Advice Needed For Best Arrangement Of Fish.


Fish Addict
Nov 21, 2005
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I have 8 Neon tetras
2 platy's
2 Red Gouramis
2 Silver sharks
1 Plec
1 Golden Gouramis
2 Clown Loaches
3 Guppies
All of these are in a 90 litre tank.
The loaches are 4 inches
the Silver sharksapprox 4 "
The Pec is about 6 " but is about 3 " also in height .

I may add a few more female Guppies as advised not good ratio 2-1
However I may get a little tank for those or keep them and the platys and the tetras together in 90 litre and get a bigger tank.

Someone suggested 100 gallons? Is this necesary.

What would anyone advise.
Unfortunately, you've got three species there that grow large: silver sharks, clown loaches and the plec. Silver sharks also need a lot of manouevering room, as they are nervous skittish fish. Haven't got time to do the maths now as I've got to dash to work, but will be thinking about this one. If you want to see the size clown loaches grow to, check out the thread on Basle zoo; lovely pics in there. Got to dash!
I have 8 Neon tetras - 1" x 8 - 8"
2 platy's - 2" x 2 = 10"
2 Red Gouramis - 2" x 2 = 10"
2 Silver sharks - (Bala) 13" x 2 = 26"
1 Plec - (common) - 12" x 1 = 12"
1 Golden Gouramis - 5" x 1 = 5"
2 Clown Loaches - 12" x 2= 24"
3 Guppies - 2" x 3 = 6"
All of these are in a 90 litre tank.
The loaches are 4 inches
the Silver sharksapprox 4 "
The Pec is about 6 " but is about 3 " also in height .

I may add a few more female Guppies as advised not good ratio 2-1
However I may get a little tank for those or keep them and the platys and the tetras together in 90 litre and get a bigger tank.

Someone suggested 100 gallons? Is this necesary.

What would anyone advise.

Your tank is barely 24 US gallons :/

In there you have 93" of adult fish - do you see the (very big) problem ?

Oops : forgot to add in the Neons - make that a total of 101" .......

I would advise that you rehome the plec, sharks, clown loaches and golden gourami to start with - as soon as possible. For the sake of your fish's health and lives.
I have 8 Neon tetras - 1" x 8 - 8"
2 platy's - 2" x 2 = 10"
2 Red Gouramis - 2" x 2 = 10"
2 Silver sharks - (Bala) 13" x 2 = 26"
1 Plec - (common) - 12" x 1 = 12"
1 Golden Gouramis - 5" x 1 = 5"
2 Clown Loaches - 12" x 2= 24"
3 Guppies - 2" x 3 = 6"
All of these are in a 90 litre tank.
The loaches are 4 inches
the Silver sharksapprox 4 "
The Pec is about 6 " but is about 3 " also in height .

I may add a few more female Guppies as advised not good ratio 2-1
However I may get a little tank for those or keep them and the platys and the tetras together in 90 litre and get a bigger tank.

Someone suggested 100 gallons? Is this necesary.

Yes I do but I dont get 2 by2 =10
they were very small and they shop told me they grow as big as your tank. I am in disbelief as my 2 " plec is 6 " now and that in 4 months almost. He does eat they all grow. Stop feeding but they are healthy. I would also love to give the sharks more room as they too have dou=bled in size.
I could get a big tank then have the little ones in.
I would like to breed but I dont want to as I am too scared I will just kill them slowly. Fish eating fry is more natural than me cruely not knowing what I am doing. ...........

Quickly losing the love of my fish.

What would anyone advise.

Your tank is barely 24 US gallons :/

In there you have 93" of adult fish - do you see the (very big) problem ?

Oops : forgot to add in the Neons - make that a total of 101" .......
Well....can I just say that having 2 silver sharks is going to cause you some problems straight away. They can grow to as much as 14". But apart from that, although they are peaceful towards other species, if kept in pairs, the bigger one will usually bully/chase the smaller one, sometimes to death. These fish should really only be kept in groups, and if they are, they need a VERY big tank. They need plenty of room to swim, and are territorial. They are very skittish and need calm. They would probably justify the 100 gallons on their own! I currently have one silver shark, not an ideal situation, and he may just about be ok in my 45 gallon tank. Please don't be offended by this, I am talking from personal experience. It may be worth considering re-homing one of them.

I am by no means an expert, but I would just pass on the advice which was given to me, and that was to buy the biggest tank my pocket and my room size will allow. Not only will your fish be happier, but the water conditions will be more stable and easier to control, and you won't be facing the dilemma of upping to a bigger tank again in the near future.

I do not own any clown loaches, but again, I think these can grow to quite a size.

I think your idea of splitting up your fish and keeping them in separate tanks is a good and necessary one.

As I said, I am not an expert, so someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Well....can I just say that having 2 silver sharks is going to cause you some problems straight away. They can grow to as much as 14". But apart from that, although they are peaceful towards other species, if kept in pairs, the bigger one will usually bully/chase the smaller one, sometimes to death. These fish should really only be kept in groups, and if they are, they need a VERY big tank. They need plenty of room to swim, and are territorial. They are very skittish and need calm. They would probably justify the 100 gallons on their own! I currently have one silver shark, not an ideal situation, and he may just about be ok in my 45 gallon tank. Please don't be offended by this, I am talking from personal experience. It may be worth considering re-homing one of them.

I am by no means an expert, but I would just pass on the advice which was given to me, and that was to buy the biggest tank my pocket and my room size will allow. Not only will your fish be happier, but the water conditions will be more stable and easier to control, and you won't be facing the dilemma of upping to a bigger tank again in the near future.

I do not own any clown loaches, but again, I think these can grow to quite a size.

I think your idea of splitting up your fish and keeping them in separate tanks is a good and necessary one.

As I said, I am not an expert, so someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks How do I rehome the shark. One does chase the other they also twist around one another but they do go in the ship and hide.
We need to do something about shops that sell these to us. Yes they sold me the tank and all my fish.
I am getting sad but will sort this out.
Don't get too upset about it, we ALL make mistakes - when I first started out, my local fish shop also sold me 2 silver sharks with no word about how they might fight. I have learned that you just have to make sure to research every fish you want before you go out and buy it, because in fairness to the fish shops, they don't necessarily know whether you are buying to add to existing stock or not.
As for rehoming the shark, you can ask the shop you bought it from if they will take it back. I am sure other people here will have more suggestions for you.
Don't worry - you will be doing the best thing for them.

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