On A Sad Note!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2007
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Sydney Australia
Yesterday my very close friend died, Budgie BOy!! What made it worse was he was fine all day hanging with us as normal and pestering us for what ever food we tried eating near him...He was a little more affectionate than normal and wanted lots more cuddles though and later I noticed there was something not right with him. He just wanted to sleep. He was our little mate and he passed away...He was just over a year old...he was hand raised and was our family pet. We wrapped him in tissue paper, placed him in a box, wrapped the box with gaffer tape, buried him in the garden and poured concrete over him. Tomorrow my fiancee is going to calve BUDGIE BOY into a stone and cement it in place over his grave. My 3 year old daughter is devastated as we all are. My home will not be the same with out him and he will be very much missed.

Its amazing how a little small bird like a budgie can have so much impact on a life. He was the character of my home...when i told him Budgie boy shut up...he would say...BUDGIE BOY! BUDGIE BOY! BUDGIE BOY! BUDGIE BOY! Then he would keep ringing his bell...the door on his cage was always open because of this. He would do the jail door walk and walk the line ringing his bell on the door. He would love to fly over to the lounge for a visit on a regular basis. He loved kisses and pats. He is irreplaceable!

:rip: :sad:

I guess a mod will have to move it.
:rip: Budgie Boy, it's so sad when a loved one leaves, my bidgie Kiki died in Feb. I never thought she'd make such a big difference... I cried for weeks.
I guess a mod will have to move it.
:rip: Budgie Boy, it's so sad when a loved one leaves, my bidgie Kiki died in Feb. I never thought she'd make such a big difference... I cried for weeks.

Yep Its hard not to cry...i miss his little happy face when i wake in the morning. He was the first bird ive ever owned and I really didnt think it would hurt so much losing him.

Thanks for your kind words.
I've very sorry for your loss! What a beautiful budgie too. I have an 8 year old female, whom I don't spend near enough time with and your post is a reminder on the short lives these creatures have, I'm sure Ill be devasted when she goes... :-(
Sorry for the loss. It seems that it was rather tame, must have made it even harder to let go.1 Year old is too young. The average is 5 years and the oldest on record is 19 years.

We used to take in budgies that we or neighbours found. Our oldest budgie died age 17!!! Yes, thats 17. We knew when his time was coming closer, as he was sleeping most hours of the day, but when he died, the whole family was with him. He even knew he was going to die, but he was happy that we were around him at his final bye bye moment. Then with a last breath chirp saying he was happy, he died. Snowie was soo cool. He would say hello and goodbye to you!!! He also would go up to you and try to cheer you up!!!

Another budgie was nicknamed houdini. He would escape from the cage, then shut the cage door on his way out. He died by flying into the window :( He was by far the tamest bird we ever seen.

Finally our last budgie that died had a really horrible death. The post mortem (which we paid £100 for) revealed he not only had a heart attack, but also previously had eaten through some wood, and a splinter had caused internal bleeding just as she had the heart attack. Thats the worst death i ever heard. But she was an evil evil budgie.

My current budgie has chlomidia lol!!! Its not catchable to humans lol. He also has epilipsy. That one runs up a £100 bill a month. However, its a life, a member of our family, so he is worth it.
Sorry for the loss. It seems that it was rather tame, must have made it even harder to let go.1 Year old is too young. The average is 5 years and the oldest on record is 19 years.

We used to take in budgies that we or neighbours found. Our oldest budgie died age 17!!! Yes, thats 17. We knew when his time was coming closer, as he was sleeping most hours of the day, but when he died, the whole family was with him. He even knew he was going to die, but he was happy that we were around him at his final bye bye moment. Then with a last breath chirp saying he was happy, he died. Snowie was soo cool. He would say hello and goodbye to you!!! He also would go up to you and try to cheer you up!!!

Another budgie was nicknamed houdini. He would escape from the cage, then shut the cage door on his way out. He died by flying into the window :( He was by far the tamest bird we ever seen.

Finally our last budgie that died had a really horrible death. The post mortem (which we paid £100 for) revealed he not only had a heart attack, but also previously had eaten through some wood, and a splinter had caused internal bleeding just as she had the heart attack. Thats the worst death i ever heard. But she was an evil evil budgie.

My current budgie has chlomidia lol!!! Its not catchable to humans lol. He also has epilipsy. That one runs up a £100 bill a month. However, its a life, a member of our family, so he is worth it.

Wow! We got Budgie Boy through a lady who had to move quick...and he was only 3 weeks old and been hand raised. When my partner brought him home I had just got back from interstate and burying my mum and didn't really want a new pet.... Its been a year tomorrow since I lost mum. :( Budgie Boy has made my year alot easier and Im sorry I couldn't spend more happy years with him but I'm glad I had the chance to know him. Budge was the sweetest little bird and the dearest friend. I would rate him higher than most humans ive come across in my time.

We bought Budgie boy a girlfriend about a month ago....she is a little scatty but is slowly getting better with being handled. I know she will never be like Budgie Boy and cant replace him...we even thought of giving her and the cage away...but we have decided to keep her and love her just the same, as its not her fault we lost our friend.. she also lost him and was sad and calling for him for a couple of days...she has settled down now though.

Anyway I must get my daughter out the bath...mother duty's call... thanks again for everyone's kind notes. Cheers :good:
Wow! We got Budgie Boy through a lady who had to move quick...and he was only 3 weeks old and been hand raised. When my partner brought him home I had just got back from interstate and burying my mum and didn't really want a new pet.... Its been a year tomorrow since I lost mum. :( Budgie Boy has made my year alot easier and Im sorry I couldn't spend more happy years with him but I'm glad I had the chance to know him. Budge was the sweetest little bird and the dearest friend. I would rate him higher than most humans ive come across in my time.

We bought Budgie boy a girlfriend about a month ago....she is a little scatty but is slowly getting better with being handled. I know she will never be like Budgie Boy and cant replace him...we even thought of giving her and the cage away...but we have decided to keep her and love her just the same, as its not her fault we lost our friend.. she also lost him and was sad and calling for him for a couple of days...she has settled down now though.

Anyway I must get my daughter out the bath...mother duty's call... thanks again for everyone's kind notes. Cheers :good:

This other budgie will become a lot tamer now that you are the only thing its got. This also means that you need to give it a lot more attention and let it out for flies as much as possible (remember to line the curtain rail board.... if you got 1, as they like pooing up there :S. Also give it more treats. Sliced apple, luettice, millets etc etc. The other budgie has also been effected by this death. My evil budgie was greatly effected by houdinis death and that is what turned it evil.
Wow! We got Budgie Boy through a lady who had to move quick...and he was only 3 weeks old and been hand raised. When my partner brought him home I had just got back from interstate and burying my mum and didn't really want a new pet.... Its been a year tomorrow since I lost mum. :( Budgie Boy has made my year alot easier and Im sorry I couldn't spend more happy years with him but I'm glad I had the chance to know him. Budge was the sweetest little bird and the dearest friend. I would rate him higher than most humans ive come across in my time.

We bought Budgie boy a girlfriend about a month ago....she is a little scatty but is slowly getting better with being handled. I know she will never be like Budgie Boy and cant replace him...we even thought of giving her and the cage away...but we have decided to keep her and love her just the same, as its not her fault we lost our friend.. she also lost him and was sad and calling for him for a couple of days...she has settled down now though.

Anyway I must get my daughter out the bath...mother duty's call... thanks again for everyone's kind notes. Cheers :good:

This other budgie will become a lot tamer now that you are the only thing its got. This also means that you need to give it a lot more attention and let it out for flies as much as possible (remember to line the curtain rail board.... if you got 1, as they like pooing up there :S. Also give it more treats. Sliced apple, luettice, millets etc etc. The other budgie has also been effected by this death. My evil budgie was greatly effected by houdinis death and that is what turned it evil.

Hi. Cutie has been getting lots of attention now and the cage door is always open for her exactly as it was when Budgie Boy was here. We are trying to keep things much the same...Ive tried giving her apple and a couple of other things but she never seems interested. I will keep trying though. I just wish she would relax and wasnt scatty, she is alot harder to tame than Budgie Boy was. I just hope I dont break her as I did Budgie Boy..then she dies. But I guess if she does then thats life. I will take a pic of her and post it in the next few days. She isntas nice looking as Budgie Boy either...but she is cute all the same.
Sorry for your loss. Great picture of him fluffed out; he was definately a handsome guy.
Sorry for your loss. Great picture of him fluffed out; he was definitely a handsome guy.

Thanks for your reply. The pic of him was a funny moment, as he was on my shoulder and i poured some water to take a vitamin...he quickly hopped off and jumped onto side of glass..fluffed up his feathers..then in he jumped...He splashed around for a good 5 minutes. It was a hot summers day. Lucky I had my camera on hand. Yep he was a real handsome boy...he knew it too. He loved affection from the family.

Im trying to train our other budgie Cutie, we got her as a mate for Budgie boy...at night when my daughter was trying to sleep Budgie Boy would play on his bells hence the nick name ( Bell Boy) He would sing loud as he was a whistling Budgie....he liked to hear himself talk Im sure...lol. Anyway when we brought Cutie home he settled down nicely...I think he needed a MATE if you know what I mean.

Anyway Im trying the same method of training with Cutie...Im having to tone it down a tad with her though as she is a scatty female. The last few nights she has been nestling on my shoulder under my hair and sitting there for ages...Im patting her and she kisses my neck and likes playing with my necklace.. What Ive noticed is she dos'nt like getting on my hand...but when she does she jumps straight onto my shoulder and nestles. I guess its a time thing and considering she was alot older and not hand raised when we bought her, shes doing fine.

Thanks all for your posts...I really do appreciate your time to honor my little bird. Cheers :good:

Heres a pic of my daughter dancing for Budgie Boy!!!!! Sometimes he would dance with her...boooooogggggggyyyyy Bird! We left the radio on for him always when we went out. He like alot of cool music.


Adorable photo and i'm terrible sorry for your loss.

Thank you...!!! So many kind words from many people. Thanks again.

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