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  1. R

    Some Platy And 1 Stray Molly Fry Pic

    So cool!! I'm really hoping one of my mollies will give birth soon. Do you have a picture of the pregnant mother?
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    I've Got Babies!

    Thats great news!!! I'm really hoping my fish will have some babies soon....congrats!
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    Pictures Of My Mollies (a Unique Color Combination)

    The tank when I had orange platties The 3 current occupants
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    Fragile Frogs?

    I also had a few ADF a long time ago that all died. Eating was a huge problem for them. They are so small and you need to actually watch them eat. In some cases I had to seperate them into a small dish just so they'd eat something. Try feeding live foods (if you haven't been), and you'll be able...
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    Chance, 5 And Half Months Old, Shar Pei

    Shar Peis are adorable...Chance is a beauty!! I don't think I could own one due to the large number of health problems the breed suffers, such a shame cause they are so cute!! I love the purple tongue, my Chow has a matching one :)
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    Bertie Our Show Lad

    Very nice dog! I'd like to get into dog showing some day, there's nothing prettier than a purebred Chow Chow :).
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    What Color Are My Mollies (w/ Pictures)?

    I think the male would be called a dalmatian molly, even though he is predominatly black. I'm not sure about the two females though, they both have red eyes too.
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    Water To Make It Less Stressful?

    Hi, I have a 10 gallon tank with 3 mollies, which will hopefully have some fry some. In the meantime, I'm trying to keep the water as clean as possible. However, when I do water changes I submerge a huge bottle in and then replace the water with fresh stuff. Is there a way to do this thats a...
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    What Do You Do With Your Fry

    I'm hoping my mollies will produce some fry some, as I hear they do often, and I was just wondering what people are doing with all the babies. *Oops....I messed up on my poll, there was supposed to be a "keep them" option.
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    On A Sad Note!

    I've very sorry for your loss! What a beautiful budgie too. I have an 8 year old female, whom I don't spend near enough time with and your post is a reminder on the short lives these creatures have, I'm sure Ill be devasted when she goes... :-(
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    The Marvelous Magical Mouse Mansion

    Pinky looks like the lab mice I work with....but I can see he and gang are much better off. What a complex they have! :)
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    Rio The Sppppriinnggerrrr

    looks like a very happy dog!
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    Guinea Pigs

    All the piggies you posted are very pretty...I really like the one with the white body and spotted face I've never seen baby guinea pigs before, they're cute!
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    My Newbie Tank

    GORGEOUS TANK!!! :good:
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    New Guppies

    cuuuute! They're very pretty
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    My New Babies!

    cool pictures and cute fish!
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    Negra Is Available For Adoption

    she's a beautiful cat!! try listing her on to get more interest. good luck!
  18. R

    Brown Scum On Walls Of Tank

    I've had a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium for a few months. Recently, a noticable thin layer of brown scum has formed around the walls of the tank. It's in patches on glass and seems to be getting worse. I had a molly in it for 2 months who recently died. I'd like to get some new fish, but first...
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    Kissing Fish?

    I was also wondering about Kissing Gouramis, since I saw a tank full at walmart. Their desciption there makes them sound like nice, little, peaceful fish, when in reality they grow 8-12 inches.....!
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    My Christmas Treat

    Wow....very cool I know nothing about Stingrays, except for the ones I petted at seaworld.....actually it was very amusing!
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    My Betta

    I didn't think you could keep bamboo + bettas together...
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    Betta's As Feeder Fish.

    Ekkk...poor bettas! In one petshop I noticed a beaten-up male being torn to pieces by the other fish in it's tank....alive. I complained to the staff, who said he'd die anyway and didn't bother removing it!