Goldfish Crossbread


Fish Addict
Jun 14, 2007
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Can a Goldfish and Mirror Carp cross bread?

As I have them in my pond and about 2 years ago I noticed a VERY dark red/black coloured fish,
Every aspect of a goldfish but the red is Very dark and the mouth features are similar to that of a mirror carp just slightly rounded it does truly look like a cross.
Ill get pictures later if I can :good:
nope no whiskers,
but it just don't look like a goldfish nor a mirror carp.
just seriously looks like a mix,
is it not possible for a hybrid to not have whiskers.

I will get a picture eventually just busy atm.
plus it moves to fast :crazy:
if its a cross is should have the wiskers from the carp
it could be a comet gold fish
or a shubunkin goldfish
heres the link to types of goldfish --------> <---------

looks like this by any chance??

anymore questions pm me
i've dealed with goldfish since i was 5 years old lol
and some of them are really smart they know how to escape from being netted
no the fish is a Very dark red, (allover)
has the size of the carp,
what leads me to believe is there was only one goldfish in the pond, Before (this other one)
its comparable to a burgundy colour but slightly darker,
I'll try to get pictures tonight for you.
You should see what you can do about getting pictures of it. I think its possible for them to cross, id just have no idea what one would look like though.


On another site, they claim this is a comet/carp hybrid caught in Tennessee, but i don't think it was a mirror carp. Does it look a little like yours? It has the whiskers that ANZ was talking about though.
You should see what you can do about getting pictures of it. I think its possible for them to cross, id just have no idea what one would look like though.


On another site, they claim this is a comet/carp hybrid caught in Tennessee, but i don't think it was a mirror carp. Does it look a little like yours? It has the whiskers that ANZ was talking about though.

i think thats a koi x carp right?
shoc said his didnt have wiskers.
that hybrid dose!!!
Sorry have been absent for a while, (busy with work)
I'll snap a picture in the morning when they are hungry hopefully he/she will be happy to show off,

I know for sure its no 100% carp because of no whiskers,
but the colour is much to dark for a goldfish ( I may be getting you and myself excited for no reason)
but I'm convinced it's a cross.
It's stunning and grew at an astonishing rate

Just sadly at the moment I have an outbreak of green water (damn mum left a potted plant full with soil by the edge of the band only to have it fall in (silly woman)
on the plus the green algae has reduced the blanket weed. ( I suffer terribly every 2-4weeks or so I'm in the pond fish seem to love it tho attacking my toes and legs

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