A Coldwater To A Trop Tank

Another option would be to use the tank as a quarantine/hospital tank. It's always handy to have a small empty tank around. I really can't think of much that would be happy in a 4g.

ghost shrimp
maybe just maybe 3 khuli loaches but you'll never see them
you could do a well planted 4 G with ghost shrimp and snails.

Here's a good thread on small species fish. I don't know if any of them will really be ok in a 4g but you might enjoy looking at it.



will someone give this person an answer. he OR she asked a question which has got lost in your argument!!!

4g? well i think not to much could go in there, what about a few endlers??


What argument? And I think you'll find they were given an answer. Mine being the first reply. Oh and the gender bit was because I thought you had called me a he when talking about miscommunication. :p

I think you have room for a betta and a couple of otos (with plants) or pygmy cories but not much else. But as for your original question, I hope you found the answer useful.

Torrean, I think kuhlis would be too big for the tank. They are pretty active too, although whether you see them at it or not is different. :shifty:
i would like a betta
what can go with a betta in a 4 g
how about
1 betta
2 cories
1 oto

No, more like

1 betta
2 pygmy cories or 2 otos

Both cories at otos like company and to get 2 of both would be overstocking. I am assuming you don't have the tank filtered (as you didn't answer my question, or I didn't notice one ;)) and cories need a clean tank as they live on the bottom so I would not get them unless you are up to lots of gravel cleaning.

Oh, and pygmy cories are your only option in a tank that size.
cories like to be in groups of three unless I'm mistaken. You could do two but I think they are happiest with three. Ottos are extremely fragile fish. I wouldn't recommend them for a tank that small. Look at the links I provided earlier. They are going to be your best resource I think. stocking a 4 gallon is tough.
Cories do like to be in groups of three but in a small tank they'll always be together. I think bigger groups is for when they are more widely dispersed, but I could be wrong.

I have never found otos fragile personally but I understand your point with the tank being so small.

Might be better with shrimp.
No, more like
1 betta
2 pygmy cories or 2 otos
ok how about :)
2 otos
1 betta
soz did nt see your q :rolleyes: yes it got a filter :)

Good plan batman! A nice bit of (low light, low maintenence) java fern attatched to a rock and you'll be away!! ;)

Make sure you keep your filter running in your new goldfish tank while you set up the betta/oto one btw, but I am sure you know that, and keep a careful eye on the water conditons for the first little while as apparently otos are quite sensitive.

I look forward to seeing pictures.
Nah, they don't need much light. Daylight should suffice. It doesn't grow quickly but your otos will love it and it'll help your stats.

I can most likely send you some soon if you can't get any. I know some people can't. You'd only need a few bits tied to a rock (there's a thread somewhere about suitable aquarium rocks, I think Wolf did it...) with thread and I have loads so off shoots will be easy to find and send if you like.

I can most likely send you some soon if you can't get any. I know some people can't. You'd only need a few bits tied to a rock (there's a thread somewhere about suitable aquarium rocks, I think Wolf did it...) with thread and I have loads so off shoots will be easy to find and send if you like.

can you please :) :)

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