...
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    Hyporhamphus Mexicanus?

    Just curious. They are freshwater though. I saw it on NANFA.
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    Hyporhamphus Mexicanus?

    Anyone know anything or anyone who has kept these before?
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    Hybrids Of Mine Gambusia Affinis X Poecilia Recticulata

    No offense, but I really hate how some people assume that because fish are in different genuses, they cannot cross. For example, tigers and lions can cross, asian and african elephants can cross. They are all in different genuses. Even unrelated cichlids in different genuses can cross (but...
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    Guppy X Swordtail

    If you have a mutant swordtail or guppy, it might be possible, but in normal circumstances, it is NOT POSSIBLE. Molly x limia IS possible. Genus has NOTHING to do with whether they can hybridize or not. Asian and African elephants are both in different genuses yet tehy can hybridize. Same...
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    Help With Fish/parrot Id

    I'd say it looks like a BP X GT or a BP x Trimac
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    Bonsai Flower Horn

    wrong proportions are usually the result of a cull that survived. Here is an example of a Pearl Gourami cull that survived: NOTE: This is NOT my fish. I found this fish being sold as a short bodied pearl gourami on Aquabid and thought it looked peculiar and saved it.
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    Confused On This Hybrid Info

    Swordtails and guppies cannot hybridize because of genetic barriers. For example, Humans and Chimpanzees share 98% of their DNA. however, if a sick person went and mated with a chimpanzee, it would not produce offspring at all (humans have 46 chromosones, chimpanzees have 48)
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    Ameca Splendens Spawn Problem...

    I've had these Ameca splendens for a year and they've spawned many times. However, out of the many fry I've had, I only got 1 male... Why do you think this is happening? Is it because of the water parameters? (kind of like how crocodiles genders are determined by temperature)
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    Ataeniobus Toweri Spawned!

    uh oh... I haven't been here in a long time. I sold the fish and the fry to someone else already. I think I still have the pics somewhere on one of my 4 computers lol!