A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

em 11

Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2005
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i have a 4 g tank which i have 2 goldfish in
the goldfish will be moving in a few weeks to a 25 g
so i was going to put a heater in the tank & put some fish in it
how long should i walt before i put fish in the tank
its had fish in should i walt until the water is warm then put fish in
how do i charge the tank to a trop from a cold water
Replace the water with slightly warmer water while the filter is going in your goldfish tank, let the water heat to the right tempature.

Taaa Daaaa

Presuming you have a filter...? If not, you'll need to keep the bacteria in the substrate going somehow when you heat up water. I would take out most of the water and repeat as above adding fish in when the tempature is right.

What are you going to keep in there?
Well this person already said that they had 2 goldfish in the tank and was moving them to a 25g. All you will have to do is get a 25 watt heater then once you empty the tank and rinse the gravel with water and you refill the tank and treat the water with dechlornator you can get 1 male betta or 1 female betta.
so am i starting again with the tank :)

can i not just put a heater in it :)
Well this person already said that they had 2 goldfish in the tank and was moving them to a 25g. All you will have to do is get a 25 watt heater then once you empty the tank and rinse the gravel with water and you refill the tank and treat the water with dechlornator you can get 1 male betta or 1 female betta.
Thats what I said but you will have to do the other things I said to because of how much waster goldfish produce, espically in such a small tank.
I didn't mean to come off as rude I was just telling you what this person said was in the tank. If you knew what they said then why did you ask what they had in it? :huh:
I didn't mean to come off as rude I was just telling you what this person said was in the tank. If you knew what they said then why did you ask what they had in it? :huh:

Please feel free to re-read what I said. To make it easier I have highlighted an important part for you...


Replace the water with slightly warmer water while the filter is going in your goldfish tank, let the water heat to the right tempature.

Taaa Daaaa

Presuming you have a filter...? If not, you'll need to keep the bacteria in the substrate going somehow when you heat up water. I would take out most of the water and repeat as above adding fish in when the tempature is right.

What are you going to keep in there?

He asked what they were planning on putting in the 4 G after moving the goldfish...simple miscommunication. =)
I started with they but I didn't like how that sounded then I put he/she but that was just too PC for me so I put he. would've been easier to just check a profile. No offense. =)
i am going to put
cories & a betta in there
You might be able to get away with pygmy cories in a tank that size...I've never kept cories personally but I believe they are a very active fish which needs a good bit of space to move around. 10-15 gal min IMHO. How about some adf's instead. 2 adf's and a betta would go nicely in that tank with regular water changes of course.

will someone give this person an answer. he OR she asked a question which has got lost in your argument!!!

4g? well i think not to much could go in there, what about a few endlers??

2 adf's and a betta would go nicely in that tank with regular water changes of course.
adf are frogs the lid on the tank is a bit broken so they would get out i think :rolleyes:
4g? well i think not to much could go in there, what about a few endlers??

i have guppies they are the same thing really looking for some thing a bit different but thanks for the idea

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