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  1. joeyr188

    couple question on plants

    hello havent been on the forum ina while but i had a couple question on what i could do with my guppy grass recently i saw it dying in a 20g i started to re cycle it was growing but it has been dying i was thinking i remove the floaters until the guppy grass is established. open the suggestions...
  2. joeyr188

    Is This Too Much?

  3. joeyr188

    Can snails live in ammonia

    Wait how does it tell idk you can by the shell but what Else can you tell from it
  4. joeyr188

    Can snails live in ammonia

    It’s a bladder snail at least I think who I got from said it was
  5. joeyr188

    Can snails live in ammonia

    hello I’m currently cycling I got plants a couple days ago and noticed I tiny tiny snail and it’s living it the tank chilling so does ammonia effect snails?
  6. joeyr188

    Fish dying at rapid rate. HELP

    Why are fish medications banned in the uk?
  7. joeyr188

    Dropped my juvenile fish off at the LPS 😕

    well If you ever sell online lmk I would be interested in a pair
  8. joeyr188

    Um look at this offerup post 💀

    Yup, or some filter cartridges can’t forget that 💀 😂
  9. joeyr188

    Um look at this offerup post 💀

    Or or a half used thing of goldfish food
  10. joeyr188

    Um look at this offerup post 💀

    Fr I got a 20gal long and stand and 10 gal for 30$ then I see people selling 20gallon for 100$ 💀 like bro I could get it for 50$ brand new
  11. joeyr188

    Dropped my juvenile fish off at the LPS 😕

    Dang hopefully they can go to a good home also how many did you sell?
  12. joeyr188

    Um look at this offerup post 💀

    This person has a koi,guppies,frog all in a 10gallon tank 😢 I feel bad for them
  13. joeyr188

    Ohio area members

    Dang that is scary I wouldn’t drink tap water for a couple months if that happened here
  14. joeyr188

    Betta Coccina Videos...

    Wait are these bettas if so ik wild bettas looked different but that looks like a whole new fish
  15. joeyr188

    Cloudy water after adding plastic plant

    If ammonia isn’t 0.25 you are perfectly fine, I’m unsure about the cloudy water could you show a picture.
  16. joeyr188

    Round white dots on plants

    Looks like snail eggs
  17. joeyr188

    Fish dying at rapid rate. HELP

    I think you probably introduce a disease it happened to me a couple month ago I now have a 5gal quarantine, everything else looks fine
  18. joeyr188

    Super White L236

    how much do you sell groups for and would you sell a pair or trio
  19. joeyr188

    What guppies are high in demand?

    Yeah one of the things I wanted to focus before selling was quality, luckily though when I was talking to my lfs they don’t have any local breeders that supply there guppy/Endlers and they buy them wholesale so I’m hoping to be there first I’m just scared that something might happen because I...
  20. joeyr188

    Changing to online school

    Tomorrow is my last day of in person as I will be changing to online for multiple reasons I made the decision to because I need more time to focus on myself and focus on my flattrack racing program but I will also have more time to work with my aquarium which I’m excited about as I plan on...
  21. joeyr188

    Super White L236

    Yes there like 250$ here I wish they were 40$ here I really like zebras plecos
  22. joeyr188

    Baby fish!!

    What is the species?
  23. joeyr188

    What guppies are high in demand?

    Hello I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas of what guppy strains are high in demand I’m thinking koi guppies or dumbo guppy’s I need ideas though thanks.
  24. joeyr188

    Super White L236

    Do you sell them or just keep and breed them?
  25. joeyr188

    What are you doing today?

    Do you use a air stone and pump when transporting?
  26. joeyr188

    Color enhancement of livebearers?

    Fr that guppy is max color 😂 its a beautiful fish though
  27. joeyr188

    Color enhancement of livebearers?

    Idk about the top one but I asked emeraldking he said higher temps get more males and colder temps gets more females i turned the temp up I need to wait like 3 weeks before I can tell before I can confirm or not if it works.
  28. joeyr188

    Monterrey platy

    Hopefully people can re populate the species and introduce it back to the wild.
  29. joeyr188

    Couple questions about discus

    1. Can I keep 2 discus in a 40g 2. Can they be kept with cardinal tetras 3. How often should they be fed 4. Hob or a canister 5. What parameters do they prefer asking here I could look online but I want opinion from someone who keeps them, thanks. Edit. Sorry for the ignorance I’m just curious...
  30. joeyr188

    Measuring gh with a tds tool

    Hello i was wondering how much I would have to add/subtract from the amount I get from the tds to get the gh/kh
  31. joeyr188

    Need help figuring out if fish are platys or mollies

    Pretty sure there platys not a expert though maybe @emeraldking knows!
  32. joeyr188

    Least killifish pond

    Hello I was wondering if least kilifish could be in a 15-20gallon pond I live in Washington where it gets cold but not freezing and was just wondering if anyone has done it or if it’s possible.
  33. joeyr188

    A Walstad Tank...

    This is like really good YouTube channel material
  34. joeyr188

    I can’t send photos?

    Ohhhhhh i got ititittiitit
  35. joeyr188

    Can I fert while cycling

    Can I fert while cycling and should I?
  36. joeyr188

    I can’t send photos?

    Hello I need help I can’t send photos normally and was wondering how I can fix it so I can participate in the fotm.
  37. joeyr188

    My 20g long

    Today I added guppy grass and the sand settled almost all the way I think a couple more days I have a heater coming for it soon some Anubia nana, and 3 Pleco caves Also arriving soon.
  38. joeyr188

    EMO's Eventual Aquaponic Thirty

    can I see pictures
  39. joeyr188

    Seismic activity
