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  1. G

    Silver Sharks

    Hm...actually I do have personal experience of having two Bala sharks in a tank. I now have one because the larger one chased the smaller one which eventually died. A similar thing happened with the two Bala sharks which my parents had. Also, since this incident, I have done a lot of reading...
  2. G

    Trouble Buying Bigger Tank

    You're very welcome. Let us know how you get on.
  3. G

    What Fish Do I Have?

    Hi, your tank's capacity is 275 litres, or 61 gallons, however due to displacement byt rocks, etc, it is more likely to be 248 litres, or 55 gallons.
  4. G

    Trouble Buying Bigger Tank

    Hi, 100 gallons is roughly in the region of 450 litres. As for who sells them, if you are in the UK, Maidenhead Aquatics sold me my 45 gallon tank, and there were a lot which were bigger than that. However, if you don't have one near you, there are several internet aquatics suppliers who sell...
  5. G

    How Many Is Too Many?

    Hi, well, you may be able to find a shop which will take your fish when older, but to be honest, it's a bit of a risk to take. Some of the fish you have can grow very large, and whereas I am happy to hear that so far they are getting along OK, this is possibly because they are youngsters. As...
  6. G

    Advice Needed For Best Arrangement Of Fish.

    Don't get too upset about it, we ALL make mistakes - when I first started out, my local fish shop also sold me 2 silver sharks with no word about how they might fight. I have learned that you just have to make sure to research every fish you want before you go out and buy it, because in fairness...
  7. G

    Advice Needed For Best Arrangement Of Fish.

    Well....can I just say that having 2 silver sharks is going to cause you some problems straight away. They can grow to as much as 14". But apart from that, although they are peaceful towards other species, if kept in pairs, the bigger one will usually bully/chase the smaller one, sometimes to...
  8. G


    Have to back up what bloozoo said re:rinsing bogwood - this is what was suggested to me and what I did. I then plonked it in the tank with a carbon filter. I'm sure the boiling is good advice though, especially for doing away with any nasties which might be present, and if you are bothered about...
  9. G

    Clown Loach

    My bronze cories blow gravel out of their gills. Such characters... :sick:
  10. G

    Feeding For Three Minutes

    Just a note of caution - don't leave too much excess food lying around on the bottom of the tank - this will rot and eventually pollute your water. But I'm sure you know that. :nod:
  11. G

    Cycling Temperature & How Many Fish To Add

    Just an idea, really. I used a handful of gravel from an established tank to get the cycle going in my new tank - worked for me. I also upped the temperature a couple of degrees from the suggested 24c. Number of fish - one inch of ADULT fish for one gallon of water as a guide. ie. calculate on...
  12. G

    What Next?

    Can I just add from personal experience that the white clouds are also a good choice. They are extremely hardy, not much seems to bother them, and they also keep to a manageable size. Mine are not the gold variety, and are only a few weeks old, but i have heard that the older they get (which can...
  13. G

    Hatching Times

    That's great. Thanks very much for your help. :D
  14. G

    Hatching Times

    OK thanks. So any idea how long they will take to hatch?
  15. G

    Hatching Times

    I've got zebra danios, pearl danios and white clouds at the moment as well as the corys
  16. G

    Hatching Times

    Hello, I have just spotted some eggs which have been deposited high up on the side of my tank. I think they might be from one of my bronze corys. Does anyone know how long it is likely to take for these eggs to hatch?
  17. G

    Hi Hi Hi

    Hello, I am another new user. I have visited this site quite a few times recently, having just returned to an old hobby. I've found it very useful, although sometimes the questions asked and answered have not QUITE matched my own queries, so I thought it was about time I joined. HELLO!!