Trouble Buying Bigger Tank


Fish Addict
Nov 21, 2005
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Been looking for 100 gallon tank. ? whats that in litres. Anyone know who sells also would it be better to go for external or inbuilt filters ?
Hi, 100 gallons is roughly in the region of 450 litres. As for who sells them, if you are in the UK, Maidenhead Aquatics sold me my 45 gallon tank, and there were a lot which were bigger than that. However, if you don't have one near you, there are several internet aquatics suppliers who sell big tanks. The delivery charge might be a bit steep though! I can't advise about filters, I have an internal one, but my tank is much smaller than your proposed new one. - has a tank with 450 litre capacity.

Good luck!
Hi, 100 gallons is roughly in the region of 450 litres. As for who sells them, if you are in the UK, Maidenhead Aquatics sold me my 45 gallon tank, and there were a lot which were bigger than that. However, if you don't have one near you, there are several internet aquatics suppliers who sell big tanks. The delivery charge might be a bit steep though! I can't advise about filters, I have an internal one, but my tank is much smaller than your proposed new one. - has a tank with 450 litre capacity.

Good luck!

Thanks you really are helping me. Your time is appreciated
You're very welcome. Let us know how you get on.
For a tank that size, you should be looking for a good external filter, most people on here swear by eheim.
For a tank that size, you should be looking for a good external filter, most people on here swear by eheim.

Yes and with my Plec I will need a good filter.
Now considering whether to part with fish I cannot really cope with and keep my small tank.

I like the Plec Silver sharks and Loaches now but if they get so big even a 110 gallon maybe not so good.

Do they grow big? I am told they grow as to what size of tank they are in.

I wonder if it would be kinder for both of us if we part quicker than when they are too big to catch.

Tis a decision but better made with a bit of wisdom.
I have always kept things to part seems wrong.
I just need good advice on how to spend my money or will they get so big it will be cruel !!!
In a 100G tank you could house Clown Loaches (I assume you were referring to Clown Loaches) and Bala Sharks. Both fish can grow up to 13" and prefer to be kept in groups.

Bala Shark Info -

Clown Loach Info -

I am told they grow as to what size of tank they are in.

A common misunderstanding about which there is no definitive answer.

As I understand it, the fish will stop gorwing in body size, but it's internal organs continue to grow, causing a rather unpleasent end for the fish. Luckily there are not many fish that would feel cramped in a tank the size you are looking for.
In a 100G tank you could house Clown Loaches (I assume you were referring to Clown Loaches) and Bala Sharks. Both fish can grow up to 13" and prefer to be kept in groups.

Bala Shark Info -

Clown Loach Info -

I am told they grow as to what size of tank they are in.

A common misunderstanding about which there is no definitive answer.

As I understand it, the fish will stop gorwing in body size, but it's internal organs continue to grow, causing a rather unpleasent end for the fish. Luckily there are not many fish that would feel cramped in a tank the size you are looking for.

Thanks that is awful I am more determined than ever. Can you also explain .......
Sorry I want to sort this out.

They say at least 3 Bala
then I also have 2 Clown Loaches. Yes I am fond of these as well
I also would be putting a plec in that tank.

So as long as I get 100g tank I will be okay then.
Been looking for 100 gallon tank. ? whats that in litres. Anyone know who sells also would it be better to go for external or inbuilt filters ?

Hi tetraqueen,
I ordered a 5' tank approx. 118 gal. from Shirley Aquatics. Viewed it at the shop, sleeped on it then order off the net.
Product: BSA1500 Aquarium and Cabinet in Beech.
Price: £508.93 but has 25% discount off leaving - £493.50 including delivery.
Delivery is to Nottingham UK. I have alredy bought an Ehiem external filter for this tank.
I will be keeping Cichlids in it. Good Luck :)
Been looking for 100 gallon tank. ? whats that in litres. Anyone know who sells also would it be better to go for external or inbuilt filters ?

Hi tetraqueen,
I ordered a 5' tank approx. 118 gal. from Shirley Aquatics. Viewed it at the shop, sleeped on it then order off the net.
Product: BSA1500 Aquarium and Cabinet in Beech.
Price: £508.93 but has 25% discount off leaving - £493.50 including delivery.
Delivery is to Nottingham UK. I have alredy bought an Ehiem external filter for this tank.
I will be keeping Cichlids in it. Good Luck :)

Thanks .Will view that.
Im currently working on a design for a rather large tank. This probably wont be implemented for about 2 years or so ( i would love the earlier the happier, but life isn't like that.)

This tank would be:

12ft/360" length.
2ft/60" wide
2ft/60" height.

Approx 200 gallon

All together, it will make part of an entertainment unit that will house the TV and a load of books, dvds etc.

The unit is made from hardwood panelled with a softwood outer for looks to make like a box frame for the glass for strength. the wood will also have steel rod reinforcement on the length stretches to make as large a viewing window as possible. The tank part of the unit will be supported on concrete blocks from the floor (thank god for relatives in the building trade who are also able to review buildings im looking at buying for suitability for this.

The issue im facing is whether to have it as one large under tank or to split it into "2" large tanks with passage way through them, surrounding the TV (in this instance, fan assisted heat extraction from the TV is being employed to remove heat from the tv effecting the tank.) Or the third option, to make the lower passageway large for the bigger fish, and hidden, kinda like a tunnel (with cold cathode lighting above it). the entire tank system of course is slightly less wide than the wooden frame. and the below tunnel only maybe 10"-12" wide.

The issue I have with the lower passageway idea is cleaning. Would an algae sucker do that for me because access will be non existent without emptying the tank.

Please find rough sketches at the links below (the cad files are a little loo large for uploading). Please note that these are not to scale and the unit has not been made to the roof/may be later addapted for this but is not the important part in this.

Tanks Design number 1
Tanks Design number 2
Tanks Design number 3

I just totally do not know about the whole "tunnel" idea. and it would also mean increasing the height of the unit - say 6 inches.

another concern is glass. My plan is for half inch thick, would anyone know if this would able to withstand the forces for the water, or would a thinner plexi glass be suitable? I have no idea about these particular items and will need to research them.
That is one hell of a design, there are a few problems though.

1. as you spoke, the heat from the TV would have to be vented but the sound wouldn't be good for the fish (i'm thinking with your design you're loaded and have a big TV with plenty of base and 7.1 (i hate your for your money btw))

2.Depending on the fish your linking tunnel could be tricky for them stranding fish in areas possibly and if it is on a different level, which i don't think it is your subtrate would collect at the lower level. and algea eaters won't clean it all up so you'de have to and your filters could have to keep a flow though it to help avoid some mess.

3. As for the the strength of the glass i would reckon 3/4" would be better or even 1". I'm an engineer but will have to get out a couple of books for the calcs, but the pressure difference isn't that high for 2'. I assume the glass would be fine so long as the sealant is not the only thing holding it together (i recommend a sturdy frame) the faces should be fine but i'll be back with calcs for you once i read up on glass strengths
thats the beauty - the sound isnt attached to the unit. all sound is to be carried off to speakers held elsewhere.

as for the tv, nothing special, im planning on a projector as a present to myself for quitting smoking.

Im the same with the glass tensile and compression values though - haven't been bothered about getting out the old books and removing the dust to get the figures yet as its mostly in the pre-plan stage right now.

not exactly what i'd call minted, because if I was I'd make it out of solid wood instead of panelling :D im just not married yet and have very little debt - hence the planning of this before the mortgage. also the house will depend on the unit support.

The cost is estimated at aroung £500 for the unit + glass (which is definately going to cost more.)

The entire tank section will be held in a strong wooden frame put together in dovetail joining and reinforced with bolt rods in key pressure sections - the old trick of using the pressure on opposite sides to provide opposing forces stopping it from ripping out.

The tunnel would be lit by a cold cathode lighting system and would be more sloped than the diagram presents instead of the "down along and up" method shown hopefully making it easier. I think it would make an interesting point though for both exploring fish and for guests. the "under" tunnel does however present some of the tougher design issues as it would complicate the frame a fair chunk.

laminted glass may be an option is it is tougher than standard glass and would allow it to be thinner reducing the weight. need to get in touch with a few local companies for quotes on the glass.

Oh and im currently stuck on 5.1 but then again, I do have two of these systems. Won a 5.1 system for free :D
Sounds great and like you have everything sorted out, if you get it up and running ever i'd really love to hear and see it. Still unsure about the tunnel but you're not married so you have time to figure it out. :fun:

As for glass, it's really not that expensive which is why i get so baffled at the price of tanks

It's like computers i think. if you get them from a shop they're small and expensive

If you build your own they're awesome and cheaper. such a tank custom/bespoke built would probably but around £1500 but that's a rough guess

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