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  1. E

    How Many Angels Can I Fit In A 40 Gallon Tank

    how many angels can i fit in a 40 gallon tank ;)
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    Angel Breeding

    oh would nt want that :(
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    Can I Put Angels With Guppies

    ok thanks :)
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    Can I Put Angels With Guppies

    in a few weeks i will have 8 guppies 3 scissortail rasbora in my 25 gallon UK tank can i put 2 angels in the tank or not
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    Angel Breeding

    my tank about 40 gallons so to i keep the eggs with the angels & they will look after them there will just be the angels in the tank will they do the same as Natsukos will the angels mine if i put my common pleaco in with them thanks emma :)
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    Angel Breeding

    i would like to breed angels the tank should be ready to put fish in about 3 weeks so ready i need to know what to do do they lay eggs than one puts speam on them & you put the eggs in a breeding net any help &/ advice would be great thanks emma
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    wow they are really good photos :hyper: :hyper: :wub:
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    Wow thats a big tank, yes i know :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :drool: :drool: 263 Uk gallons and 317 US gallons. wow i did not know it was that many g s :drool: Well you should be able to get a few parrot fish but wait for someone else to tell you about the compatiblity and space wise...
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    no i am sorry i forgot a 0 :lol: the tank is 1200 litres
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    when to get the 30 g today & saw a 130 litre tank so got that :lol: :lol: what fish can go with angels in my 130 l tank i have a common pleaco which must go in there would like parrot fish what else can go in there oh & how many gallons UK is 130 l
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    Can I Keep Thorny Stick Insects With Indian Stick Insects In The Same

    Can I keep thorny stick insects WITH Indian stick insects in the same tank or not
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    :o :o OMG
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    oh right what many eggs will they have
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    would they nt try to fight through the plastic :unsure: should i have 2 cories & 1 betta
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    does pair up mean met can i have african butterfly fish & angels in the same tank
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    so should i get some or not :thumbs: :thumbs: :)
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    :hyper: wow there is lots what are the biggest fish i can have it there :)
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    there no fish in at the mo just need ideas
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    Stocking A 30 Gallon

    what should i put in my 30 g i would like something good to watch & bigger than guppies lol
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    What Type Are My Gold Fish

    what type are my gold fish
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    its broken like i need a new lid but i would get a bit of wood & put it on so i can get a snail :) :)
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    How Long Do I The Tank Left It For ?

    sorry posted in the forum i putting goldfish in there are goldfish tanks & trop tanks the same for cycleing
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    How Long Do I The Tank Left It For ?

    ok i have the tank set up now the filters in & working ect ect the last time i had a new tank was about 5 yrs ago :rolleyes: & i just left the tank for 3 weeks running than put fish in its a 25 gallon how long do i left it for do i put some thing in it
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    ok thank alot :D :D
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    can you please :) :) thanks
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    can i need lighting :unsure:
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    ok how about :) 2 otos 1 betta soz did nt see your q :rolleyes: yes it got a filter :)
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    how about 1 betta 2 cories 1 oto :)
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    i would like a betta what can go with a betta in a 4 g
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    adf are frogs the lid on the tank is a bit broken so they would get out i think :rolleyes: i have guppies they are the same thing really looking for some thing a bit different but thanks for the idea
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    i am going to put cories & a betta in there
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    so am i starting again with the tank :) can i not just put a heater in it :)
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    A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

    hi i have a 4 g tank which i have 2 goldfish in the goldfish will be moving in a few weeks to a 25 g so i was going to put a heater in the tank & put some fish in it how long should i walt before i put fish in the tank its had fish in should i walt until the water is warm then put fish...
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    I Can Nt Remember What U Said

    yes that it thanks ooooo i didnt know about that thanks
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    Kitten Wanted!.

    the rescue in leeds got lots :wub:
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    I Can Nt Remember What U Said

    i posted about stocking a 4 g UK tank & for got what you guys said its was a betta & 3 Smaller fish the name starts with a C can any help i have a gold fishes memory !
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    Kitten Wanted!.

    here is a yorkshire rescue is it to far rescue centre go on animals for rehome than cats & kittens & you will lots edited to say it is in leeds & you live in leeds :D :D
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    How Much Harder Are Discus To Look After Than Guppies

    i have had parrot fish before :wub: :wub: i loved them yep they grew very big :crazy: :X :S
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    How Much Harder Are Discus To Look After Than Guppies

    yes lots of people said that to me :( i was wanting to get a 60 gallon so i can keep him can i keep parrot fish in a 60 g
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    How Much Harder Are Discus To Look After Than Guppies

    i think big fish :) i have a 23 gallon UK ( do not think i can fit any big fish in there ) i have seen a 60 gallon :hyper: i might get that any ideas :)